Ontario Electrical Safety Code Requirements (H-07-07)
Date: June 25, 2007
The policies and procedures in this Directive are to be implemented under the following programs:
- Local Housing Corporation
- Non-Profit Program
- Co-op Program
- Urban Native Program
- Federal Program
The Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) requires that all electrical work performed be recorded and inspected regardless of the installer’s qualifications or the size of the job. The following OESC Rules outline this:
2-003 Record of Electrical Installation Work
The owner, owner’s agent, or operator shall maintain a record of all electrical installation acceptable to the inspection department in any public building, commercial or industrial establishment, apartment house, or other building in which the public safety may be involved, and shall produce this record to any inspector at any time and from time to time upon request, as specified by the Inspection Department.
This means a record of all electrical work must be maintained.
2-004 Inspection
- A contractor shall file with the inspection department a completed application for inspection of any work on an electrical installation:
- Before or within 48 hours after commencement of the work whether or not electrical power or energy has been previously supplied to the land, building, or premises on which the work was performed; and
- Shall pay the fees prescribed by the inspection department.
A “contractor” is anyone who performs electrical work with or without remuneration. “Electrical installation” means not only installation of wiring, but also the connection of wiring to any kind of electrical equipment and would include changing light switches, fixtures and ballasts. The “inspection department” refers to the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA).
This means that an application for inspection of all electrical work performed by electricians or staff, must be filed, paid for, and subsequently inspected by the ESA.
For building owners with larger quantities of electrical repairs, the OESC makes provision for periodic inspection of electrical repairs in the following rule:
2-006 Periodic Inspection
- An application for inspection may be made by the owner, owner’s agent or occupant of any manufacturing, mercantile, or other building where electrical installation work of a routine nature in connection with the maintenance or operation of the building or the plant therein is required to be performed at frequent intervals.
The Continuous Safety Services Program, administered by the ESA, meets this legislative requirement. Under this program, all electrical work performed by staff and electricians must be recorded in a log book. The ESA Electrical Inspector will review the log book and will complete random inspections. In addition, as part of this program, ESA will carry out a unit electrical safety review in 5% of the apartment and townhouse units each Agreement year.
The Electrical Safety Act can impose fines should electrical work be performed without electrical inspection.
Action to be taken
Housing Providers must:
- record all electrical work performed by electricians and staff.
- ensure an application for inspection of all electrical work performed is filed or participate in the Continuous Safety Services Program.
- ensure they are in compliance with the Electrical Safety Act and the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
Housing Providers should contact the Electrical Safety Authority, at 1-877-372-7233 (1-877- ESA-SAFE) to discuss options and requirements. Information can be found on their website: www.esasafe.com.
Service Managers are responsible to ensure that Housing Providers operate their portfolios in accordance with all applicable statutes and regulations, and therefore, verification of compliance will be required as part of the Operational Review.
- Ontario Electrical Safety Code, O. Reg. 164/99
- Electrical Safety Act, 1998
- Electrical Safety Authority, O. Reg. 89/99
Cheryl Mastantuono
Manager, Community Programs Administration Unit
The following individuals have received a copy of this Directive:
- Lance Thurston, Commissioner, Community Development Services Group
- Greg Grange, Director, Community and Family Services Department
- Liz Fulton / Marian VanBruinessen / Susan Beckel, County of Frontenac
- Alan McLeod, Senior Legal Counsel, Legal Division
- Supervisors, Housing Programs
If you have any questions, please contact a Housing Programs Administrator, Housing and Social Services Department.
Housing and Social Services
362 Montreal St.
Kingston, ON K7K 3H5
Phone: 613-546-2695 ext. 4895
Facility Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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