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Parking Bylaw

Bylaw #: 2010-128

Description: A bylaw to regulate parking in the City of Kingston

Date passed: August 24, 2010

Disclaimer: Bylaws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. The original Parking Bylaw in pdf format is available from the Office of the City Clerk upon request.

Whereas section 8 of the Municipal Act authorizes municipalities to govern their affairs and to enact bylaws regulating or prohibiting matters such as parking;

And Whereas section 23.2 of the same Act authorizes the delegation of legislative powers of a minor nature to employees of the municipality;

And Whereas subsection 101(1) of the same Act authorizes municipalities to provide for the removal and impounding of any illegally parked vehicle at the owner's expense;

And Whereas section 128 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a local municipality may prohibit and regulate with respect to public nuisances, including matters that, in the opinion of Council are or could become public nuisances;

And Whereas in the opinion of Council for the City of Kingston, the act of parking a vehicle on a front yard, side yard or boulevard is or could become a public nuisance;

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston enacts as follows:

For the purposes of this Bylaw:

Accessible parking permit means a valid permit issued by the Minister of Transportation under section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act or a valid permit, licence plate or other marker or device bearing the international symbol of access issued by a jurisdiction other than Ontario;

Accessible parking space means a designated parking space identified by prescribed signage which is reserved for the exclusive use of persons with an accessible parking permit;

Boulevard means the part of a highway, other than a sidewalk that lies between the shoulder or curb and the boundary of the adjoining property;

City means the Corporation of the City of Kingston;

Electric Vehicle means:

  1. a battery electric vehicle that runs only on a battery and an electric drive train, or
  2. a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle that runs on a battery and an electric drive train, and also uses an internal combustion engine;

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Space means a publicly or privately-owned parking space that provides access to equipment that supplies a source of electricity for charging electric vehicles"

Emergency vehicle includes an ambulance, fire department vehicle, vehicle operated by a police officer in the performance of their duties, and any other vehicle being used to respond to an emergency;

Entranceway means the portion of a private road, lane or driveway within the lateral boundaries of a highway that provides motor vehicle access to and from that highway;

Front yard, rear yard, side yard, exterior side yard, and yard have the meanings ascribed to them in the City's Zoning Bylaws, as amended;

Heavy vehicle means a truck, bus or other type of motor vehicle or attached equipment, the weight of which, separately or combined, when unloaded, is three tonnes or more or, when loaded, is five tonnes or more;"

Highway means a common and public highway, any part of which is used by the general public for the passage of vehicles, and includes a street, road allowance and any bridge, trestle, viaduct or structure that forms part of a highway;

Holiday means New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday (first Monday in August), Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day."

Intersection means the location at which the roadways of two streets intersect;

Lot means a separate parcel of land which has been assigned a property identifier under section 141 of the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.5;

Lot line, front lot line, rear lot line and side lot line have the meanings ascribed to them in the City's Zoning Bylaws, as amended;

Median strip means the portion of a highway so constructed as to separate traffic travelling in one direction from traffic travelling in the opposite direction by a physical barrier or a raised or depressed paved or unpaved separation area that is not intended to allow crossing vehicular movement;

Motor vehicle includes an automobile, bus, truck, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle, motor scooter and any other vehicle propelled or driven other than by muscular power, but does not include an electric bicycle, a traction engine, farm tractor, other farm vehicle, or machine used for road construction or maintenance;

Municipal law enforcement officer includes, for the purposes of this bylaw, a municipal law enforcement officer appointed by the City and an officer of the Kingston Police;

Municipal parking lot means all or a portion of a parking lot, deck, garage or other facility for the parking of vehicles which is owned or operated by the City,

Municipal vehicle means a vehicle owned or leased by the City, whether marked or unmarked, which is used for any municipal purpose;

Park and parking mean the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading goods or passengers;

Parking bay means a parking space that is constructed on the untraveled portion of a street for the purpose of providing parking for vehicles;

Parking meter or meter means a mechanical or electronic device designed to accept payment in exchange for a period of legal parking that is indicated by means of a signal on the device or on a ticket dispensed by the device;

Paid Parking zone means that part of a highway and that part of a municipal parking lot where parking is controlled and regulated by a parking meter;

Permit Agreement shall mean the agreements containing the terms and conditions for parking permits issued by the Corporation of the City of Kingston.

Person includes a corporation and organization as well as a person;

Public laneway means a right of way owned by the City which provides motor vehicle access for individual owners and occupants to and from City streets;

Residential property means a property that is zoned for residential use in the zoning bylaw that applies to the property;

Roadway means the portion of a highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, but does not include the shoulder or a parking bay;

Shoulder means that part of a highway contiguous with the roadway which is intended for emergency stopping;

Sidewalk means the portion of the road allowance of a highway that is set aside for the use of pedestrians;

Signage includes one or more signs, markings and any other appropriate devices that provide notice of parking regulations and that comply with all applicable requirements of the Highway Traffic Act and the regulations made under that Act;

Stop and stopping mean the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal;

Street means a highway or portion of a highway over which the City has jurisdiction or, in the case of a boundary highway, joint jurisdiction;

Taxi means a taxi cab that holds a valid licence to operate in the City;

Trailer means a vehicle without its own means of propulsion that has to be drawn upon a highway by a motor vehicle;

Unauthorized area means: a Front Yard, Exterior Side Yard, or Side Yard, except as otherwise permitted under the City's Zoning Bylaws; or the Boulevard, except where parking is permitted by a City of Kingston bylaw;

Utility vehicle means a vehicle owned or leased by Utilities Kingston and its subsidiary companies or by any other company or agency that supplies or manages a utility within the City for the maintenance or repair of that utility; and

Vehicle includes a motor vehicle and any other vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power.

2.1 The Transportation Services Department or, in the event of organizational changes, another unit designated by City Council to carry out the Transportation Services Department's responsibilities with respect to parking operations, is responsible for the administration of this bylaw.

2.2 The authority to establish temporary parking regulations in accordance with section 4.36 is delegated to the Director of Transportation Services or their designate or, in the event of organizational changes, to another employee designated by City Council.

2.3 Amendments to this bylaw, including changes to regulations, and amendments to parking rates as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, shall not come into effect until the necessary technical changes have been made and, where required, signage has been installed to provide public notice.

2.4 Every vehicle parked on a street or in a municipal parking lot shall be parked at the risk of its owner, and the City is not responsible for any loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents.

2.5 The installation by City staff of parking meters and of signage to provide public notice of the regulations established by this bylaw is authorized.

2.6 All references contained in this bylaw to parking rates and fees are as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, as amended, or of a successor to that bylaw.

3.1 This bylaw applies to all City streets, public lanes, municipal parking lots, and all other property owned or occupied by the City of Kingston and to private property on the front and side yards, as defined here-in.

3.2 This bylaw does not apply to highways under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation or to private roads and lanes.

3.3 This bylaw does not apply to private parking lots.

3.4 The attached Schedules form part of this bylaw.

3.5 The use of "includes" in section 1 of this bylaw is not to be interpreted as limiting the meaning of a word or term to the phrases or descriptions that follow.

3.6 Except as otherwise provided in section 1, the words and terms used in this bylaw have the same meaning as in the Highway Traffic Act.

Lawful Parking

4.1 No person shall stop or park a vehicle in contravention of the provisions of this bylaw or of signage that provides public notice of parking regulations.

4.2 No person shall park a vehicle on any street, municipal parking lot or other municipal property: (1) where parking is prohibited or reserved for certain users; or (2) for longer than the maximum period permitted in that location.

4.3 No person shall park a vehicle on any street, municipal parking lot or other municipal property in a manner that interferes with the provision of municipal services, including maintenance, repairs and snow removal.

Accessible Parking

4.4 No person shall park a vehicle in an accessible parking space on any street listed in schedules A-2 or C-1, municipal parking lot or other municipal property that is identified by signage unless the driver or passenger has an accessible parking permit which is clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer.

Parking Spaces Identified by Lines

4.5 Where individual parking spaces are identified by lines, every vehicle shall be parked entirely within all of the lines which identify that individual parking space, and no person shall park a vehicle with its wheels across or outside the lines.

4.6 No person or persons shall park more than one vehicle, or more than three motorcycles or motor scooters, within an individual parking space that is identified by lines.

Paid Parking Zones

4.7 The locations outlined in Schedule A-1 are designated as paid parking zones in which the parking of vehicles is subject to regulation as indicated on parking meters or on signage and to the payment of the parking rates established for each of these zones in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, as amended.

4.8 The locations described in Schedule A-1 are designated as regular paid parking zones, and the installation of parking meters on these streets and in the municipal parking lots designated in Schedule E is authorized.

4.9 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8, the locations described in Schedule A-2 are designated as accessible paid parking zones, and the installation of parking meters on these streets and in the municipal parking lots designated in Schedule E is authorized.

4.10The locations described in Schedule A-3 are designated as tour bus Paid parking zones that are reserved for the exclusive use of tour buses, and the installation of parking meters in these locations is authorized.

Paid Parking Zone Regulations

4.11 No person shall park a vehicle in a paid parking zone at the times set out in Schedules A-1, A-2, A-3 and Schedule E unless the person has paid the parking rates for that zone, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, by:

  1. depositing sufficient coin(s) or making sufficient payment by credit card or by debit card in a parking meter, which either: displays the time remaining on the meter; or dispenses a time stamped ticket indicating the period for which payment has been made, such ticket which shall immediately thereafter be displayed face up in the windshield of the parked vehicle so as to be clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer; or
    1. displays the time remaining on the meter; or
    2. dispenses a time stamped ticket indicating the period for which payment has been made, such ticket which shall immediately thereafter be displayed face up in the windshield of the parked vehicle so as to be clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer; or
  2. making sufficient payment through a City-approved mobile payment application for the parked vehicle, as identified by the vehicle's license plate."

4.12 No person shall park a vehicle in a paid parking zone at the times set out in Schedules A-1, A-2, A-3 and Schedule E unless the person has paid the parking rates for that zone, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, for the entire time the vehicle is parked, by:

  1. depositing sufficient coin(s) or making sufficient payment by credit card or by debit card in a parking meter, which either: displays the time remaining on the meter; or dispenses a time stamped ticket indicating the period for which payment has been made, such ticket which shall immediately thereafter be displayed face up in the windshield of the parked vehicle so as to be clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer; or,
    1. displays the time remaining on the meter; or
    2. dispenses a time stamped ticket indicating the period for which payment has been made, such ticket which shall immediately thereafter be displayed face up in the windshield of the parked vehicle so as to be clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer; or,
  2. making sufficient payment through a City-approved mobile payment application for the parked vehicle, as identified by the vehicle's license plate."

4.13 No person shall park a vehicle that is greater than 6 meters in length in a paid parking zone described in Schedule A-1, A-2, and Schedule E unless the person has paid the parking rate for that zone, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, for two parking spaces for the period that the vehicle is parked.

4.14 Where two or three motorcycles or motor scooters are parked within a single parking space in a paid parking zone, payment of the parking rate for that zone shall be required for only one of these motorcycles or motor scooters.

4.15 No person shall park a vehicle in a paid parking zone during the times when payment is required, as set out in Schedules A-1, A-2, and A-3 and Schedule E, for a time period in excess of the maximum time limit posted on the parking meter or on signage.

4.16 No person shall cover or attach a sign or notice to a parking meter or open or remove any coins from a parking meter without the City's authorization.

4.17 No person shall tamper with, deface, damage or destroy any parking meter.

4.18 Sections 4.11 to 4.15 do not apply to a person who is operating in accordance with an agreement with the City under section 4.19 or section 4.20 or with a permit issued by the City under section 4.23.

Parking Space Rentals

4.19 The City may, upon application, enter into agreements to rent parking spaces on a street on a short or longer-term basis to persons who meet the eligibility criteria and pay the applicable parking rate, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10.

4.20 The City may, upon application, enter into agreements to rent parking spaces in a municipal parking lot on a short or longer-term basis to persons who meet the eligibility criteria and pay the applicable parking rate, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, as amended, or of a successor to that bylaw.

4.21 Every rental agreement made under section 4.19 or 4.20 shall be subject to the terms and conditions established by the City for the use of those parking spaces.

4.22 No person other than the person or persons to whom it has been rented shall use or occupy, or park a motor vehicle in, a rented parking space on a street or municipal parking lot that is identified by appropriate means.

  1. A temporary parking space rental may be made for a maximum of three (3) months at one time, but may be renewed for additional three (3) month periods, up to a maximum of eighteen (18) months.

Parking Permits

4.23 Subject to availability, the City may issue permits authorizing parking for a specified time period in a municipal parking lot designated in Schedule E or in an on-street permit parking zone to persons who meet the eligibility criteria, make application, and pay the applicable rate, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, as amended, or of a successor to that Bylaw.

4.24 Every permit issued under section 4.23 shall be valid only for a specific municipal parking lot, or a specific on-street permit parking zone and shall be subject to the terms and conditions established by the City for the use of that permit.

4.25 No person shall park a motor vehicle in an on-street permit parking zone designated in Schedule C-3 or other on-street zone unless a valid permit issued under section 4.23 authorizing it to be parked in that on-street permit parking zone is displayed clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer.

Short-Term Exemptions

4.26 The City may, upon request, grant exemptions to individual residents and their visitors from specific parking regulations that apply to a particular location, except a location in a paid parking zone.

4.27 Every exemption granted under section 4.26 shall be valid only for the location(s) and at the times for which the exemption was granted.

Medical and University Parking

4.28 The locations described in Schedule C-2 are designated as medical university parking zones, and no person shall park a vehicle at any time in a medical or university parking zone that is identified by signage other than a vehicle with a valid permit issued either by the Kingston Regional Cancer Centre or by Queen's University which is clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer.

4.29 The locations within the medical and university parking zones that are identified by signage as accessible parking spaces are reserved for the exclusive use of persons with a valid accessible parking permit as well as a permit issued by the Kingston Regional Cancer Centre or Queen's University.

