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Deck Permits

A permit is required prior to construction for most decks. Apply online through DASH (Development and Services Hub), our online portal that gives you 24/7 access to municipal development services and active development activity. 

Deck permit guide

You need a permit if your deck is higher than 600 mm above ground level. Submitting a complete application allows us to review your application within 10 business days. Constructing a deck before obtaining a Deck Permit is an offense.  

For any questions about the Deck Permit Application process, please contact the Building Services department.

To complete a Deck Permit Application online through DASH, make sure to follow these steps and provide the necessary documents:

  1. Set up a DASH account  and submit your Deck Permit Application.
  2. You don’t need to pay your building permit fee until the application has been submitted and accepted. You will receive a notification through DASH that your permit is ready. 
  3. It is your responsibility to call for locations before digging. 
  4. Include a scalable or dimensioned survey or plot plan of your property that clearly shows property lines, existing structures, the septic system, the deck and dimensions from the edge of the deck (or stairs) to each property line. 
  5. Provide a fully dimensioned plan and section showing all structural components, including: 
    1. Footing size, spacing and depth below grade 
    2. Size, spacing and length of fasteners connecting the deck to the house (if applicable)
    3. Size and spacing of posts
    4. Size, span and direction of lintels or beams (minimum two ply for joists supported on one side, minimum three ply for joists supported from both sides)
    5. Size, span, spacing and direction of joists and decking
    6. Location of beam splices
    7. Height of the deck walking surface above grade
  6. Include details for any stairs, such as: 
    1. Rise, run, and tread dimensions
    2. Number, size, spacing, and fastening of stringers
    3. Vertical height between any landing
  7. Handrail height and fastening details
  8. Provide guardrail details, including: 
    1. Spacing of four-by-four posts
    2. Height of the guardrail and the location of the top and bottom rail above the deck's walking surface
    3. Connection at rim joist detail
    4. Top and bottom rail connection to post detail
    5. Include any details related to pickets in the guardrail

  • Use 230 mm diameter sono-tubes, dig them 1.2 m below ground and leave 150 mm above ground. 
  • Make sure the excavation is clear of organic matter, loose debris and water. 
  • Space the pier excavations as per approved plans. 
  • If you plan to add a roof or the allowable bearing capacity of the soil is exceeded, you will need to place a footing at the pier's base. 

Construct guard and floor systems using preservative-treated, pressure-treated, cedar lumber, or apply a suitable protective coating. 

  1. Ledger construction: 
    1. Fasten it to the structure using 12.7 mm lag bolts, spaced at most 800 mm apart.
    2. Lag bolts should be long enough to reach the rim joist, and the ledger should not rely on masonry veneer for support.
    3. If siding is cut around the ledger, install proper flashing and have it inspected. 
  2. Joists: 
    1. Should be attached to the ledger or beams using joist hangers or supported over beams
    2. Make sure all holes in joist hangers are nailed, including shear holes, unless other approved fasteners are used
    3. Joist and beam size, span, and spacing should match approved drawings
    4. Use a minimum of 50 mm by 200 mm joists   
  3. Beams: 
    1. Fasten beams together with a minimum of two rows of 89mm nails, spaced at most 450 mm apart, starting 100 mm to 150 mm from each beam or lintel end. 
    2. Follow the building code for beam splices 
    3. Install solid blocking at the mid-span of floor joists when spans exceed 2.1 m.
  4. Cantilever distances for beams and joists: 
    1. Up to 400 mm for 50 mm by 200 mm joists
    2. Up to 600 mm for 50 mm by 254 mm joists
    3. Up to 300 mm for beams unless they support walls and a roof, in which case no cantilever is allowed
  5. Minimum bearing for beams and lintels: 
    1. 38 mm for two-ply beams or lintels with spans of three meters or less
    2. 76mm for two-ply beams or lintels with spans greater than three meters and for three, four, and five-ply beams or lintels
  6. Posts: Use 150 mm by 150 mm posts centered over piers and fastened to post saddles and beams. 

