Two to three weeks before the project, a letter with project details is sent out, including the contractor's information, construction details, frequently asked questions, and parking info.
Road Maintenance
Our goal is to keep Kingston's roads in excellent condition for as long as possible. We are constantly looking for opportunities to apply new technologies and construction methods to achieve this.
To report a pothole on city streets, submit our online form or call 613-546-0000. For potholes on highways, call the Ministry of Transportation at 613-544-2220.
In the winter, once a pothole is identified our public works staff use cold patch to temporarily fix it until we can make a permanent repair. Learn how potholes are formed.
Improving our roadways
Here are a few ways we are working to improve Kingston roadways:
- Microsurfacing – a sustainable way to extend road life
- TRAK Technology – increasing asphalt impermeability
- FiberMat Technology – slowing the appearance of cracks
- Small scall road re-surfacing – milling, grading, and paving road surface
- Culvert repairs / replacement – vacuuming out debris, removing material that leads to poor drainage and replacing if necessary
Major reconstructions
Major reconstruction projects are streets that need big repairs or work on underground pipes and wires. These streets are usually closed to most traffic, but businesses and people who live there can still use them.
Will I be notified before major construction begins?
What happens to garbage, recycling, and green bins while my street is under construction?
Keep putting your garbage and recycling by the street before 6 a.m. on your usual collection day. The contractor will move it to the street corner for pick up. Make sure your address is on your containers, and the contractor will put them back in front of your property.
How will parking and access to my driveway and property be affected during construction?
If there is construction in front of your home, you will not have access to your driveway. Before the project you will receive an information package explaining how to get an on-street parking pass (if necessary) allowing you to park on the street overnight without being ticketed. You will always have access to your property through access created by the contractor. Accessibility accommodations can be made for residents with disabilities or residents who use mobility devices.
Will I be notified when utilities (i.e. water, gas, electricity) are shut off?
The contractor must provide written notice to affected property owners at least 48 hours (about 2 days) ahead of a planned utility shutoff. However, unplanned shutoffs due to damaged water main valves and other unforeseen circumstances may also happen during construction.
How will Kingston Transit be affected by the construction?
If bus routes are affected by construction, Kingston Transit will create detours and temporary bus stops along the detoured route. You can check out transit service alerts, call 613-546-0000, or listen to Information Radio 106.3 FM.
Contact Us
City of Kingston
City Hall
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Phone: 613-546-0000
Phone: 613-546-0000

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.
Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.
Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.