Parking for Commercial Vehicles

4.30 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8, no person shall park or stop a vehicle, other than a municipal transit vehicle, within: (1) a bus stop zone which limits are both identified by signage or by a combination of signage and a transit shelter; or (2) within 24.4 meters, measured in the direction opposite to the flow of traffic, of the commencement of a bus stop zone, which commencement is identified by signage or by a transit shelter.

  1. a bus stop zone which limits are both identified by signage or by a combination of signage and a transit shelter; or
  2. within 24.4 meters, measured in the direction opposite to the flow of traffic, of the commencement of a bus stop zone, which commencement is identified by signage or by a transit shelter.

4.31 Despite section 4.30, taxis shall be permitted to park or stop in a bus stop zone, while waiting to be hired, between 11:30 p.m. of one day and 6:00 a.m. of the following day.

4.32 Despite Sections 6.16 and 6.17, the locations described in Schedule D-1 are designated as taxi stand zones at the times set out in Schedule D-1, and no person shall park, or shall stop, where prohibited, a vehicle in a taxi stand zone other than a taxi which is waiting to be hired.

4.33 The locations described in Schedule D-2 are designated as school bus loading zones, and no person shall stop a vehicle in a school bus loading zone at the times set out in Schedule D-2 other than a school bus which is loading or unloading passengers.

4.34 The locations described in Schedules A-3 and D-3 are designated as tour bus parking zones that are reserved, at all times, for the parking of tour buses, and no person shall park a vehicle, other than a tour bus, in a tour bus parking zone.

4.35 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8, the locations described in Schedules D-4 are designated as commercial loading zones at the times set out in Schedules D-4 and no person shall park a vehicle in a commercial loading zone at those times, other than a vehicle being operated for commercial purposes which is actively engaged in loading or unloading goods.

Temporary Parking Regulations

4.36 Temporary parking regulations may be established by the City for any street, municipal parking lot or other municipal property to permit essential work to be carried out, or to deal with an emergency or with special circumstances.

4.37 Temporary parking regulations established in accordance with section 4.36 take effect when signage has been installed in appropriate locations which provide public notice, and cease to be in effect when the signage is removed.

4.38 Temporary parking regulations established in accordance with section 4.36 take precedence over the provisions of this bylaw in the event of a conflict.

Inoperative or Un-plated Vehicles

4.39 No person shall park or leave a vehicle on a City street or in a municipal parking lot or on any other municipal property which is inoperative or un-roadworthy or which does not display valid and current number plates registered to the vehicle.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Parking

4.40 No person will park a vehicle or part of a vehicle in an electric vehicle charging station space that is identified by signage unless the vehicle is an electric vehicle and the electric vehicle is attached to the station's charging equipment and is charging.

General Regulations

5.1 No person shall park a vehicle or a portion of a vehicle in a municipal parking lot:

  1. in a location or a manner that obstructs the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians; or
  2. in any location where indicated by signage that parking is prohibited at all times or during specified times, or is reserved for specific vehicles, except as and when authorized by permit."

5.1.1 No person shall park or leave a vehicle in a municipal parking lot for more than 24 hours or for such other maximum period set out in Schedule E.

5.1 No person shall drive or attempt to drive a vehicle into a municipal parking lot when signs are displayed indicating that the municipal parking lot is full or closed, or when requested not to do so by an employee or agent of the City.


5.2 No person shall deposit snow or deposit or leave construction equipment, building materials or any other material or object in a municipal parking lot unless they has entered into an agreement with the City in accordance with section 4.20 authorizing the use of the municipal parking lot for that purpose.

Municipal Parking Lots in which Payment is Required

5.3 The municipal parking lots described in Schedule E are designated as municipal parking lots in which the payment of parking rates, as set out in the Fees and Charges Bylaw 2005-10, or of a successor to that bylaw, is required at the times set out in Schedule E.

Monthly Permit Lots

5.4 The municipal parking lots having a monthly rate or a monthly and daily rate but no hourly rate are identified as monthly permit lots.

5.5 No person shall park a vehicle in a monthly permit lot except a person who has paid the monthly or, where applicable, the daily rate for that monthly permit lot and who has displayed the monthly permit or daily rate permit for that lot so it is clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer.

5.6 Section 5.6 does not apply at those times when an event rate is in effect in a monthly permit lot in accordance with sections 5.19 to 5.22.

Hourly and Monthly Lots

5.7 The municipal parking lots having an hourly and monthly rate or an hourly, daily and monthly rate are identified as hourly and monthly lots.

5.8 No person shall park a vehicle in an hourly and monthly lot at the times set out in Schedule E unless they has paid the hourly rate for the period parked in that hourly and monthly lot.

5.9 Section 5.9 does not apply to a person who has paid the monthly or, where applicable, the daily rate for that hourly and monthly lot.

Hourly Lots

5.10 The municipal parking lots having an hourly rate but no daily or monthly rate are identified as hourly lots. 

5.11 No person shall park a vehicle in an hourly lot at the times set out in Schedule E unless they has paid the hourly rate for the period parked in that hourly lot.

Attended Lots – Deleted

Gated Lots

5.12 The municipal parking lots having gates to control access/egress are identified as gated lots.

5.13 No person shall park a vehicle in a gated lot unless they, upon entry, obtains a ticket from a machine, or when necessary from an attendant, or activates a parking session with a credit card, indicating a time of entrance and pays a pay station before leaving the gated lot, the rate, as per the Fees and Charges Bylaw as amended, for the period parked in that gated lot.

5.14 (Previously in Attended Lots Subsection which was Deleted)

5.15 Any person who is unable or unwilling to surrender their ticket shall pay the lost ticket charge for that location before leaving the gated lot.

5.16 Sections 5.14 and 5.16 do not apply to a person who has paid the monthly rate for a gated lot.

5.17 Attendants may be employed by the City, at its discretion, in any municipal parking lot at any time to regulate or to assist with the regulation of parking.

Event Lots

5.18 The municipal parking lots having an event rate for parking at times when events are occurring at the Kingston Regional Sports and Entertainment Centre are identified as event lots.

5.19 When an event occurs at the Kingston Regional Sports and Entertainment Centre, the event rate may be applied to parking in one or more of these event lots at the times when payment of the hourly or daily parking rate is not required.

5.20 The event rate referred to in section 5.19 shall take effect on the day of an event at the time indicated on the signage located at the entrance to each event lot to which the event rate applies.

5.21 A vehicle shall be deemed to be parked illegally in an event lot when the event rate is in effect unless there is evidence which is clearly visible to a municipal law enforcement officer that the applicable event rate for that lot has been paid.

Street Parking Time Limitations

6.1 No person shall park a vehicle on a block of a street for longer than 12 consecutive hours.

6.2 Despite sub-section 6.1, no person shall park a vehicle displaying a valid on-street parking permit on a street in a designated permit parking zone for longer than 72 consecutive hours.

6.3 Despite sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.19, no person shall park a vehicle on a street at any time between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.

  1. from January 1 to February 28 (or 29 each leap year) inclusive, of each year; and
  2. from December 1 to December 31, and from March 1 to March 31, of each year, during which a Declared Weather Event is in effect.

6.3.1 The City's Director of Public Works and Solid Waste, or their designate, is authorized to enact a Declared Weather Event when, in their opinion:

  1. ice cover on streets or snow accumulation of five (5) centimetres or more in depth is forecast for the City of Kingston; or
  2. at any other time that is deemed necessary to perform winter operations requiring extensive snow removal, snow plowing or salting operations.

A Declared Weather Event will come into effect at 1:00 a.m. on the day that it is enacted and will remain in effect until the City's Director of Public Works and Solid Waste, or their designate, authorizes the ending of the Declared Weather Event.

Street Parking Regulations

6.4 No person shall park a vehicle on a street with the front of the vehicle facing opposite to the direction in which vehicular traffic is proceeding on that side of the street.

6.5 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8, and subject to section 6.6, no person shall park a vehicle on a street within 9 meters of an intersection or within 23 meters of an intersection on a through street, and where signage has been installed to provide public notice, within a lesser or greater distance from an intersection, as indicated by the signage.

6.6 The no parking zones designated in Schedule F-1 which occur at intersections are locations at which, for safety reasons, the minimum no parking zone distances need to be more than 30 meters.

6.7 No person shall park a vehicle in such a manner as to:

  1. obstruct an intersection or pedestrian crossing;
  2. interfere with the normal flow of vehicular traffic;
  3. impede or prevent the movement of a legally parked vehicle;
  4. obstruct or prevent the use of a public laneway by another vehicle;
  5. obstruct or prevent the use of an entranceway by another vehicle; or
  6. obstruct a sidewalk.

6.8 Despite any other sections, no person shall park a vehicle:

  1. Within 3 meters of a hydrant, measured laterally along the roadway, unless the hydrant is located at least 5 meters from the roadway;
  2. within 15 meters of the nearest rail at a level railway crossing;
  3. on a bridge or in a tunnel or underpass;
  4. beside a parking, standing or stopped vehicle so as to "double park"; or,
  5. on or beside either side or end of a median strip.

Restrictions on the Parking of Certain Vehicles

6.9 No person shall park a heavy vehicle in front of or adjacent to a residential property except as part of the normal commercial operation of the owner or operator of that vehicle.

6.10 No person shall park or leave an unattached trailer of any kind on a street.

Parallel Parking

6.11 No person shall park a vehicle on a street further than 0.25 metres from the adjacent curb or shoulder of the roadway or parking bay

Angle Parking

6.12 No person shall park a vehicle, other than a motorcycle or motor scooter, at an angle on any street except those streets on which angle parking is permitted.

6.13 On streets where angle parking is permitted, as indicated by lines identifying individual parking spaces or by signage, no person shall park a vehicle except entirely within the lines or, in the absence of lines, except at an angle with the vehicle facing the curb or shoulder.

6.14 No person shall park a vehicle on a street on which angle parking is permitted, any part of which extends more than 6 meters into the roadway.


6.15 The regulations set out in sections 6.16 to 6.19 are not valid unless signage has been installed to provide public notice of these regulations to the public.

Street Parking Prohibitions

6.16 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8 and any other sections, the locations described in Schedule F-1 and any areas where signage has been installed to provide public notice are designated as no parking zones and no person shall park a vehicle at any time in a no parking zone.

6.16.1 Pursuant to Section 6.16 of this Bylaw, when indicated by signage, parking may be prohibited on the inside curved portion of a street, from the beginning of the curve to the end of curve, to maintain sightlines.

6.16.2 Pursuant to Section 6.16 of this Bylaw, when indicated by signage, parking may be prohibited on a street within a distance required to maintain access to any Canada Post community mailbox.

6.16.3 Pursuant to Section 6.16 of this Bylaw, when indicated by signage, parking may be prohibited on a street within a distance required to maintain access at any entry to and exit from a roundabout.

6.16.4 Pursuant to Section 6.16 of this Bylaw, when indicated by signage, parking may be prohibited on any portion of a street where necessary to facilitate and maintain traffic flow.

6.16.5 Pursuant to Section 6.16 of this Bylaw, when indicated by signage, parking may be prohibited on a street within a distance of an entranceway to maintain sightlines.

6.16.6 Pursuant to Section 6.16 of this Bylaw, when indicated by signage, parking may be prohibited on a street within a distance of a curb ramp.

6.17 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8 and any other sections, the streets described in Schedule F-2 and any areas where signage has been installed to provide public notice are designated as no stopping zones, and no person shall park, stand or stop a vehicle in a no stopping zone at the times set out in Schedule F-2 or on the signage.

6.17.1 Despite Section 6.17, a municipal transit vehicle may park, stand, or stop in any no stopping zone which is designated as a bus stop zone.

Street Parking Restrictions

6.18 Despite sections 4.7 and 4.8, the streets described in Schedule G-1 are designated as limited term parking zones at the times set out in Schedule G-1, and no person shall park a vehicle in a limited term parking zone at those times for longer than the maximum period permitted in that zone, as set out in Schedule G-1.

6.19 The streets described in Schedule G-2 are designated as daytime prohibited parking zones, and no person shall park a vehicle on these streets at the time set out as prohibited in Schedule G-2. The streets described in Schedule G-3 are designated as overnight prohibited parking zones, and no person shall park a vehicle on these streets at the times set out as prohibited in Schedule G-3.

6.20 Despite section 6.19, vehicles displaying a valid on-street parking permit shall be exempt from those daytime parking prohibitions identified in Schedule G-2 and those overnight parking prohibitions identified in Schedule G-3 as indicated in the Permit Agreement, in effect in the zone for which the permit has been issued.

Boulevard and Front and Side Yard Parking Prohibitions

6.21 No person shall park a vehicle in an Unauthorized Area.

Street Parking Prohibitions in School Areas

6.22 No person shall park, stand or stop a vehicle in the locations and at the times set out in Schedule F-3 where signage has been installed to provide public notice.

6.23 For all locations other than those set out in Schedule F-3, no person shall park, stand or stop a vehicle in a designated no stopping zone, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on school days only:

  1. on any portion of a highway that fronts a school property or is within 150 metres in either direction of a school property; and
  2. on any portion of a highway within 150 metres of an entranceway or pathway to a school property.