  1. Make sure guard posts are a minimum of 100 mm by 100 mm in size and securely fasten them following SB-7 details EB-1 to EB-5. 
  2. Attach top and bottom rails to posts following SB-7 details EA-1 to EA-5, with no gaps between 140 mm and 900mm above the deck's surface. 
  3. Install pickets in accordance with SB-7 details EC-1 to EC-4 or ED-1 to ED-5, or an approved system by an Ontario Professional Engineer, maintaining a maximum spacing of 100 mm between them. 
  4. Maintain guard heights at: 
      1. At least 900 mm for decks less than 1.8 m high above the ground
      2. At least 1100 mm for decks more than 1.8 m high above the ground

  1. Keep the height between landings and the length of stairs under 3.7 meters. 
  2. Step Heights: 
      1. For your home stairs, steps should be at least 125 mm high and no more than 200 mm
      2. Public stairs should have steps that are at least 125 mm high but no more than 180 mm
      3. Make sure that each step does not differ more than 5 mm in height
  3. Step Sizes: 
      1. For your home stairs, steps should be at least 860 mm wide, and for public stairs, steps should be at least 900 mm wide.  
      2. Make sure your home stairs have steps that are at least 255 mm deep and no more than 355 mm. 
      3. Public stairs should have steps that are at least 280 mm deep. 
      4. Steps require a 25 mm projection beyond the front of the step. 
      5. Step thickness should be at least 25 mm for step widths of 750 mm or less, greater step widths require at least 38 mm. 
  4. Wood stringers need to:  
      1. Be at least 38 mm thick and 255 mm wide and have a depth of 90 mm from under the tread to the bottom edge of the stringer. 
      2. Be held up and secured at the top and bottom. 
      3. Be at least 900 mm where there are no supports under the front part of the step and the stairs are for one home. 
      4. Be at least 1.2 m where supports are under the front part of the step and the stairs are for one home. 
      5. Be at least 600 mm for stairs that are for more than one home. 
  5. Stair Handrails: 
      1. You need handrails for outdoor stairs with more than three steps
      2. The handrail should be between 865 mm and 965 mm high
      3. Add extra supports if the handrail is longer than 1.2 m
      4. Guards on the sides of stairs that are between 900 and 965 mm above the step can be used as the handrail where the top rails is not wider or thicker than 89 mm. 

If you plan to include an accessory structure like a shed that's larger than 10 square meters (108 square feet or about 10 feet by 10 feet) with plumbing, or 15 square meters (161 square feet) without plumbing in your project, you will need to submit a separate building permit application for these structures. 

If you are the property owner or the contractor building a deck, you need to arrange these inspections: 

  1. An inspection of the excavated post holes before filling them with concrete 
  2. An inspection of the framing before adding the top boards and guards
  3. A final inspection of the completed deck

You can find the building inspector's name and phone number on the deck permit. Remember to schedule inspections at least 24 hours before you want them to happen. 

Zoning Provision Height no greater than 0.6 metres Height greater than 0.6 metres up to 1.2 metres Height greater than 1.2 metres 
Maximum surface area of floor level(s)

10% of the lot area

10% of the lot area 10% of the lot area, of which a maximum of 30.0 square metres is permitted at a height of 1.2 metres or greater
Minimum front setback 3.5 metres 3.5 metres Comply with Zone provision
Minimum interior setback (a) semi-detached house and townhouse: 0.6 metres, except along a common party wall where it may be 0.0 metres if there is a common privacy fence a minimum of 1.5 metres tall
(b) all other uses: 0.6 metres
(a) semi-detached house and townhouse: Comply with Zone provision, except along a common party wall where it may be 0.0 metres if there is a common privacy fence a minimum of 1.5 metres tall
(b) all other uses: Comply with Zone provision
(a) semi-detached house and townhouse: Comply with Zone provision, except along a common party wall where it may be 0.0 metres if there is a common privacy fence a minimum of 1.5 metres tall
(b) all other uses: Comply with Zone provision
Minimum exterior setback 3.5 metres 3.5 metres Comply with Zone provision
Minimum rear setback 2.0 metres 2.0 metres 4.0 metres

Note: Lot Coverage means the percentage of the lot area covered by: 

  1. A building; 
  2. A deck that has a perimeter foundation
  3. A porch that has a perimeter foundation 

Lot Coverage excludes private sewage systems, uncovered steps, patios, swimming pools, decks, porches, balconies and bay windows as well as canopies and overhanging eaves which are 2.0 metres or more in height above the finished grade. 

Deck Zoning

Before making any decisions about building a deck or porch, please review the Zoning Bylaw.

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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