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Budgets and Finances

Our budgets are strategic documents that support municipal service delivery and the achievement of Council's strategic priorities. Unlike provincial and federal government levels, municipalities are not allowed to budget for deficits. This means we must balance our annual budgets so that money coming in equals money going out.
This challenges us to find cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable solutions to funding our capital and operating expenses.

Based on community engagement and other resident input, Council establishes the city’s strategic priorities and service levels. Departmental work plans and supporting budgets are developed to achieve these initiatives and to support the ongoing operation of City facilities, services, and programs.

Find budget and financial statement documents from 2020 to present at the end of this page.


Our 2025 budgets

Under the Strong Mayor Powers legislation, the budget was proposed by Mayor Bryan Paterson and provided to Council for their consideration, in accordance with Section 284.16 of the Municipal Act, 2001.

The Mayor’s proposed 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets included: 

  • A municipal operating budget of $506.9 million. 
  • A municipal capital budget of $131.3 million. 
  • A 6.3 per cent property tax increase, which is inclusive of 1 per cent for capital investment, incorporating inflationary impacts, addressing growth pressures, and maintaining existing service levels.

Council amended the proposed municipal operating budget by adding a one-time contribution of $200,000 for food programs to be funded from the Working Fund Reserve. 

The 6.3 percent tax increase is equivalent to a municipal tax rate increase of 2.5% plus 1% for capital purposes, and 2.8% for external agencies. The average of municipalities reviewed was in the range of 6.75%, with the lowest being the City of Ottawa with an approved increase of 3.9%. This means that, without the proposed 2025 Police Services budget increase, Kingston would have the lowest property tax rate increase among other comparable cities in Ontario, based on the comparator information to date.

Including the separate tax increase for external agencies, only one municipality has a tax rate increase that is lower than the City (City of Ottawa at 3.9%).

Read the 2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets to learn more.

The 2025 budget process was shaped by Council priorities outlined in the Strategic Plan. More specifically, staff were directed by the Mayor to prepare a proposed balanced 2025 annual budget based on the following:

  1. The City’s annual operating budget reflect a property tax levy for agencies and boards that is separate from municipal services, prior to preparing the 2025 budgets.
  2. Prepare an operating and capital budget for municipal services based on a property tax increase that is among the lowest of the other large cities in Ontario, and that the increase is no higher than 2.6%.
  3. Incorporate additional investments in initiatives that will facilitate more housing construction, provide more affordable and supportive housing options, and address on-going public safety concerns in the community.
  4. Prioritize repair and rehabilitation of existing City assets such as roads, parks, and other key infrastructure and begin to develop financial strategies for future infrastructure investments that will be necessary to accommodate both current and future growth.
  5. Prioritize initiatives that are either specifically aligned with City Council’s 2023-2026 strategic plan or relate to core municipal responsibilities.
  6. Review existing City services as necessary to identify efficiencies and potential opportunities to redirect funding from areas that do not maximize value for taxpayer dollars or are not aligned with City Council’s current 2023-2026 strategic plan, towards initiatives noted in part d above.
  7. Pause the annual incremental levy increase for the Green CIP program of 0.16% for the 2025 fiscal year as the program continues to have sufficient capacity with the $400,000 currently levied on a yearly basis.
  8. Prepare a report and a draft 2025 annual budget to be presented by the Mayor to Council for consideration before February 1, 2025.
  9. Request that the President and CEO of Utilities Kingston prepare proposed 2025 and 2026 rate-supported operating and capital budgets for water, wastewater, natural gas and appliance rental services that align with the Utilities Kingston 2021-2025 strategic plan and applicable services agreements between the City of Kingston and Utilities Kingston, with the proposed budgets and related reports to be presented by the Mayor to Council for consideration before February 1, 2025.

About operating and capital budgets

Budget planning is a collaborative effort between residents, council, and city staff. 

  • Resident input: Starts through community engagement to help council set our strategic priorities and service levels and continues through an annual budget engagement process, which gives residents the opportunity to provide input on the actual budget. 
  • Council directives: Mayor and council provide direction on strategic priorities, service levels, and fiscal guidelines. 
  • City staff: Our departments develop work plans and budgets to outline how they will achieve council priorities and support municipal programs and services.

The operating budget outlines what we will spend each year on programs and services such as transit, garbage and recycling collection, parks, recreation programs, and road maintenance. In addition to our annual operating budget, we set a three-year operating forecasts to help estimate and plan for future revenue and expenses.

The capital budget outlines our plans to fund and maintain capital assets like buses, snowplows, buildings, streets, pathways, and other infrastructure that supports the delivery of programs and services. In addition to our annual capital budget, we maintain fifteen-year capital expenditure plans and funding models. This helps us estimate and plan for costs related to maintaining, upgrading, and replacing our capital assets over their useful life.

Funds flow into the City from property taxes, federal and provincial grants, and user fees, which are outlined in our Fees & Charges Bylaw.

Operating funds are transferred to reserves and reserve funds to set aside monies to fund expenditures, similar to having personal savings accounts.

Capital reserve funds are used for capital expenditures by using:

  1. A pay-as-you-go method, where we take money from the reserve funds to pay for capital costs directly; or
  2. Through the issuance of debt, where we borrow money to pay for the capital costs and then use the reserve funds to pay future debt principal and interest charges

Reserve and reserve funds are also used to manage unanticipated expenses and to support the City’s long-term financial stability.

Municipal utilities operating budget 

Utilities Kingston, a separate corporation that is owned by the city, prepares budgets for municipal utilities including water, wastewater, fibre optic, and natural gas systems. These services are funded through user rates, not funded by property taxes. 

Our credit rating 

In October 2024, the City of Kingston received an outstanding AA+ credit rating with a stable outlook from S&P Global Ratings. This is the second highest rating that the agency can give a government. Our credit rating demonstrates our strong financial management practices and allows us to secure funds on the investment market at attractive interest rates.

Budgets and financial statements

Find below our budget bylaws and financial statements from 2020 to present.

Contact Us

City of Kingston
City Hall
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Phone: 613-546-0000

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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