The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this Bylaw:

Schedule A Paid Parking Zones

  • Schedule A-1 – Regular Paid Parking Zones
  • Schedule A-2 – Accessible Paid Parking Zones
  • Schedule A-3 – Tour Bus Paid Parking Zones

Schedule B Parking Space Rental Fees

Schedule C Reserved Parking

  • Schedule C-1 – Courtesy Accessible Parking Spaces
  • Schedule C-2 – Medical and University Parking Zones

Schedule D Parking for Commercial Vehicles

  • Schedule D-1 – Taxi Stand Zones
  • Schedule D-2 – School Bus Loading Zones
  • Schedule D-3 – Courtesy Tour Bus Parking Zones
  • Schedule D-4 – Commercial Loading Zones

Schedule E Municipal Parking Lots in Which Payment is Required

  • Schedule F Street Parking Prohibitions
  • Schedule F-1 – No Parking Zones
  • Schedule F-2 – No Stopping Zones

Schedule G Street Parking Restrictions

  • Schedule G-1 – Limited Term Parking Zones
  • Schedule G-2 – Daytime Parking Prohibitions
  • Schedule G-3 – Overnight Parking Prohibitions

8.1 The following are exempt from the regulations established by this bylaw when responding to an emergency:

  1. emergency vehicles;
  2. municipal vehicles; and
  3. utility vehicles.

8.2 The following are exempt from the requirement to pay the parking rates in paid parking zones on City streets and municipal parking lots, other than attended lots, when carrying out their responsibilities:

  1. emergency vehicles;
  2. municipal vehicles;
  3. utility vehicles; and
  4. members of City Council.

8.3 Motorized refreshment vehicles operating on a City street in accordance with Bylaw Number 93-250, "A Bylaw to Authorize the Lease of City Streets for the Purpose of Operating Motorized Refreshment Vehicles, and to Authorize Motorized Refreshment Vehicle Regulations", or a successor to that bylaw, are exempt from the provisions of this bylaw.

8.4 Despite the provisions of this Bylaw, vehicles required for the purpose of televising meetings of City Council and any other events at City Hall shall be permitted to park on streets abutting City Hall for such purposes.

8.5 Despite Section 6.7(6), on those properties having a municipal address on Bluffwood Avenue, Cottonwood Avenue and Cyprus Road only, where a residential driveway crosses a public sidewalk, a person may park one (1) vehicle in a driveway in a manner that encroaches on the public sidewalk, subject to the following conditions:

  1. the vehicle must be parked in a driveway as close as practicable to the garage or dwelling on the property, with no allowance for any obstructions, including other vehicles;
  2. if any portion of the public sidewalk that intersects a driveway, or that is adjacent to a driveway, cannot reasonably be maintained by the City in the ordinary course due to the encroachment upon the sidewalk of a vehicle parked in the driveway, the owner of the property on which the driveway is located shall be responsible for maintaining the affected portion of the sidewalk clear of all snow and ice as soon as practicable, or as otherwise prescribed by the City, and in accordance with the City's standards
  3. upon notice from the City, the owner of the property on which the driveway is located shall promptly move the vehicle, or cause the vehicle to be moved, if the City requires access to the sidewalk for purposes of carrying out repairs or replacements to the sidewalk; and
  4. all other terms and conditions of this Bylaw are complied with.

8.6 Despite Sections 4.11, 4.12, and 6.19 of this bylaw, a person employed by Addiction and Mental Health Services – Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington, Home Base Housing and other City approved agencies operating a vehicle while actively engaged in providing street outreach services is exempt from:

  1. the requirement to pay the parking rates in paid parking zones on City streets and municipal parking lots; and
  2. the daytime parking prohibitions as set out in Schedule G-2 to this bylaw.

9.1 Any person who contravenes the provisions of this bylaw is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is subject to a fine as provided in the (Ontario) Provincial Offences Act and to any other applicable penalties.

9.2 If a vehicle has been left parked, stopped or standing in contravention of this bylaw, the owner of the vehicle, even though the owner was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention of the bylaw, is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is subject to a fine as provided in the (Ontario) Provincial Offences Act and to any other applicable penalties unless, at the time of the offence, the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner without the owner's consent.

9.3 Every person to whom a parking infraction notice has been issued alleging that a provision of this bylaw has been contravened may, within seven days of the issuance of the parking infraction notice, make a voluntary, reduced payment to the City of the penalty for that offence, if the offence allows for a voluntary, reduced payment.

9.4 Despite section 9.1, any person who contravenes this bylaw by parking their vehicle in an accessible parking space without displaying a valid accessible parking permit is guilty of an offence and, upon conviction, is liable for a fine, as required by section 427 of the Municipal Act, and to any other applicable penalties.

9.5 If this bylaw is contravened and a conviction entered, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may, in addition to any other remedy and to any penalty that is imposed, make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted.

  1. Despite section 9.1, a ten minute courtesy grace period will be granted to Ontario passenger motor vehicles which are parked in expiry in a paid parking zone within the Central Business District, provided that there is evidence that an initial payment for time was made, and it is their first or second contravention of this bylaw in a one-year rotating period.
  2. Despite section 9.1, a ten minute courtesy grace period will be granted during June, July, August, and September for out of province vehicles that are parked in expiry in a paid parking zone within the Central Business District, provided that there is evidence that an initial payment for time was made, and it is their first or second contravention of this bylaw in a one- year rotating period.

9.6 If a vehicle is parked or left in contravention of this bylaw, the City may cause the vehicle to be removed or impounded or to be restrained and immobilized at the owner's expense, and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage of the vehicle shall be a lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the manner provided by the Repair and Storage Liens Act, as amended.

9.7 Every person who causes or permits an encroachment upon a street that is not authorized by a valid permit shall be subject to the enforcement provisions in sections 4.8 to 4.10 of Bylaw Number 2004-107, "A Bylaw to Protect the City's Highways from Unauthorized Encroachments", or of a successor to that bylaw.

9.8 Every person who, without authorization from the City, deposits snow, construction equipment, building materials or any other material on a municipal parking lot of shall be responsible for removing this unauthorized encroachment at their own expense.

9.9 If a person is given notice by the City of Kingston to remove an unauthorized encroachment and fails to do so by the date specified in the notice, the City of Kingston may remove the unauthorized encroachment at that person's expense.

9.10 Notice under section 9.9 will be given by personal service or prepaid registered mail.

9.11 If a person who fails to remove an unauthorized encroachment by the date specified in the notice given under section 9.9 is the registered owner of property within the City of Kingston, the City of Kingston may add the amount of the costs incurred by the City of Kingston in removing the unauthorized encroachment to the tax roll for that property and may collect the amount in the same manner as taxes.

9.12 No person shall obstruct or hinder or attempt to obstruct or hinder any municipal law enforcement officer who is performing a duty under this bylaw.

If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision, or any part of a provision, of this bylaw to be invalid, or to be of no force or effect, it is the intention of Council in enacting this bylaw that each and every provision of this bylaw authorized by law be applied and enforced in accordance with its terms to the extent possible according to law.

This bylaw comes into force only upon receipt of approval from the Senior Regional Justice of the set fines, voluntary early payment amounts and short form wordings for the parking infractions contained within this bylaw, and upon the installation of signage that this bylaw may require.

Bylaw Number Date Passed
2010-202 October 5, 2010
2010-214 November 2, 2010
2011-40 April 5, 2011
2011-62 June 7, 2011
2011-63 June 7, 2011
2011-91 June 21, 2011
2011-136 November 1, 2011
2011-138 November 15, 2011
2011-139 November 15, 2011
2012-12 January 10, 2012
2012-13 December 20, 2011
2012-34 February 7, 2012
2012-35 February 7, 2012
2012-36 February 7, 2012
2012-105 June 19, 2012
2012-157 November 6, 2012
2012-161 November 20, 2012
2012-182 December 4, 2012
2013-71 April 11, 2013
2013-116 June 4, 2013
2013-158 September 10, 2013
2013-183 September 10, 2013
2013-186 September 24, 2013
2013-209 November 5, 2013
2014-11 January 7, 2014
2014-58 April 15, 2014
2014-94 June 17, 2014
2014-95 June 17, 2014
2014-96 June 17, 2014
2014-98 June 17, 2014
2014-164 November 4, 2014
2014-165 November 4, 2014
2015-85 June 2, 2015
2015-86 June 2, 2015
2015-153 September 1, 2015
2015-165 September 15, 2015
2015-195 November 17, 2015
2016-10 January 12, 2016
2016-64 March 22, 2016
2016-100 June 7, 2016
2016-112 June 7, 2016
2016-119 July 12, 2016
2016-120 July 12, 2016
2016-121 July 12, 2016
2016-205 December 6, 2016
2017-110 June 20, 2017
2017-112 June 6, 2017
2017-160 August 8, 2017
2017-193 September 19, 2017
2017-194 September 19, 2017
2017-214 October 17, 2017
2017-227 November 7, 2017
2018-80 April 17, 2018
2018-81 May 1, 2018
2018-107 June 26, 2018
2018-160 October 2, 2018
2019-54 April 16, 2019
2019-75 June 18, 2019
2019-111 July 9, 2019
2019-157 July 9, 2019
2020-82 June 2, 2020
2020-84 June 2, 2020
2020-143 October 6, 2020
2021-90 June 1, 2021
2021-171 October 5, 2021
2022-27 February 1, 2022
2022-56 April 19, 2022
2022-121 July 12, 2022
2022-182 November 10, 2022
2022-186 November 10, 2022
2023-77 April 18, 2023
2023-106 July 11, 2023
2023-205 November 7, 2023
2024-100 January 9, 2024
2024-101 January 9, 2024
2024-203 May 21, 2024
2024-220 May 21, 2024
2024-366 October 1, 2024
2024-374 October 15, 2024
2025-5 December 17, 2024


Maximum Time Limit: 2 Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 2 hrs, 9:30-5:30, M-S
Bagot Street Both Queen Street to Princess Street
Bagot Street East 45 Metres South of Clarence Street to Johnson Street
Brock Street Both Wellington Street to Bagot Street
Brock Street Both King Street to Wellington Street
Brock Street South Ontario Street to the end of Brock Street
Clarence Street Both Bagot Street to Wellington Street
Clarence Street Both Wellington Street to King Street
Clarence Street Both Ontario Street to the end of Clarence Street
Clarence Street South King Street East 19.2 metres easterly
Clarence Street South 25.5 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 10.2 metres
Clarence Street North King Street East 48 metres easterly
Johnson Street North Bagot Street to Wellington Street
Johnson Street North Wellington Street to King Street
Johnson Street South King Street to Ontario Street
King Street Both Queen Street to Princess Street
King Street Both Princess Street to Brock Street
King Street Both Clarence Street to Johnson Street
Montreal Street Both Queen Street to Princess Street
Street Side From A-1: 2 hrs, 9:30-5:30, M-S
Montreal Street Both Princess Street to Brock Street
Ontario Street East 21 metres north of Princess Street northerly 20.4 metres
Ontario Street East Princess Street to Brock Street
Ontario Street East Brock Street to Clarence Street
Ontario Street Both Clarence Street to Johnson Street
Ontario Street Both Johnson Street to William Street
Princess Street Both Clergy Street to Sydenham Street
Princess Street Both Sydenham Street to Montreal Street
Princess Street Both Montreal Street to Bagot Street
Princess Street South Bagot Street to Wellington Street
Princess Street Both Wellington Street to King Street
Princess Street Both King Street to Ontario Street
Princess Street North Bagot Street to Wellington Street
Princess Street North Ontario Street to the eastern end of Princess Street
Sydenham Street Both Queen Street to Princess Street
Wellington Street Both Queen Street to Princess Street
Wellington Street Both Princess Street to Brock Street
Wellington Street Both Brock Street to Clarence Street
Wellington Street Both Clarence Street to Johnson Street

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday, except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 2 hrs, 8:00-5:00, M-S
Bagot Street East Johnson Street to William Street
Barrie Street West Queen Street to Princess Street
Barrie Street Both Princess Street to Brock Street
Clergy Street Both Princess Street to Brock Street
Clergy Street West Brock Street to Johnson Street
Clergy Street West Queen Street to Princess Street
Clergy Street East Princess Street northerly 27.7 metres
Clergy Street East 33.8 metres north of Princess Street to Queen Street
Johnson Street North 36.6 metres east of Barrie Street to Clergy Street
Princess Street Both Division Street to Barrie Street
Princess Street Both Barrie Street to Clergy Street
Wellington Street West Johnson Street to William Street

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 9:30-5:30, M-S
Albert Street West 38.5 metres south of Princess Street 24 metres southerly
Alfred Street Both Princess Street to Mack Street
Alfred Street West 31.5 metres north of Princess Street 18.3 metres northerly
Alfred Street East 17 metres north of Princess Street northerly 13 metres
Bagot Street West Ordnance Street to Queen Street
Bagot Street East William Street to Earl Street
Bagot Street East Queen Street to Barrack Street
Barrack Street North Wellington Street to King Street
Barrack Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street
Barrie Street West Colborne Street to Queen Street
Drayton Avenue East 49 metres north of Princess Street to Concession Street
Drayton Avenue West Princess Street to Concession Street
Frontenac Street East Princess Street to Jenkins Street
Frontenac Street West Princess Street 56 Metres Northerly
Frontenac Street West 13 metres south of Princess Street 40 metres southerly
Frontenac Street East 15 metres south of Princess Street 34 metres southerly
Garrett Street North University Avenue to Division Street
Gore Street South Ontario Street easterly to the end of Gore Street
King Street Both Johnson Street to William Street
King Street Both William Street to Earl Street
King Street East Queen Street to Barrack Street
Place D'Armes South Wellington Street to King Street
Macdonnell Street West 24.4 metres north of Princess Street to South Bartlett Street
Macdonnell Street East 17 metres south of Princess Street 12.2 metres southerly
Montreal Street Both Ordnance Street to Queen Street
Nelson Street West Princess Street to York Street
Ordnance Street North 10.7 metres west of Wellington Street westerly 11.6 metres
Ordnance Street South Rideau Street to Wellington Street
Ordnance Street South Bagot Street to Montreal Street
Ordnance Street North Montreal Street to Sydenham Street
Ordnance Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street
Ontario Street East Earl Street to Gore Street
Ontario Street East William Street to Earl Street
Princess Street South 48.5 metres east of MacDonnell Street to 71 metres west of Victoria Street
Princess Street North 13 metres west of Nelson Street 24.4 metres westerly
Princess Street North 31 metres east of Nelson Street to 62 metres east of Nelson Street
Princess Street North 21 metres west of Frontenac Street to 74 metres west of Frontenac Street
Princess Street North 15.2 metres east of Frontenac Street to 54.9 metres west of Alfred Street
Princess Street North 15 metres west of Chatham Street 12.2 metres westerly
Princess Street North From 62 metres west of Division Street 36.6 metres westerly
Princess Street South From 48 metres east of Alfred Street to 80 metres east of Alfred Street
Princess Street South 152 metres west of Division Street 49.8 metres westerly
Queen Street South Sydenham Street to Clergy Street
Queen Street South 50 metres west of King Street to 15.2 metres east of Wellington Street
Queen Street South 35 metres west of Wellington Street to 11.5 metres east of Bagot Street
Queen Street South 30 metres west of Bagot Street to Montreal Street
Queen Street South Montreal Street westerly 42.4 metres
Queen Street South 50.6 metres west of Montreal to Sydenham Street
Queen Street South Clergy Street westerly 66 metres
Queen Street South 25.3 metres west of Barrie Street to Division Street
Queen Street North Ontario Street to King Street
William Street North Ontario Street to King Street
William Street South Ontario Street to 14.6 metres east of King Street
Rideau Street West Bay Street to Ordnance Street
Rideau Street West Ordnance Street to Barrack Street
Victoria Street West 36.1 metres north of Princess Street to South Bartlett Street
Victoria Street East Princess Street to Durham Street
Wellington Street West Bay Street to Ordnance Street
Wellington Street East Bay Street to Place d'Armes
Wellington Street West Ordnance Street to Barrack Street
Wellington Street East Place d'Armes to Barrack Street
Wellington Street Both Barrack Street to Queen Street
William Street Both Ontario Street to eastern end of William Street
William Street Both Ontario Street to eastern end of William Street

