Parking Enforcement
You can report a parking violation by:
If you are reporting a vehicle blocking a driveway/access point outside of regular business hours, let us know you have a parking emergency.
If you have question about a parking ticket, visit our Pay a Parking Ticket page.
Notice of Outstanding Parking Tickets
If you have 10 or more outstanding parking fines owed on your vehicle's license plate, a Notice of Outstanding Parking Tickets may be issued to the vehicle. The notice will be affixed to the vehicle or may be given to the owner or operator.
This notice does not include parking tickets that may have progressed to plate denial at the Ministry of Transportation. Those tickets will have to be addressed at Service Ontario. Only parking tickets currently owed to the City that have not been forwarded to plate denial are included.
Failure to pay all parking fines owed to the City within 48 hours of receiving a Notice of Outstanding Parking Tickets may result in your vehicle being towed each time it's found violating a parking bylaw.
To receive any information related to outstanding parking fines that are owed to the City please Contact Us and provide the last issued ticket number and / or license plate and vehicle information.