April Planning Events
April 10, Drop-in Open House - North King's Town Secondary Plan
An in-person open house is planned for the North King's Town Secondary Plan at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 560 located at 734 Montreal Street. The event is a drop-in style event so community members are welcome anytime between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on April 10.
Project members will be on hand with lots of information on the process and current drafts. Project team members will also be available to answer questions.
Due to the style of this event, it is impossible to record the event and post it as a video after, however, presentation boards will be available on the project's Get Involved page shortly after the event.
Contact: Niall Oddie NKTPlan@CityofKingston.ca or 613-546-4291 x 3259
April 17, Public Open House – Urban Land Needs
Hello and thank you for your previous interest in planning for growth in Kingston.
You are invited to a second public open house about how Kingston is projected to grow in the years to come. At this session, the project team will present the draft urban residential, commercial and employment land needs assessment for the City of Kingston. The purpose of the land needs assessment is to determine whether there is sufficient land in the urban boundary to accommodate forecasted growth to 2051 and provide recommendations on the need for any potential urban boundary expansion. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions and answers. The details of the open house are as follows:
Date: April 17, 2024
Time: 5:30-8 pm
Location: Hall C, INVISTA Centre, 1350 Gardiner’s Road.
The draft land needs assessment has been completed as part of the Population, Housing and Employment Projections Study, Employment Land Review, and Commercial Land Review. These are key background studies that will inform the next five-year review of the City’s Official Plan. Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and their team have been retained as the consultants to undertake the studies. Based on the Council-endorsed growth scenario in Report Number 24-016, the City is projected to grow by 66,800 new residents, 29,300 new homes and 33,400 new jobs between 2021 and 2051. Please see the Get Involved page for more information on the project.
While the event will be held in-person, a recording will be made available on the project’s Get Involved page shortly after the event.
For more information please contact Chris Wicke, Senior Planner, CWicke@CityofKingston.ca.
Contact Us
City of Kingston
City Hall
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Phone: 613-546-0000
Fax: 613-546-7816
The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.
Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.
Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.