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday except holidays

Street Side A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00-5:00, M-F From
Bagot Street East West Street to Gore Street
Sydenham Street West Ordnance Street to Bay Street
Sydenham Street East 15.2 metres north of Ordnance Street northerly 27 metres
Sydenham Street East 74.4 metres north of Ordnance Street to Bay Street

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00-5:00, M-F
Bagot Street South 140 Metres east of Barrie Street 20.4 metres easterly (in parking bay)
Bagot Street North West Street to Barrie Street (in parking bays)
Frontenac Street West Union Street to Earl Street
Frontenac Street East Union Street to Earl Street

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 8:00-5:00, M-F except holidays
George Street West the second angled parking space north of King Street West to 17 metres North of O'Kill Street

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00-5:00, M-S
Alfred Street Both Union Street to Earl Street
Arch Street West Union Street to Stuart Street
Barrie Street West 30 Metres South of Clergy Street West to Stuart Street
Barrie Street West King Street to O'Kill Street
Barrie Street West O'Kill Street to Stuart Street
Clergy Street West South Barrie Street to Division Street
Collingwood Street East 9 metres north of King Street West northerly 86 metres
Division Street West Union Street to Earl Street
Earl Street South University Avenue to Division Street
Emily Street East King Street South to end of Emily Street
Emily Street West King Street to 41 metres north of the south end of Emily Street
George Street East O'Kill Street to Stuart Street
King Street North 138 metres west of George Street to Lower University Avenue
King Street North 35 metres east of Barrie Street 149 metres easterly
King Street West North Albert Street to Collingwood Street
King Street North Lower University Avenue to St. Lawrence Avenue
King Street North St. Lawrence Avenue to Albert Street
O'Kill Street North Barrie Street to George Street
Stuart Street South Barrie Street to George Street
Stuart Street Both George Street to Lower University Avenue
St. Lawrence Ave East King Street to Stuart Street
Stuart Street North Albert Street to University Avenue
Union Street Both Barrie Street to University Avenue

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00 – 5:30, M-S
Brock Street South Sydenham Street to Clergy Street
Johnson Street North Sydenham Street to Clergy Street

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00 – 5:30, M-S
Sydenham Street Both Brock Street to Johnson Street
Johnson Street North Sydenham Street to 53.6 metres west of Bagot Street

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00 – 5:00, M-F
Court Street South Barrie Street to West Street (in parking bays)
West Street West Court Street to Earl Street

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-1: 3 hrs, 8:00 – 5:00, Saturday
George Street West the second angled parking space north of King Street West to 17 metres north of O'Kill Street

Maximum Time Limit: 2 Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-2: 2 hrs, 9:30 – 5:30, M-S
Tower Street East 11 Metres North of Princess Street 8 Metres Northerly

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-2: 3 hrs, 9:30-5:30, M-S
Alfred Street West 9 metres south of Princess Street 6.1 metres southerly
Bagot Street East 19.5 metres north of Princess Street northerly 6.1 metres
Bagot Street East 30.2 metres south of Johnson Street southerly 6.4 metres
Bagot Street East 26 metres south of Clarence Street southerly 12.2 metres
Bagot Street West 91.4 metres north of Queen Street northerly 6.1 metres
Barrack Street North King Street westerly 33.5 metres (for events only when signed)
Barrie Street West 10 Metres South of Princess Street Southerly 6 Metres
Barrie Street West 131 metres north of Stuart Street northerly 6.1 metres
Brock Street South 37.6 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 12.0 metres
Brock Street North 6.1 metres east of Wellington Street easterly 6.1 metres
Clarence Street South 8.8 metres east of Wellington Street easterly 3.0 metres
Clarence Street South 50.9 metres east of Bagot Street easterly 7.0 metres
Clarence Street North 51 metres east of Bagot Street easterly 7 metres
Clergy Street East 27.7 metres north of Princess Street northerly 12.2 metres
Drayton Avenue West 11 metres north of Princess Street 6.1 metres northerly
Johnson Street North 6.1 metres east of Wellington Street easterly 6.1 metres
King Street East East 15.8 metres north of Johnson Street northerly 6.1 metres
King Street East East Queen Street to The Tragically Hip Way (for events only when signed)
Montreal Street East 28.3 metres north of Princess Street northerly 6.1 metres
Montreal Street East 54.3 metres north of Queen Street northerly 12.2 metres
Nelson Street West 74 metres north of Princess Street 6.1 metres northerly
Ontario Street East 44.2 metres south of Brock Street southerly 6.1 metres
Ontario Street East 34 metres north of Johnson Street 6.1 metres northerly
Princess Street South 83.8 metres west of Montreal street westerly 18 metres
Princess Street South 127 metres west of Division Street westerly 6.7 metres
Princess Street North 88.4 metres east of Wellington Street easterly 6.1 metres
Queen Street South 9.1 metres east of Wellington Street easterly 6.1 metres
Queen Street South 66 metres west of Clergy Street 6.1 metres westerly
Sydenham Street East 40 metres north of Princess Street northerly 6.1 metres
Wellington Street West 18 metres south of Princess Street southerly 12.0 metres
Wellington Street West 23 metres south of Bay Street southerly 5.5 metres

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday except holidays

Street Side From A-2: 3 hrs, 8:00-5:00 M-F
Bagot Street South 160.4 metres east of Barrie Street 76.5 metres easterly (in parking bay)
Sydenham Street East 9.1 metres north of Ordnance Street northerly 6.1 metres
Sydenham Street East 42.2 metres north of Ordnance Street northerly 6.1 metres
Sydenham Street East 56.6 metres north of Ordnance Street northerly 6.1 metres
Alfred Street East 9.1 metres north of Union Street northerly 18.9 metres
Barrie Street West 16.1 metres north of O'Kill Street northerly 8.5 metres
Earl Street South 93 metres east of University Avenue easterly 6.1 metres
George Street West King Street West northerly one angled parking space
O'Kill Street North 10.0 metres east of George Street easterly 12.0 metres
Stuart Street South 9.1 metres east of George Street easterly 6.1 metres
Stuart Street South 36.2 metres east of Lower University Avenue easterly 20.7 metres
Union Street South 9.1 metres east of Arch Street 6.1 metres easterly
Union Street North 14.6 metres west of Division Street westerly 5.5 metres

Maximum Time Limit: 3 Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From A-2: 3 hrs, 8:00-5:30
Johnson Street North 31 Metres west of Sydenham Street 6.1 metres westerly
Johnson Street North 47.5 metres west of Bagot Street westerly 6.1 metres
Johnson Street North 6.1 metres east of Clergy Street easterly 5.8 metres

Paid Parking Zones Maximum Time Limit: 3 hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday except holidays

Street Side From
Wellington Street East Barrack Street to Place D'Armes

Parking Space Rental Fees are listed in Bylaw 2005-10 – Fees and Charges, as amended, or of a successor to that Bylaw

Applicant Purpose of Permit Maximum Number of parking Spaces to be Rented Time Limit
Churches Weddings and Funerals - -
Funeral Homes Funerals 6 spaces From one hour prior to service to end of Service
Contractors, Movers, Producers, Other Construction Projects, Moving of furniture or goods, filming or other legitimate projects As Authorized by Agreement As per Section 4.22(1) of this Bylaw 1 day Minimum

Accessible Parking Spaces On City Streets Maximum Time Limit: 3

Street Side From
Albert Street West 25.3 metres south of Princess Street 6.1 metres southerly – Sundays Only
Beverly street East 23 metres north of King Street West northerly 14.2 metres
Church Street East 22.9 metres south of the east-west leg of Church Street southerly 13.1 metres on north-south leg of Church Street
Earl Street South 29 metres east of MacDonnell Street easterly 15 metres
Earl Street North 22 metres East of Barrie Street Easterly 6.1 metres
Frontenac Street West 84 metres north of Princess Street northerly 6.7 metres
Joseph Street North 15.2 metres west of Montreal Street westerly 18.9 metres
Lower Union Street North 16.5 metres south of West Street easterly 5.5 metres
Market Street North 34 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 18.6 metres
Mowat Avenue West 84 metres south of Logan Street northerly 6.1 metres
Norman Rogers Dr South 37.5 metres west of Roden Street westerly 18.6 metres
Pine Street South 28.3 metres east of Division Street easterly 7.6 metres
Princess Street North 44 metres west of Clergy Street westerly 6 metres – Sunday Only
Russell Street North 11.0 metres east of Montreal Street easterly 15.2 metres
William Street North 49 Metres West of Sydenham Street 6 Metres Westerly

Monday to Friday 24 Hours per Day

Street Side From
George Street West the second angled parking space north of King Street West to 17 metres north of O'Kill Street

Monday to Friday From 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Street Side From
Albert Street West 37.2 metres north of King Street northerly 82.2 metres
Albert West 59.0 metres south of Union Street southerly 82.7 metres
Queen's Crescent South Albert Street to Collingwood Street

Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Street Side From
Brock Street South Barrie Street to Division Street

Street Side From Days Hours
Ontario Street West 11.9 Metres North of Market Street to 30.8 Metres North of Market Street Daily 10:00 pm to 3:00 am
Ontario Street West 14.2 Metres South of Brock Street to 56.4 Metres North of Market Street Daily 10:00 pm to 3:00 am
Princess Street South 48 metres east of Alfred Street to 80 metres east of Alfred Street Daily 10:00 pm to 3:00 am
Princess Street North 17.5 metres east of Division Street easterly 12.8 metres Daily 10:00 pm to 3:00 am
Princess Street South 31 metres east of Division Street easterly 24 metres Daily 10:00 pm to 3:00 am
Princess Street South 16.5 metres west of Barrie Street to 54.4 metres west of Barrie Street Daily 10:00 pm to 3:00 am
Queen Street South 68 metres east of Wellington Street easterly to King Street Daily Only during events

School Days Only

Street Side From Times
Bagot Street East 17.8 metres south of Dufferin Street southerly 10 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Barrie Street East Johnson Street to Brock Street 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cowdy Street West Russell Street southerly 154 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cranbrook Street North 68.5 metres east of Lakeview Avenue easterly 48 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Demers Avenue East 33 metres North of Wheathill Street Northerly 108 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Dundas Street North 36.2 metres west of Toronto Street westerly 10 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Earl Street South 43.7 metres east of MacDonnell Street easterly 27 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Henderson Blvd North 106 metres west of Roosevelt Drive westerly 90 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Lancaster Drive South 179.6 metres west of Limestone Drive westerly 14.3 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Lancaster Drive South 224.9 metres west of Limestone Drive westerly 29.5 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
MacCauley Street North 37 metres west of Daly Street westerly 35 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
MacDonnell Street East 24.3 metres north of Dundas Street northerly 137 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
McMahon Avenue Avenue North 23 metres west of Seaforth Road westerly 45.5 metres Westerly 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
McMahon Avenue South 117.5 metres east of McMichael Street 30 Meters easterly 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Norman Rogers Drive West 69.5 metres south of Mulcaster Street southerly 96.5 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Norman Rogers Drive South 90 metres east of Byron Crescent easterly 44 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Redden Street South 57.4 metres east of Lakeview Avenue easterly 100.6 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Robert Wallace Drive North 16 metres east of Richardson Drive easterly 72 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Roosevelt Drive West 130 metres north of Henderson Boulevard westerly 41 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Russell Street South 14 metres west of Cowdy Street westerly 84.4 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Seaforth Road West 20 metres north of McMahon Avenue 20 metres northerly 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Seventh Avenue South 60 Metres East of Kingscourt Avenue 92 Metres Easterly 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Sproule Street North 91 metres west of the eastern end of Sproule Street 20 metres westerly 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
St. Martha Street South 11 metres west of Molly McGlynn St westerly 112 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Sydenham Street East 23 metres north of Colborne St to 30 metres south of Ordnance south 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Woodfield Cr South Leyton Avenue 39 metres westerly 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Wheathill Street North 63 metres east of Demers Avenue Easterly 60 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Wheathill Street North 156 metres South of Demers Avenue Easterly 32 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Wiley Street West 220 metres south of Weller Avenue southerly 15 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

