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Clean Neighbourhoods

We all have a part in keeping Kingston clean. In 2020, we asked residents for their thoughts on upcoming efforts to clean up the community and received more than 225 responses. Many community members said they wanted to help clean up spaces everyone uses, like parks, walking paths and the grassy areas next to roads. As a result, we started the Clean Neighbourhoods program.

What is Clean Neighbourhoods? 

Clean Neighbourhoods is a program where neighbours, schools, and associations work together to clean public spaces. 

When you register, we will provide bags, gloves, and a copy of the Clean Neighbourhoods Guide. Supplies are limited, but we will do our best to make sure you have enough supplies to complete your clean-up. We will also pick up and dispose of the trash you collect. 

Register to participate 

Are you interested in participating? When you register, we will ask you for: 

    • Where you want to clean
    • Your chosen clean-up date and time
    • How many people are part of the cleanup
    • Your contact details

Thank you for registering in advance! It helps us provide you with clean-up supplies and keeps us informed about the areas you have cleaned and the residents who have contributed their time and effort to this important initiative.

Frequently asked questions

Clean Neighbourhoods is open to everyone in Kingston, whether you live, work, or visit here. 

Consider joining if you are: 

    • A high school student seeking volunteer hours
    • A business owner or employee wanting to make a difference 
    • A member of a neighbourhood association or community group interested in enhancing public spaces 
    • A resident who cares about our neighbourhoods and wants to help

Please supervise children during cleanup and stay safe while collecting litter and debris. 

After you register, City staff will handle your application and email you a confirmation. This usually takes two-to-five business days. The confirmation email will provide details about how to pick up supplies, along with other important safety information and reminders. 

You can clean public spaces like streets, parks, trails, and shorelines through the Clean Neighbourhoods program. Stay alert to your surroundings and possible dangers like poison ivy, wild parsnip, streams, and branches. Remember to wear protective eyewear when needed. 

If you are cleaning near a road, wear a high-visibility safety vest. Focus on the non-travelled parts, like ditches or culverts on the roadside. 

The following are common litter and debris found in public spaces that can be cleaned up: 

    • Cigarette butts 
    • Food wrappers and containers 
    • Coffee cups 
    • Loose debris 
    • Branches and limbs

Do not touch anything hazardous, sharp, or heavy. If you see such items, report their location using our online service request form or call Customer Service at 613-546-0000. Our staff will dispose of them safely. If you find a needle, call the Street Health Centre at 613-549-1440 to ask for help. 

Keep leaves in open spaces! Only remove leaves from areas that cannot be mowed, like around fences, or play structures. Leave dead wood, like logs or big branches, where you find them. 

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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