RGI Calculations - Joint Custody (H-03-05)
Date: February 7, 2003
The policies and procedures in this Directive are to be implemented by housing providers funded by the Municipality under the following programs:
- Public Housing Program
- Non-Profit Program
- Co-op Program
- Social Housing Registry
- Public Housing Rent Supplement Program
- Ontario Community Housing Assistance Program (OCHAP)
- Community Sponsored Housing Program (CSHP)
For the purpose of adjusted family income for a month under s.50 (1) of O.Reg. 298/01 amended to 409/02, RGI calculations must include monthly deductions in the amount of $150 for a family with at least one child and at least one individual with employment-related income. In case of a family that has no children and only one individual has employment related income, the monthly deduction is $75.
In order to maintain consistency with the benefit unit eligibility under the Ontario Works Act, 1997, and the Ontario Works policy with respect to dependent children is applied in the case of joint custody in regards to dependent children. The parent responsible for a dependent child is an individual who receives or eligible to receive the Child Tax Benefit payment of the National Child Benefit on behalf of the child or is the parent with the primary care over the child.
Action to be taken
In the case of joint custody of dependent children, only the eligible individual in receipt of the Child Tax Benefit is entitled to adjusted income monthly deductions in the amount of $150 for RGI calculation purposes.
- Section 50 (1), O. Reg. 298/01 amended to 409/02
- Ontario Works Policy Directives, September 2001
Greg Grange
Manager, Social Housing Division
The following individuals have received a copy of this Directive:
- Lance Thurston, Commissioner, Department of Community Services
- Liz Fulton / Marian VanBruinessen, County of Frontenac
- Supervisors, Housing Division
- Hal Linscott, Legal Division
If you have any questions, please contact a Housing Programs Administrator, Housing and Social Services Department.
Housing and Social Services
362 Montreal St.
Kingston, ON K7K 3H5
Phone: 613-546-2695 ext. 4895
Facility Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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