D-3: Tour Bus Courtesy Tour Bus Parking Zones No Parking Fee

Street Side From
Johnson Street North Entranceway to hotel easterly to end of Johnson Street

Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Street Side From
Brock Street North 11.0 metres west of King Street westerly 13.4 metres
Clarence St South 10.7 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 10.7 metres
Garrett Street North 9.1 metres west of Division Street westerly 9.1 metres
Johnson Street North 13.4 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 6.7 metres
Johnson Street South 12.4 metres east of Ontario Street easterly 6.7 metres
King Street West 15.8 metres north of Brock Street northerly 9.1 metres
Montreal Street East 7.4 metres south of Princess Street southerly 8.8 metres
Ontario Street East 38.1 metres north of Princess Street northerly 14.6 metres
Princess Street North 17.5 metres east of Division Street easterly 12.8 metres
Princess Street North 15.4 metres west of Wellington Street westerly 16.3 metres
Princess Street North 17.5 Metres east of Division Street Easterly 12.8 Metres
Princess Street South 15 Metres West of Clergy Street Westerly 6 Metres
Princess Street South 21 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 7.3 metres
Princess Street South 18.3 metres east of Ontario Street easterly 10 metres
Princess Street South 112 metres east of Clergy Street Easterly 11.2 metres
Princess Street South 39.3 metres east of Wellington Street easterly 16.3 metres
Princess Street South 50.8 metres west of Montreal Street westerly 7.9 metres
Princess Street North 7.6 metres east of Frontenac Street easterly 7.6 metres
Princess Street North 7.6 metres east of Chatham Street easterly 7.6 metres
Queen Street South 42.4 metres west of Montreal Street westerly 8.2 metres
Queen Street South 12.5 metres west of Barrie Street westerly 12.8 metres

Street Side From Days Times
Cataraqui Street South Orchard Street easterly 17.4 metres Mon to Sun 24 hours
Earl Street North 13.7 metres east of Alfred St easterly 7.6 metres Mon to Sun 24 hours
Morton Way West the north wall of 370 King Street West 22 metres Mon to Sun 24 hours
Market Street North 25.1 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 15 Mon to Sun 24 hours

Parking rates are listed in Bylaw 2005-10 – Fees and Charges, as amended or of a successor to that Bylaw

Schedule E Lot Name Times When Hourly Payment is required (except holidays) Maximum time limit
King/Queen Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 3 hours
Armstrong Memorial Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm 3 hours
Byron Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm 3 hours
Gorsline Lot Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 3 hours
Barrack Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 3 hours
McKee Memorial Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm 3 hours
Drury Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 24 hours
Kingston Frontenac Public Library Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm 3 hours
Waterfront Lot (Macdonald/Memorial Park) Mon. to Sat. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 3 hours (24 hours with Cancer Centre permit and valid Pay and Display)
Richardson Beach Lot (Macdonald/Memorial Park) Mon. to Sat. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 3 hours (24 hours with Cancer Centre permit and valid Pay and Display)
Richardson Beach South Lot (Macdonald/Memorial Park) Mon. to Sat. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 3 hours (24 hours with Cancer Centre permit and valid Pay and Display)
Anglin Lot N/A except for events when indicated by signage 24 hours
Frontenac Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 24 hours
Doug Fluhrer Lot N/A except for events when indicated by signage 24 hours
Springer Memorial Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 24 hours
Four Points Sheraton N/A 72 hours
Frontenac Court House Lot Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 24 hours
Pump House Lot (Steam Museum) Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 24 hours
Lower Robert Bruce Memorial Lot Mon. to Sat. 8:00 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 24 hours
Upper Robert Bruce Memorial Lot Mon. to Sat. 8:00 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 4 hours
Angrove Lot Mon. to Sat. 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and for events when indicated by signage 3 hours
Ordnance Lot Mon. to Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 24 hours
Crawford Wharf Lot N/A 24 hours
Hanson Memorial Garage 24 hours including Sundays and holidays 24 hours
Chown Memorial Garage 24 hours including Sundays and holidays 24 hours
Ontario/Brock Lot 24 hours including Sundays and holidays 24 hours
Rideaucrest Lot 24 hours including Sundays 72 hours

