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Thank you for choosing Kingston as your new home and becoming part of our community! We are here to assist you in settling down and provide you with valuable information. 

Need help settling? 

We know that moving to a new city can be tough and stressful. There are various services to make your transition to Kingston easier. 

The Immigrant Services of Kingston and Area (ISKA) and KEYS have multilingual teams that help newcomers in Kingston. You can learn about their services on their websites or call them. 

The Association Canadienne-française de l'Ontario, Conseil Régional des Mille-Iles (ACFOMI) offers bilingual settlement, job opportunities and French-language engagement. Visit their website or call 613-546-7863 for bilingual services and job opportunities. 

Get your newcomer's welcome gift 

To help you get to know our city, we are offering a set of free vouchers for various City services. You can collect your newcomers' welcome gift at the following locations:  

    • Immigrant Services Kingston and Area (ISKA) at 837 Princess St. #201. 
    • KEYS at 255 Bagot St., Unit C or 182 Sydenham St. 
    • Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario, Conseil régional des Mille-Iles (ACFOMI) at the Barriefield Centre, 760 Highway 15. 

Settlement workers at these locations will provide your welcome gift and can answer any questions you may have about living in Kingston. 

They will also ask you to fill out a brief form, and then you will receive the newcomers' welcome gift for you and your family. 

What is in the newcomers’ welcome gift? 

Welcome to Kingston app 

Sign up for the Welcome to Kingston app and connect with community programs and settlement services. Find support and learn about important things such as how to find a home, search for a job, locate childcare and find things to do. The app is available on the Google Play Store or Apple Store

Support for refugees

Since 2015, Kingston has welcomed more than 250 refugees from various parts of the world, with more arriving. Over 50 local organizations and hundreds of community members have volunteered to support these newcomers.

The Community Refugee Relief Fund is a partnership between us, the United Way KFL&A Public Health, KEYS Job Centre and Kingston Community Health Centres. It covers expenses not included in other services. This includes dental care, employment certifications, medical devices and interpretation services. 

You can contribute at these locations: 

    • United Way office at 417 Bagot St., Kingston. 
    • City Hall's payment centre at 216 Ontario St., Kingston. 
    • County of Frontenac, 2069 Battersea Rd, Glenburnie, (Administration Desk) 
    • County of Lennox and Addington, 97 Thomas St. E., Napanee, (Front desk)

Specify your donations as "Refugee Relief." Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more, and the United Way oversees the fund without administrative fees, while an advisory refugee committee manages fund distribution.

You can visit the Federal Government’s Private Sponsorship of Refugee's Program, to get more information.

You can support refugees by volunteering in various ways: 

    • Email or call 613-546-5559 to volunteer with KEYS
    • Lead or join a volunteer team assisting newcomer families with tasks like shopping, socializing and more
    • Provide interpretation if you speak languages like Arabic, Kurdish or Kirundi
    • Offer child minding for young newcomers
    • Help with housing, donations, or other activities as needed

Newly arrived refugees want to find jobs to support their families and become part of the community. KEYS Job Centre is looking for Kingston-area employers who can provide understanding and flexible job opportunities to these newcomers, each with their own skills and needs.

Every refugee family has unique needs and we are uncertain how many families will settle here. Currently, we are not coordinating a specific item drive. However, local thrift stores are always open to your donations to assist those in need.

Contact Us

City of Kingston
City Hall
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
Phone: 613-546-0000

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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