The Administrative Policies Committee reviews City policies regarding accounting, assets, human resources, bylaws and policies.
Committees and Boards
Our various committees and boards provide information and advice to council and city staff on a wide range of topics. We have three different types of committees:
- Standing committees: review staff reports and make recommendations directly to Council. They are made up of only members of council.
- Advisory committees: advise council and city staff on matters related to their mandate. They can be made up of members of council, members of the public, and subject matter experts.
- Legislative committees: operate under the specific authority of guiding legislation. They can be made up of members of council and members of the public.
Join a committee or board
Council usually appoints applicants to the various committees and boards in the fall. However, you can express your interest by applying at any time. We will keep your application on file until positions are available.
Review our committee and board application process.
Join a Committee meeting in-person or watch online.
The following committee meeting live streams are linked directly from this page and each meeting's agenda page:
- Administrative Policies Committee
- Arts, Recreation & Community Policies Committee
- Committee of Adjustment
- Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee
- Kingston Heritage Properties Committee
- Planning Committee
Archived meetings
Once a meeting is over, the recording is saved in the agenda, making it easy to find the parts that are most important to you. Archived recordings of meetings before Nov. 5, 2024, are available on the Kingston City Council YouTube channel.
Meeting calendar
Mar 18
Mar 18
Mar 19
Mar 20
Mar 20
Administrative Policies Committee
The Appeals Committee conducts hearings to discuss appeals related to property rules.
Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee
The Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee makes sure that arts, culture and cultural heritage are included in City plans and policies in a way that helps our community.
Arts, Recreation and Community Policies Committee
The Arts, Recreation, and Community Policies Committee reviews policies related to accessibility, community programs and social services (children and senior).
The Committee of Adjustment considers applications for minor zoning variances and land division requests.
Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee
The Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee reviews policies related to active transportation, climate leadership, energy, utilities, and waste.
Equity Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee advises the City's staff and Council on policies and programs that aim to eliminate workplace barriers and promote diversity and inclusion.
Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee
The Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee works to ensure an understanding of housing services, affordable housing, and homelessness issues and initiatives.
Kingston Environmental Advisory Committee
The Kingston Environmental Advisory Committee collaborates with experts and community representatives on projects that align with the City Council's environmental priorities and community plans.
Kingston Heritage Properties Committee
The Kingston Heritage Properties Committee makes recommendations to Council on matters of heritage conservation in built form.
Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee advises Council on disability accessibility, particularly regarding our compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
The Nominations Committee suggests to the Council the appointment of committee members and external boards and commissions as outlined in the Public Appointment Policy.
The Planning Advisory Committee advises the City's Planning Committee about land use planning matters.
The Planning Committee reviews applications made under the authority of the Planning Act, along with staff reports related to land use planning matters.
There are other committees and boards that we do not directly manage, but that council members still sit on to represent shared responsibilities, interests, and goals. Some of them also have spots for members of the public.
Working groups assist staff in developing programs and policies within specific subject areas.
Contact Us
City of Kingston
City Hall
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Phone: 613-546-0000

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.
Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.
Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.