Street Side No Parking From
Aberdeen Street East Earl Street to Johnson Street
Aberfoyle Road West John Counter Boulevard Southerly 60 metres
Aberfoyle Road East John Counter Boulevard to the north intersection with Rosemund Crescent
Adelaide Street North Alfred Street to Division Street
Adelaide Street North Cowdy Street westerly 38.4 metres
Adelaide Street North Division Street easterly 32.3 metres
Albert Street East Princess Street to Brock Street
Albert Street West Queen's Crescent northerly 112.2 metres
Albert Street West Queen's Crescent to Stuart Street
Albert Street East Union Street to King Street
Alfred Street West Princess Street northerly 31.5 metres
Alfred Street East 26.8 metres north of Union Street northerly 25.3 metres
Alfred Street East Princess Street southerly 61 metres
Alfred Street West Third Avenue to Dunkirk Avenue
Alma Street East Ordnance Street to Patrick Street
Ann Street South Vine Street to Main Street
Arch Street East Union Street to Stuart Street
Armstrong Road Both Kingsdale Avenue southerly to Chimo Lane
Augusta Drive West Edward Riley Drive to Crossfield Avenue
Authors Lane East Dickens Drive 21 metres southerly
Authors Lane West Dickens Drive 31.5 metres southerly
Aylmer Crescent West 749-753 Aylmer Crescent in front of the walkway
Bagot Street East Ordnance Street northerly 24.5 metres
Bagot Street East Bay Street southerly 39.4 metres
Bagot Street East 22 metres north of Barrack Street to Ordnance Street
Bagot Street Both Barrie Street to West Street, except in parking bays
Bagot Street West Brock Street to West Street
Bagot Street East Charles Street to James Street
Bagot Street West Charles Street to John Street
Bagot Street West Queen Street northerly71 metres
Bagot Street East Corrigan Street 25 metres northerly
Bagot Street East Dufferin Street 17.8 metres southerly
Bagot Street East Bay Street northerly 23 metres
Bagot Street East James Street to Cataraqui Street
Bagot Street East Raglan Road to Corrigan Street
Bagot Street East North Street southerly 23 metres
Bagot Street West Queen Street northerly 39.6 metres
Bagot Street East Raglan Road southerly 19 metres
Bagot Street East Princess Street 27.7 metres southerly
Balaclava Street South Alma Street to Bay Street
Barrack Street North Wellington Street to Rideau Street
Barrack Street North Bagot Street easterly 32 metres
Barrack Street North Rideau Street to Wellington Street
Barrack Street North Bagot Street easterly 41 metres
Barrack Street South Wellington Street to King Street
Barrack Street South Wellington Street to Bagot Street
Barrie Street East King Street to Johnson Street
Barrie Street East Princess Street to Raglan Road
Barrie Street East Raglan Road to Pine Street
Barrie Street West Stuart Street northerly 44.2 metres
Barrie Street West Union Street southerly 38 metres
Barrie Street West 48.1 metres south of Princess Street southerly to Brock Street
Bath Road South 150 metres east of Collins Bay Road to Collins Bay Road
Bath Road South Queen Mary Road to the Bayridge overpass
Bath Road North Queen Mary Road to Collins Bay Road
Bay Street South 34.1 metres west of Wellington St westerly 12.2 metres
Bay Street South 56.1 metres east of Sydenham Street to Montreal Street
Bay Street South Sydenham Street easterly 36 metres
Bay Street South Sydenham Street easterly 16.8 metres
Bay Street South Montreal Street westerly 43.5 metres
Bay Street North Rideau Street easterly to the end of Bay Street
Bayridge Drive Both Cedarwood Drive to Old Colony Road
Bayswater Place West Greenview Drive northerly 91.1 metres
Bayswater Place West 103.3 metres north of Greenview Drive northerly to end of Bayswater Place
Bayswater Place East 117.9 metres north of Greenview Drive northerly to end of Bayswater Place
Bayswater Place East Greenview Drive northerly 105.7 metres
Benson Street Both Division Street to Conacher Drive
Beverley Street West King Street to Edgehill Street
Beverley Street East Queen's Crescent to Union Street
Bonny Castle Court Inner Circle All
Briceland Street South Montreal Street westerly 83 metres
Brackenwood Crescent North The Southern intersection with Birchwood Drive Easterly to the North-South leg of Brackenwood Cresent
Brackenwood Crescent West The Southern end to the Northern end of the North-South Leg of Brackenwood Crescent
Brackenwood Crescent North 1312 to 1328 Brackenwood Crescent inclusive
Brackenwood Crescent West 1348 to 1366 Brackenwood Crescent inclusive
Brackenwood Crescent North The Northern intersection with Birchwood Drive Easterly to 1368 Brackenwood Crescent inclusive
Brock Street North Barrie Street to Palace Road
Brock Street South Clergy Street easterly 33.6 metres
Brock Street South Division Street to Palace Road
Brock Street South Division Street to Palace Road
Brock Street North Ontario Street to King Street East
Brock Street South 36.6 metres east of Ontario Street easterly to the end of Brock Street
Brock Street North Ontario Street easterly to the end of Brock Street
Brock Street North Sydenham Street to Clergy Street
Bur Brook Road South Jackson Mills Road 53 metres westerly
Bur Brook Road North 45 metres east of Jackson Mills Road 64 metres westerly
Byron Crescent East 31 to 52 Byron Crescent in front of park
Calderwood Drive (southern Leg) North Entire inner side of Calderwood Drive
Canatara Court East All
Carlisle Street East York Street to Chestnut Street
Carruthers Street South Helen Street easterly to College Street
Cataraqui Street North Bagot Street easterly to the end of Cataraqui Street
Cataraqui Street South 17.4 metres east of Orchard Street to the end of Cataraqui Street
Cataraqui Street South Orchard Street to Bagot Street
Cataraqui Woods Dr North 71.4 metres west of Cedarwood Drive westerly 25
Cataraqui Woods Dr Both t Cedarwood Drive easterly 41 metres
Cataraqui Woods Dr South Cedarwood Drive westerly 41 metres
Cataraqui Woods Dr North Cedarwood Drive westerly 39.8 metres
Cataraqui Woods Dr South Larchwood Crescent easterly to 801 Cataraqui Woods
Cataraqui Woods Dr Both D i Midland Avenue to Centennial Drive
Centennial Drive Both Cataraqui Woods Drive to Bath Road
Centre Street East Edgehill Street to King Street
Centre Street West King Street West northerly 41 metres
Centre Street West Union Street to Edgehill Street
Charles Street North 45.8 metres west of Montreal Street to Bagot Street
Charles Street South Montreal Street to Patrick Street
Charles Street South Rideau Street to Bagot Street
Chatham Street West Princess Street to Creighton Street
Chatham Street East Princess Street to Pine Street
Chatham Street East Pine Street to Princess Street
Cherry Street West Pine Street northerly to end of Cherry street
Cherry Street West York Street to the end of Cherry Street
Chestnut Street North Cherry Street to Carlisle Street
Chestnut Street South Cherry Street to Prime Street
Church Street West 73 metres North of Baiden Street Northerly 42.5 metres
Church Street South Yonge Street to western leg of Church Street
Clergy Street East Johnson Street to Brock Street
Clergy Street North Barrie Street to Division Street
Clyde Court East 96 Metres South of Cataraqui Woods Drive to the South end of Clyde Court
Clyde Court West 108 Metres South of Cataraqui Woods Drive to the South end of Clyde Court
Colborne Street North Division Street westerly to the end of Colborne Street
Colborne Street South Division Street westerly 80.2 metres
College Street West Carruthers Street southerly 56.4 metres
Collegeview Crescent North Country Club Drive Easterly 60 Metres
Collins Bay Road Both Bath Road to Princess Street
Collingwood Street West King Street to Union Street
Compton Street South 258 metres west of Wilson Street westerly 75.5 metres
Conacher Drive South Benson Street westerly to 218 Conacher Drive
Conacher Drive North Benson Street easterly to west leg of Sutherland Drive
Concession Street North Division Street to Leroy Grant Drive
Concession Street South 48.5 metres east of Alfred Street to Division Street
Concession Street South Alfred Street to Princess Street
Coronation Blvd East Southern limit of Hydro substation northerly 25 metres
Corrigan Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street
Country Club Drive West King Street to intersection with Collegeview Crescent
Couper Street North Albert Street to Collingwood Street
Court Street North Barrie Street to West Street
Coverdale Drive Both Bath Road to Bayridge Drive
Cowdy Street West Pine Street to Stephen Street
Cowdy Street West Pine Street to Adelaide Street
Cowdy Street East Stephen Street to Russell Street
Creighton Street South All
Crossfield Avenue North Augusta Drive Westerly to 1326 Crossfield Avenue
Curtis Crescent North South intersection with Portsmouth Avenue westerly 258 t
Curtis Crescent East Entire north-south leg of Curtis Crescent
Curtis Crescent South North intersection with Portsmouth Avenue westerly 256 t
Dalton Avenue Both t Division Street westerly 152.4 metres
Dalton Avenue Both Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd westerly to 93 metres west of Grant Timmins Drive
Davis Drive Both Killarney Crescent to Bigham Court
Days Road Both All
Division Street East Princess Street to Union Street
Division Street West Garrett Street to Johnson Street
Division Street East John Counter Boulevard to Queen Street
Division Street West John Counter Boulevard to Colborne Street
Douglas Avenue Inner 140 Metres South of Elliott Avenue to 39 Metres East of the beginning of the cul-de-sac.
Duff Street South Patrick Street westerly to the end of Duff Street
Dufferin Street South Bagot Street to Rideau Street
Durham Street North Victoria Street westerly 45.7 metres
Durham Street South Victoria Street westerly to the end of Durham Street
Earl Street South Barrie Street to Division Street
Earl Street South Victoria Street to Frontenac Street
Earl Street South Alfred Street to University Avenue
Earl Street North Ontario Street to King Street East
Earl Street North King Street East to Wellington Street
Earl Street North Division Street to University Avenue
Earl Street South Clergy Street East to Barrie Street
Earl Street South Clergy Street East to Wellington Street
Earl Street South 44 metres east of MacDonnell Street easterly to Victoria Street
Eldon Hall Place Both Portsmouth Avenue westerly to the end of Eldon Hall
Ellerbeck Street West Pl King Street West northerly 46 metres
Ellerbeck Street East King Street West northerly 62 metres
Ellice Street North Division Street to Main Street
Elliot Avenue Both Division Street to John Counter Boulevard
Elm Street North All
Elmwood Street Both 167.4 metres west of Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd westerly
Emily Street West the south end of Emily Street 41 metres northerly
Emily Street South End Across the south end of Emily Street
Fortune Crescent East Venture Drive Northerly to the Eastern end of the East- West leg of Fortune Crescent
Fourth Avenue North Kingscourt Avenue to Lorne Street
Franklin Place Both All
Fraser Street South 153.6 metres west of Patrick Street westerly 90.3 metres
Fraser Street South Patrick Street westerly 60.9 metres
Front Road Both All
Frontenac Street West 72 metres north of Princess Street 6.1 metres northerly
Frontenac Street West 80 metres north of Princess Street northerly 7.6 metres
Futures Gate West Princess Street to Select Drive
Gardiners Road Both Bath Road to Creek Road/Centennial Drive
Garrett Street South All
Garrett Street North 34.1 metres west of Division Street westerly 20.4 metres
George Street East King Street to O'Kill Street
George Street East 58.5 metres north of O'Kill Street northerly 24.7 metres
George Street West Stuart Street to O'Kill Street
George Street (Barriefield) Both Wellington Street to James Street
Gilmour Avenue Both Elmwood Street southerly to the end of Gilmour Avenue
Gore Street North Ontario Street to the end of Gore Street
Grange Street South Mowat Avenue 97 Metres Easterly
Grange Street North Yonge Street 106 Metres Westerly
Grey Street West Concession Street northerly 54.9 metres
Guthrie Drive East 56 metres north of Dauphin Avenue northerly 24.5
Hamilton Street North Division Street to Alfred Street metres
Helen Street East Mack Street to Carruthers Street
Helen Street West Franklin Place to Park Street
Henderson Boulevard South Chelsea Road to Renda Street
Hickson Avenue South 132.9 metres west of Harvey Street to Montreal Street
Hickson Avenue South Harvey Street easterly 71.9 metres
Holden Street West Cataraqui Woods Drive to Monarch Drive
Howard Crescent South Portsmouth Avenue to Florence Street
Indian Road East McMichael Street to Champlain Avenue
Indian Road Both 84.2 Metres North of Princess Street to McMahon Avenue
Innovation Drive Both Innovation Drive at the southern intersection with Road 15 easterly 30.8 metres
Jackson Mills Road East Bur Brook Road 166 metres southerly
John Street North Bagot Street to Montreal Street
John Counter Blvd Both All
Johnson Street South 20.1 metres east of Ontario Street easterly to the end of Johnson Street
Johnson Street South Clergy Street to Bagot Street
Johnson Street South Wellington Street to King Street
Johnson Street North Helen Street Westerly 42 Metres
Johnson Street North Sydenham Street westerly 30.7 metres
Johnson Street North King street easterly 70 metres
Johnson Street North Ontario Street easterly to the end of Johnson Street
Johnson Street North Bagot Street westerly 47.5 metres
Johnson Street North Palace Road to Portsmouth Avenue
Johnson Street North Division Street to Helen Street
Johnson Street Both Queen Mary Road to Portsmouth Avenue
Johnson Street South Portsmouth Avenue to Barrie Street
Kennedy Street South Gardiner Street to Yonge Street
King Street East North Barrie Street easterly 35 metres
King Street East West Street northerly 33 metres
King Street East The Tragically Hip Way to the end of King Street
King Street West Place d'Armes northerly to the end of King Street
King Street West West Street northerly 27 metres
King Street West Princess Street northerly 56.1 metres
King Street West North 15 Metres West of Beverley Street to Portsmouth Avenue
King Street North Barrie Street to 138 metres west of George Street
King Street West South West Street to 20 Metres East of extension of the east side of Beverley Street.
King Street West South 30 Metres West of the extension of the East side of Beverley Street to Yonge Street
King Street Both Portsmouth Avenue to Front Road
Kingscourt Avenue East Concession Street northerly 33.5 metres
Kingscourt Avenue East 26 metres South of Kirkpatrick Street to Hillcrest Avenue
Kingscourt Avenue East First Avenue to Third Avenue
Kingsdale Avenue North McLellan Crescent to Owens Crescent
Kingsdale Avenue South Armstrong Road easterly 44 metres
Kingsdale Avenue South Armstrong Road westerly 45 metres
Kingston Mills Road Both Eastern limit of western federal bridge easterly to the western limit of eastern federal bridge
Kirkpatrick Street North Division Street to Theresa Crescent
Kirkpatrick Street North Newton Place easterly 108 metres
Kirkpatrick Street South 53 metres east of Kingscourt Avenue to Division Street
Lansdowne Street West Adelaide Street to Concession Street
Lansdowne Street West Pine Street to Stanley Street
Lansdowne Street West Stanley Street to Adelaide Street
Lappans Lane Both John Counter Boulevard to 165 metres south of Hyperion Court
Leroy Grant Drive Both John Counter Boulevard to Elliot Avenue
Leroy Grant Drive East Concession St northerly to end of southerly portion of street
Linton Street South All
Linton Street North Chatham Street to the Eastern end of Linton Street
Logan Street North Yonge Street to Mowat Avenue
Lower Union Street South Bagot Street to King Street
Lower Union Street Both Ontario Street to the end of Lower Union Street
Lower University Avenue Both Stuart Street to King Street
Lower University Ave Both Stuart Street to King Street
MacDonnell Street East 55 metres south of Hill Street to 24.4 metres north of Hill Street
MacDonnell Street West Mack Street to Dundas Street
MacDonnell Street West North Bartlett Street to South Bartlett Street
MacDonnell Street West Princess Street to Durham Street
MacDonnell Street East Princess Street to North Bartlett Street
Mack Street South Alfred Street to Albert Street
Mack Street South Victoria Street to Toronto Street
Mack Street North Nelson Street to Albert Street
Mack Street North Toronto Street to MacDonnell Street
Mack Street South Nelson Street to Victoria Street
Mackenzie Crescent North Entire East-West leg of Mackenzie Crescent
Mackenzie Crescent West Entire North-South leg of Mackenzie Crescent
Main Street West Colborne Street to Division Street
Main Street East Ann Street to Raglan Road
Maitland Street West All
Markland Street South Montreal Street to Patrick Street
Maple Street East 96 metres south of John Counter Boulevard southerly to Cassidy Street
Maple Street West John Counter Boulevard to Cassidy Street
Mary Street Both Portsmouth Avenue to McDonald Street
McEwen Drive West Acron Street northerly to 467 McEwen Drive
McMahon Avenue Both 38 Metres West of Strathcona Crescent to the Western end of McMahon Avenue
McMichael Street Both Princess Street to northern limit of Alexander Street
Midland Avenue Both Gardiners Road to Cataraqui Woods Drive
Miles Avenue Both Portsmouth Avenue to Robert Wallace Drive
Milford Drive West Danbury Road to Ludgate Crescent (north intersection)
Montreal Street West 62.5 metres north of Queen St northerly to Ordnance Street
Montreal Street Both Hwy. 401 on-ramp to Ordnance Street, except in parking bays
Mowat Avenue East King Street southerly to the end of Mowat Avenue
Mowat Avenue West King Street southerly 34.1 metres
Mowat Avenue West 84 metres south of Logan Street to southern end of Mowat Avenue
Mowat Avenue End Across the south end of Mowat Avenue
Muirfield Crescent South All of western leg from Davis Drive
Nelson Street East Princess Street to Concession Street
Nelson Street East Princess Street to Johnson Street
Newcourt Place North Old Oak Road easterly to the end of Newcourt Place
Newton Place North End Across the North End of Newton Place
Newton Place East North End of Newton Place Southerly 9 Metres
Norman Rogers Drive Both Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd to eastern leg of Cliff Crescent
North Bartlett Street Both MacDonnell Street to Victoria Street
North Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street
North Street South Rideau Street to the eastern end of North Street
Notch Hill Road North Queen Mary Road to Runnymede Road
Notch Hill Road South Runnymede Road westerly 64 metres
Old Colony Road East Kimberly Street to Somerset Crescent
Old Oak Road North Johnson Street to Collegeview Crescent
O'Kill Street South George Street to Barrie Street
Ontario Street East 44.4 metres south of Johnson Street southerly 6 metres
Ontario Street East Queen Street southerly 33.2 metres
Ontario Street East 56.1 metres north of Brock Street northerly 10.5 metres
Ontario Street West 59 metres east of Lower Union Street to William Street
Ontario Street West West Street to 37 metres east of Lower Union Street
Ontario Street East West Street northerly 86.5 metres
Orchard Street East 72.5 metres south of River Street southerly 43.9 metres
Ordnance Street South Barrie Street to York Street
Ordnance Street North Montreal Street to Bagot Street
Ordnance Street North Rideau Street easterly 51.6 metres
Ordnance Street North Sydenham Street to Alma Street
Ordnance Street South Montreal Street to Sydenham Street
Ordnance Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street
Ordnance Street North Rideau Street easterly 51.6 metres
Ordnance Street South Barrie Street westerly to the end of Ordnance Street
Palace Road East Bath Road southerly 147 metres
Palace Road East Johnson Street to Brock Street
Park Street South MacDonnell Street to Palace Road
Parkway North end All of the cul-de-sac
Parkway South End All of the cul-de-sac
Patrick Street East Railway Street to Fraser Street
Patrick Street East Stephen Street to James Street
Patrick Street West 73.1 metres north of Railway Street northerly 54.9 metres
Patrick Street West Stephen Street southerly 57.9 metres
Pauline Tom Avenue West Road Number 15 50 metres northerly
Pembridge Crescent Both 903 to 917 Pembridge Crescent
Perth Road West McAdoo's Lane northerly 152 metres
Perth Road West McAdoo's Lane southerly 152 metres
Perth Road East McAdoo's Lane southerly 152 metres
Perth Road East McAdoo's Lane northerly 1200 metres
Pine Street South Chatham Street to Alfred Street
Pine Street South Division Street to Chatham Street
Place d'Armes North Ontario Street to King Street
Place d'Armes South Ontario Street to 58 metres west of King Street
Plum Street South Barrie Street to Chestnut Street
Portsmouth Avenue West Howard Crescent to 45.7 metres south of Princess Street
Portsmouth Avenue West King Street to Howard Crescent
Portsmouth Avenue East King Street West to 45.7 metres south of Princess Street
Portsmouth Avenue Both 76.2 metres north of Princess Street to Old Quarry Road
Prime Street West York Street to Quebec Street
Princess Street North 15.2 Metres East of Chatham Street to 98.6 Metres West of Division Street
Princess Street North Macdonnell Street to Victoria Street
Princess Street North Division Street westerly 62 metres
Princess Street North Macdonnell Street 90 metres westerly
Princess Street North 119.4 metres west of Macdonnell Street to 47.2 metres west of Drayton Street
Princess Street North Alfred Street westerly 54.9 metres
Princess Street North 34.1 metres east of Ontario Street easterly to end of the street
Princess Street South Victoria Street to Nelson Street
Princess Street South Nelson Street to Albert Street
Princess Street South Albert Street to Frontenac Street
Princess Street South Frontenac Street to Alfred Street
Princess Street South Macdonnell Street 109 metres westerly
Princess Street South University Avenue to 80 metres east of Alfred Street
Princess Street South Alfred Street 48 metres easterly
Princess Street South Macdonnell Street 48.5 metres easterly
Princess Street South Victoria Street 94 metres westerly
Princess Street South Division Street westerly 131 metres
Princess Street South 138.4 metres west of Macdonnell Street to Regent Street
Princess Street South Division Street easterly 31.4 metres
Princess Street South 25.9 metres east of Ontario Street easterly to the end of the street
Princess Street Both Bath Road/Concession Street westerly to City limits
Purdy's Court Both All
Purdy's Mill Road East Purdy's Court to 920 Purdy's Mill Road
Purdy's Mill Road West Purdy's Court to cemetery entrance
Quebec Street North Patrick Street to Division Street
Queen Mary Road Both Bath Road to Johnson Street
Queen Mary Road West Bath Road northerly to the north end of Queen Mary Road
Queen Mary Road East north end of Queen Mary Road 18 metres southerly
Queen Mary Road End Across the north end of Queen Mary Road
Queen Street South Barrie Street easterly 55.2 metres
Queen Street North Sydenham Street to Barrie Street
Queen Street North King Street to Sydenham Street
Queen Street North Division Street to Barrie Street
Queen Street South 32 metres east of Montreal Street easterly 25.9 metres
Queen Street South Ontario Street to King Street
Queen Street South Wellington Street westerly 35 metres
Queen Street Both Ontario Street to the end of Queen Street
Queen's Crescent North Beverley Street to University Avenue
Raglan Road North Division Street to Main Street
Raglan Road North Barrie Street to Patrick Street
Raglan Road South Montreal Street to Rideau Street
Raglan Road South Main Street to Vine Street
Raglan Road South York Street to Main Street
Railway Street Both Division Street to Montreal Street
Redan Street East Balaclava Street to Raglan Road
Regent Street East Brock Street to Princess Street
Regent Street West Park Street southerly 50.3 metres
Regent Street West Brock Street to Johnson Street
Richard Street South Yonge Street to Mowat Avenue
Rideau Street East Barrack Street to 40 metres north of River Street
Rideau Street East Montreal Street southerly 91.4 metres
Rideau Street West North Street to Raglan Road
Rideau Street West Montreal Street to Cataraqui Street
Ridley Drive East Sutton Mills Court to Appledown Drive
Rigney Street Both Counter Street northerly to the end of Rigney Street
Road 2 Both LaSalle Causeway easterly to the City limits
Road 15 Both Road 2 northerly to Highway 401
Rockwell Both All
Roden Street West Johnson Street to Norman Rogers Drive
Rose Abbey Crescent West Grenadier Drive to Gore Road
Runnymede Road East Robert Wallace Drive to Notch Hill Road
Runnymede Road West Robert Wallace Drive northerly 126.5 metres
Russell Street South Cowdy Street to Montreal Street
Russell Street South Division Street easterly to 99.1 metres west of Cowdy Street
Russell Street North 193.5 metres east of Division Street easterly 33.6 metres
St. Catherine Street West Pine Street northerly to the end of St. Catherine Street
St. Lawrence Avenue West King Street to Stuart Street
St. Martha Street North Molly McGlynn Street northerly 34.6 metres
St. Martha Street South Greenwood Park Drive easterly 52 metres
St. Martha Street South Molly McGlynn Street to 27 metres east of Rose Abbey Drive
Smithfield Crescent East 45.4 metres from southern leg of Smithfield Crescent northerly 81.1 metres on the western leg of Smithfield Crescent
South Bartlett Street Both Victoria Street to MacDonnell Street
Station Street Both Bath Road northerly to the end
Stephen Street South Cowdy Street to Division Street
Stephen Street South Division Street to Montreal Street
Stephen Street North Division Street to Montreal Street
Strachan Avenue Both All
Stuart Street North Arch Street westerly to 16.8 meters West of George Street
Stuart Street North Arch Street to Barrie Street
Stuart Street South Lower University Avenue to St. Lawrence Avenue
Stuart Street South St. Lawrence Avenue to Albert Street
Stuart Street North University Avenue easterly 75 metres
Sutherland Drive Both Conacher Drive northerly 90 metres
Sydenham Road Both Sunnyside Road northerly 720 metres
Sydenham Road East 320 metres north of Princess Street northerly 265 metres
Sydenham Road West Burr Brook Road northerly 80 metres
Sydenham Street East Bay Street northerly 54.2 metres
Sydenham Street East 69 metres north of Queen Street northerly 25.5 metres
Sydenham Street East Ordnance Street 30 metres southerly
Sydenham Street West Johnson Street to West Street
Tanner Drive West 585 Tanner Drive to 641 Tanner Drive inclusive
Tanner Drive West 647 Tanner Drive to 675 Tanner Drive inclusive
Tanner Drive West 707 Tanner Drive to 713 Tanner Drive inclusive
Tanner Drive West 725 Tanner Drive to 731 Tanner Drive inclusive
Tanner Drive West 735 Tanner Drive to 767 Tanner Drive inclusive
Tanner Drive South 34 metres West of Melrose Street Westerly 35 metres
Taylor Kidd Blvd Both Princess Street westerly to the City limits
Thomas Street North Cowdy Street to Patrick Street
Toronto Street East Brock Street to Earl Street
Toronto Street East Durham Street northerly to the end of Toronto Street
Toronto Street West 37.2 metres south of Durham Street northerly to the end of Toronto Street
Tower Street West All
Tower Street East 19 Metres North of Princess Street to North end of Tower Street
Truedell Road West 131 Metres North of Pembridge Crescent 8.5 Meters Northerly
Union Street Both Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard to King Street West
Union Street Both University Avenue easterly 73.1 metres
Union Street Both University Avenue to Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd
University Avenue Both Stuart Street to Princess Street
Vandalay Crescent Cul-de- sac All
Victoria Street Both Concession Street northerly 57.9 metres
Victoria Street West Durham Street to Princess Street
Victoria Street East Earl Street to Durham Street
Victoria Street East Princess Street to South Bartlett Street
Victoria Street East Union Street to Earl Street
Vine Street East Raglan Road to Ellice Street
Victoria Street East Princess Street to Concession Street
Virginia Street South 77-79 Virginia Street westerly to the north leg of Virginia Street
Wagner Street West 32 Metres South of Cashman Place 126 Metres Southerly
Waterloo Drive South 70 metres east of Grand Trunk Avenue easterly 29 metres
Weller Avenue North Compton Street to 61 metres east of Wiley Street
Weller Avenue Both Division Street to the East/West leg of Weller Avenue
Weller Place South Abbey Glenn Drive westerly (bus turnaround)
Wellington Street East Barrack Street to Bay Street (except tour buses)
Wellington Street Both Bay Street to North Street
Wellington Street West 33.5 metres south of Clarence Street to Johnson Street
Wellington Street East Johnson Street to William Street
Wellington Street East William Street to West Street
Wellington Street Both George Street to Road 15
Westdale Avenue West Bath Road to Park Street
West Street East Bagot Street to Earl Street
West Street East King Street northerly 45.7 metres
West Street West King Street to Court Street
West Street Both King Street to Ontario Street
West Street East Lower Union Street southerly 32 metres
William Street North Barrie Street to University Avenue
William Street South King Street to Sydenham Street
Wilson Street West 116 Metres North of Weller Avenue Northerly 46 Metres
Wise Street West the Eastern intersection with Woodbine Road Northerly 119 metres
Wright Crescent North All of the southern east-west leg
Wright Crescent South All of the northern east-west leg
Wright Crescent East All of the north-south leg
Yonge Street Both King Street southerly to the end of Yonge Street
Yonge Street Both the north intersection of hatter Street and Yonge Street to 95 metres south of Wolfe Street
Yonge Street East Johnson Street southerly 41 metres
Yonge Street West Union Street to Church Street
Yonge Street West Church Street 50 metres northerly
Yonge Street West Johnson Street to Forsythe Avenue
York Street South 22.9 metres west of extension of westerly curb of Cherry St easterly to 22.9 metres east of extension of easterly curb of Cherry Street
York Street North Barrie Street to Raglan Road
York Street North Carlisle Street to Cherry Street
York Street North Cherry Street to Prime Street
York Street North Raglan Road to Carlisle Street
York Street North Chatham Street to 22.5 metres west of Barrie Street
York Street North Chatham Street to 16 metres west of Barrie Street

Street Side From Days No Stopping Times
Andersen Drive Both Princess Street to the Southern Intersection with Ellesmeer Avenue Mon to Sun Any Time
Ashley Crescent West Henderson Boulevard to Fairfax Drive Mon to Sun Any Time
Ashley Crescent East Henderson Boulevard 19 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Bagot Street East 13.7 metres south of Queen St southerly 21.6 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Bagot Street East West Street northerly 18.3 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Bagot Street West Princess Street to Brock Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Bagot Street East 27.7 metres south of Princess Street to Brock Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Bath Road Both Princess Street to Queen Mary Road Mon to Sun Any Time
Bath Road South the Bayridge Overpass 366 metres westerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Bath Road South 456 metres west of the Bayridge Overpass to 150 metres east of Collins Bay Road Mon to Sun Any Time
Baxter Avenue East Sproule Street 13 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any time
Birchwood Drive East southern intersection with Brackenwood Crescent 42 metres southerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Birchwood Drive East northern intersection with Brackenwood Crescent 23 metres southerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Brock Street South 59.7 metres west of Ontario Street to King Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Brock Street South Bagot Street to Sydenham Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Brock Street North Bagot Street to Sydenham Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Brock Street Both Clergy Street to Barrie Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Brock Street South Ontario Street westerly 33.4 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Brock Street Both Palace Road to Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard. Mon to Sun Any Time
Clarence St North Ontario Street westerly 46.0 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Clarence St South Ontario Street easterly 24.0 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Clarence St South 21.3 metres west of Ontario St westerly 3.0 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Clarence St South 35.6 metres west of Ontario St westerly 2.4 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Clarence St South 32.0 metres east of King St easterly 11.0 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Concession St Both Entry ramp to Princess St from Concession St Mon to Sun Any Time
Cranbrook Street North 126 metres East of Lakeview Avenue Easterly 6 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Daly Street East MacCauley Street 15 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Daly Street West MacCauley Street 12 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Demers Avenue East Wheathill Street Northerly 33 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Demers Avenue East 141 metres North of Wheathill Street Northerly 35 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Demers Avenue West Wheathill Street Northerly 23 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Demers Avenue Both Wheathill Street Southerly 23 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Demers Avenue West Parnell Avenue Southerly 23 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Division Street East Princess Street to Queen Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Division Street West Princess Street Northerly 103.2 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Division Street West Princess Street to Garrett Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Division Street East John Counter Boulevard to the eastbound off-ramp from Highway 401 Mon to Sun Any Time
Division Street West John Counter Boulevard to the eastbound off-ramp from Highway 401 Mon to Sun Any Time
Drennan Street Both Wiley Street 30 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Earl Street North Toronto Street Westerly 24.5 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Earl Street North Toronto Street Easterly 18 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Elliott Avenue Both Leroy Grant Drive to Division Street Mon to Sun Any Time
First Canada Avenue Both Division Street to Weller Avenue Mon to Sun Any Time
Henderson Blvd South Ashley Crescent to Glen Cairn Terrace Mon to Sun Any Time
Henderson Blvd North Ashley Crescent to Roosevelt Drive Mon to Sun Any Time
Henderson Blvd Both McEwen Drive to Lakeview Avenue Mon to Sun Any Time
Holden Street East 23 metres south of Cinderhill Street to 23 metres north of Cinderhill Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Holden Street East 23 metres south of Tulip Drive to 23 metres north of Tulip Drive Mon to Sun Any Time
Holden Street West Monarch Drive 82 metres northerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Holden Street West 15 metres south of Cinderhill Street to 30 metres north of Cinderhill Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Johnson Street North Barrie Street easterly 9.1 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Johnson Street South Bagot Street to Wellington Street Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street West North Beverley Street Easterly 35 Metres Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street West North Beverley Street Westerly 15 Metres Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street South Mowat Avenue to Portsmouth Avenue Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street West South The extension of the East side of Beverley Street Westerly 30 Metres Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street West South The extension of the East side of Beverley Street Easterly 20 Metres Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street East Clarence Street to Brock Street Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street West Clarence Street northerly 32.0 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
King Street West 52.0 metres north of Clarence Street to Brock St Mon to Sun Any Time
Kingscourt Avenue Both Kirkpatrick Street 26 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Kirkpatrick North 57.5 metres east of Kingscourt Avenue 81 metres westerly - -
Kirkpatrick South 53 metres east of Kingscourt Avenue 81 metres westerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive North Limestone Drive 268 metres westerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South Limestone Drive 38 metres westerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South 59.4 metres west of Limestone Drive 35.5 metres westerly Limestone Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South 123.3 metres west of Limestone Drive 13.8 metres westerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South 165.5 metres west of Limestone Drive 14.1 metres westerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South 193.9 metres west of Limestone Drive 31 metres Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South Dunham Street 23 metres westerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South Dunham Street 23 metres easterly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lancaster Drive South Bentley Terrace 72 metres easterly Mon to Sun Anytime
Lyons Street Both Kirkpatrick Street 15 metres northerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Lyons Street Both Elliott Avenue 17 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
MacCauley Street North Daly Street westerly 37 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
MacCauley Street South Daly Street westerly 34 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Market Street South Ontario Street westerly 56.5 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Market Street South 79.5 metres west of Ontario Street to King Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Market Street North Ontario Street westerly 27.1 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Market Street North 52.1 metres west of Ontario Street to King Street Mon to Sun Any Time
McMahon Avenue South Jane Avenue 23 metres Westerly Mon to Sun Any Time
McMahon Avenue South 64 Metres East of McMichael Street 53.5 Metres Easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
McMahon Avenue North Westmoreland Road westerly 48 metres Mon to Sun Anytime
McMahon Avenue North Westmoreland Road easterly 110 metres Mon to Sun Anytime
McMahon Avenue North Seaforth Road 27.5 westerly metres Mon to Sun Anytime
McMahon Avenue North Seaforth Road easterly 10 metres Mon to Sun Anytime
McMahon Avenue South Jane Street easterly 158 metres Mon to Sun Anytime
Montreal Street West Princess Street northerly 12.3 metres - -
Montreal Street East Princess Street northerly 14.1 metres - -
Morton Way Both King Street West to southern end of Morton Way except Mon to Sun Any Time
Ontario Street West Clarence Street to 27.4 metres North of Johnson Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Ontario Street West Market Street to Clarence Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Ontario Street West Market Street to Brock Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Ontario Street East Princess Street 23 metres northerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Ontario Street West Brock Street to Queen Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Ontario Street Both Queen Street to east side of the LaSalle Causeway Mon to Sun Any Time
Park Street South Toronto Street 23 Metres Westerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Park Street North Toronto Street 23 Metres Westerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Park Street South Toronto Street 23 metres Easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Park Street North Toronto Street 12 Metres Easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Pembridge Crescent East Taylor Kidd Boulevard Northerly 23 Metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Portsmouth Ave Both Princess Street northerly 76.2 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Portsmouth Ave Both Princess Street southerly 45.7 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Place d'Armes North King Street to Wellington Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South Bagot Street easterly 33.5 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street Both Bath Road to 152.4 metres west of Portsmouth Avenue Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North Concession Street to 47.2 metres west of Drayton Avenue Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North 55.3 metres east of Bagot Street to 49.6 metres west of Wellington Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South Bath Road to Regent Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South Wellington Street westerly 23 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North Bagot Street easterly 35.7 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North 24.5 metres east of Montreal Street easterly 24.2 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North Wellington Street westerly 25.7 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North Wellington Street easterly 29 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North 90 metres west of Macdonnell Street westerly 29.4 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North King Street westerly 18 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South 109 metres west of Macdonnell Street westerly 29.4 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South 50.5 metres east of Bagot Street to 50 metres west of Wellington Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South Wellington Street easterly 32.9metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street South King Street westerly 18 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Princess Street North 56 Metres West of Clergy Street Westerly 26.5 Metres - -
Princess Street North Barrie Street Easterly 18.6 Metres - -
Princess Street North Clergy Street westerly 16.8 metres - -
Princess Street North Sydenham Street westerly 17.3 metres - -
Princess Street North 53.1 metres east of Sydenham Street easterly 20.2 metres - -
Princess Street North Sydenham Street easterly 23.1 metres - -
Princess Street North Bagot Street westerly 17.4 metres - -
Princess Street North Montreal Street easterly 13.8 metres - -
Princess Street North Barrie Street Westerly 11 Metres - -
Princess Street North 22.75 Metres West of Barrie Street Westerly 18.5 Metres - -
Princess Street North 77.5 Metres East of Division Street Easterly 43.5 Metres - -
Princess Street North Division Street Easterly 17.5 Metres - -
Princess Street South Division Street Easterly 30 Metres - -
Princess Street South 60 Metres East of Division Street Easterly 59 Metres - -
Princess Street South Barrie Street Westerly 16.5 Metres - -
Princess Street South 55 Metres East of Barrie Street Easterly 24 Metres - -
Princess Street South Barrie Street Easterly 23.75 Metres - -
Princess Street South Clergy Street easterly 20.3 metres - -
Princess Street South Montreal Street westerly 17.3 metres - -
Princess Street South 101.8 metres west of Montreal Street westerly 16.8 metres - -
Princess Street South Clergy Street Westerly 15 Metres - -
Princess Street South Montreal Street easterly 20.8 metres - -
Queen Street South Bagot Street 11.5 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Regent Street West Princess Street southerly 48.7 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Rideau Street West Bay Street 23 metres Southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Rose Abbey Drive North St. Martha Street 65 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Rose Abbey Drive South St. Martha Street 18 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Road 15 Both 90 metres south of Grenadier Drive/ Point St. Mark southerly 200 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Roosevelt Drive East Henderson Boulevard to 46 metres south of Brentwood Crescent Mon to Sun Anytime
Seaforth Road Both McMahon Avenue 20 metres northerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Sir John A. Macdonald Boulevard Both John Counter Boulevard to King Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Smith Street East Princess Street to South Bartlett St Mon to Sun Any Time
Smith Street West Princess Street 48.2 metres northerly - -
Sproule Street North 80 metres west of the eastern end of Sproule Street 11 metres westerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Sproule Street South Baxter Avenue 35 metres westerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Sydenham Street Street Both Princess Street northerly 37 metres - -
Tower Street East Princess Street 11 Metres Northerly - -
The Tragically Hip Way North King Street to Ontario Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Tulip Drive South Holden Street 12 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Unity Road North Sydenham Road 89 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Unity Road South Sydenham Road 69 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time
Unity Road South 40 metres west of Leonard Street to 27 metres east of Leonard Street Mon to Sun Any Time
Victoria Street West South Bartlett Street 23 metres southerly Mon to Sun Anytime
Waterloo Drive North 20.0 metres west of Grand Trunk Ave W to 20.0 metres east of Friarhill Cres Mon to Sun Any Time
Waterloo Drive South 16.0 metres east of Grand Trunk Ave West westerly 38.0 Mon to Sun Any Time
Wellington Street East Princess Street northerly 28 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wellington Street East Princess Street southerly 26 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wellington Street West Princess Street northerly 32.5 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wellington Street West Princess Street southerly 21 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street North Demers Avenue easterly 63 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street North 123 metres east of Demers Avenue easterly 33 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street North 188 metres east of Demers Avenue easterly 34 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street North Demers Avenue easterly 9 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street South Demers Avenue easterly 9 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street South 32 metres east of Demers Avenue easterly 31 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street South 38 metres east of Delancey Drive easterly 35 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wheathill Street South 105 metres east of Delancey Drive easterly 34 metres Mon to Sun Any Time
Wiley Street East Drennan Street 18 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Wiley Street East Drennan Street 20 metres northerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Wiley Street West 98 metres south of Weller Avenue 68 metres southerly Mon to Sun Any Time
Woodfield Crescent North Leyton Avenue 23 metres easterly Mon to Sun Any Time

Street Side From Times
Baxter Avenue West Sproule Street to Avondale Crescent 8:30 am to 9:30 am and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Birchwood Drive East 42 metres south of the southern intersection with Brackenwood Crescent to Cataraqui Woods Drive 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Birchwood Drive East 23 metres north of the southern intersection of Brackenwood Crescent to 23 metres south of the northern intersection with Brackenwood Crescent 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cataraqui Woods Drive North Birchwood Drive 152 metres westerly 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cataraqui Wood Drive South Cedarwood Drive to Larchwood Crescent 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cranbrook Street South Lakeview Avenue to Days Road 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Crerar Boulevard East 100 metres south of Front Road southerly 162 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Crerar Boulevard West 168 metres south of Front Road southerly 48 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Demers Avenue West 23 metres north of Wheathill Street northerly to 23 metres south of Parnell Avenue 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Dunham Street West Lancaster Drive 22 metres southerly 8:00 am to 9:30 am and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Earl Street North MacDonnell Street to Toronto Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Gilmour Avenue West Phillips Street to Elmwood Street 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Glen Castle Road West 95.3 metres north of Camberley Crescent northerly 41 metres 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Glen Castle Road East 98.3 metres north of Camberley Crescent northerly 41 metres 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
High Gate Park Drive West Prince Charles Drive southerly to 719 High Gate Park Drive 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Holden Street East 23 metres north of Tulip Drive to 23 metres south of Cinderhill Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Holden Street West 82 metres north of Monarch Drive 150 metres northerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Holden Street West 232 metres north of Monarch Drive 87 metres northerly 8:00 am to 9:30 am and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Hudson Drive West Sussex Boulevard northerly 120 metres 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Hudson Drive North Eastern intersection with Downing Street westerly 112 metres 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Irving Court East 112 metres north of Keenan Drive northerly 22 metres 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Irving Court North End 7 metres east of the pathway entrance to 6 metres west of the pathway entrance 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Jasmine Street West St. Martha Street 40 metres northerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Johnson Street North 9.1 metres east of Barrie Street to 36.6 metres east of Barrie Street 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Lancaster Drive North 268 metres west of Limestone Drive 110 metres westerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Leyton Avenue West Woodfield Crescent 22 metres northerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Leyton Avenue East Woodfield Crescent 39 metres northerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Limestone Drive East 77 metres south of Lancaster Drive southerly 17 metres 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Limestone Drive South End 7 metres east of the pathway entrance to 11 metres west of the pathway entrance 8:00 am to 9:00 am and 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Lyons Street East 17 metres south of Elliott Avenue to 15 metres north of Kirkpatrick Street 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
MacCauley Street South 34 metres west of Daly Street westerly 95 metres 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
MacDonnell Street West 15 metres south of Earl Street to Hill Street 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
MacDonnell Street West Park Street to Dundas Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
McMahon Avenue North 9 metres east of McMichael Street easterly 36 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Norman Rogers Drive East 21 metres south of Mulcaster Street southerly 180 metres 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Norman Rogers Drive West Mulcaster Street southerly 75.5 metres 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Norman Rogers Drive North the eastern intersection with Byron Crescent easterly to the western intersection with Cliff Crescent 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Norman Rogers Drive South 45 metres east of the eastern intersection with Byron Crescent easterly 45 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Pembridge Crescent West/ South Taylor Kidd Boulevard to 991 Pembridge Crescent 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Robert Wallace Drive South Richardson Drive easterly 112 metres 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Robert Wallace Drive North 88 metres east of Richardson Drive 29 metres easterly 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Robert Wallace Drive North 16 metres east of Richardson Drive westerly 64 metres 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Robert Wallace Drive South Richardson Drive to Wallace Place 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Roosevelt Drive West Henderson Boulevard 57 metres northerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Roosevelt Drive East 9 metres south of Brentwood Crescent 31 metres southerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
St. Martha Street North Molly McGlynn Street to Greenwood Park Drive 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
St. Martha Street North Rose Abbey Drive to Jasmine Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Seventh Avenue North Hillcrest Avenue easterly 43 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Seventh Avenue North Hillcrest Avenue westerly 43.3 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Sproule Street South Baxter Avenue 108 metres easterly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Toronto Street East Park Street 133.6 metres southerly 8:0 am to 4:00 pm
Truedell Road East Amberley Place northerly 124 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Truedell Road East Amberley Place southerly 35 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Truedell Road West Pembridge Crescent northerly 69 metres 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tulip Drive North Holden Street to Tenley Drive 7:30 am to 9:30 am and 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Unity Road South 69 metres east of Sydenham Road to 40 metres west of Leonard Street 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Unity Road South 27 metres east of Leonard Street 96 metres easterly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Welborne Avenue West Brodie Avenue northerly to 38 metres north of Everitt Avenue 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Welborne Avenue East 38 metres north of Brodie Avenue northerly 88 metres 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Wheathill Street South 9 metres east of Demers Avenue to 23 metres west of Delancey Drive 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Wheathill Street South 23 metres east of Delancey Drive easterly 116 metres 7:30 am to 4:30 pm
Wiley Street East 30 metres south of Weller Avenue to 20 metres north of Drennan Street 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Wiley Street East 18 metres south of Drennan Street 100 metres southerly 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Woodfield Crescent North Leyton Avenue 43 metres westerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Woodfield Crescent South 39 metres west of Leyton Avenue 20 metres westerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Woodfield Crescent South the west side of Leyton Avenue extended 67 metres easterly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Street Side From Times Limit
Albert Street West 16.8 metres south of Princess Street southerly 14.6 metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Albert Street West 93 metres north of Mack Street 12 metres northerly Mon to Fri 5 minutes
Albert Street East 6.1 m north of Earl St northerly 15.2 metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Albert Street West 28 metres south of Union Street southerly 26 metres Mon to Fri 8 am to 6 pm 15 minutes
Alfred Street East 9.1 metres north of Johnson St northerly 6.1 metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Alfred Street West York Street to Concession Street Mon to Sun 3 hours
Alfred Street West 23 metres south of Mack Street to 23 metres north of Brock Street Mon to Sun 2 hours
Bagot Street East 13.6 metres north of Barrack St northerly 8.1 metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Bagot Street East 6.1 metres south of Queen Street southerly 14 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Barrack Street North 41 metres east of Bagot Street 6.1 metres easterly Mon to Sun 5 minutes
Barrie Street West 9.1 metres north of Clergy Street northerly 6.1 metres Mon to Sun 15 minutes
Barrie Street West 9.1 Metres South of York Street Southerly 7.6 Metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Bay Street North Bagot Street westerly 15.2 metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Bay Street South 36 metres east of Sydenham St easterly 20.1 metres Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Bayswater Place West 91.1 metres north of Greenview Drive northerly 12.2 metres Mon to Sun 15 minutes
Bayswater Place East 105.7 metres north of Greenview Drive northerly 12.2 metres Mon to Sun 15 minutes
Brock Street South 49.6 metres west of Ontario St westerly 6 metres Mon to Sat 10 minutes
Brock Street North 11 metres west of King St westerly 13.4 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Chapman Street West Queen Street 35 metres northerly Mon to Sun 15 minutes
Charles Street South 9.1 metres east of Montreal Street 11 Metres Easterly Mon to Sun 1 hour
Church Street North East-West leg: Yonge St to intersection of North-South leg Mon to Sun 3 hours
Clarence Street South 12.4 metres east of Bagot St easterly 8 metres Mon to Sun 5 Minutes
Clarence Street North 63.0 metres east of Ontario Street easterly 5.5 metres Mon to Sun 10 Minutes
Clarence Street South 10.7 metres west of Ontario St westerly 10.7 metres westerly Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 5 Minutes
Clarence Street South 19.2 metres east of King St. easterly 13.5 metres Mon to Sun 5 Minutes
Clergy Street East Barrie Street northerly to Earl Street School Days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 5 Minutes
Clergy Street East 9 Metres North of Queen Street 13 metres Northerly Mon to Sun 10 Minutes
Concession Street South 14.5 metres east of Alfred Street easterly 36 metres easterly Mon to Sat 15 Minutes
Cranbrook Street North 10 metres east of Lakeview Avenue 58.5 metres easterly School Days Only 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 15 Minutes
Cranbrook Street North 133 metres east of Lakeview Avenue to 20 metres west of Days Road School Days Only 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 15 Minutes
Dundas Street North 9 Metres West of Toronto Street 27.2 metres Westerly School Days Only 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 5 minutes
Dundas Street North 46.2 metres West of Toronto Street to 9 metres East of McDonnell Street School Days Only 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 5 Minutes
Earl Street South 57 Metres East of Frontenac Street 41 Metres Easterly School Days 7:30 am to 4:30 5 Minutes
Earl Street North Barrie Street westerly 25 metres Mon to Sat 15 Minutes
Ellerbeck Street West 46 metres north of king Street West to Davidson Street Mon to Fri 8:00 am to 4:30 pm 2 hours
Ellerbeck Street East 62 metres north of King Street West to Davidson Street Mon to Fri 8:00 am to 4:30 pm 2 hours
Garrett Street North 9.1 metres West of Division Street Westerly 9.1 metres Mon to Fri 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
James Street North 22 metres west of Montreal Street 11 metres westerly Mon to Sun 15 minutes
Johnson Street North 9.1 metres west of Wellington Street westerly 6.1 metres Mon to Sun 5 minutes
Johnson St North 13.4 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 6.7 m Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
John Street South 60 metres west of Montreal Street 50 metres westerly Mon to Sun 3 hours
King Street East 9.1 metres south of Johnson Street southerly 6.1 metres Mon to Sun 5 minutes
King Street West 32 metres south of Brock Street south 20 Mon to Sun 10 minutes
King Street West 15.8 metres north of Brock St northerly 9.1 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Kirkpatrick Street North 9 metres west of Lyons Street westerly 137 metres 8:am to 4:00 pm School Days Only 5 Minutes
Lancaster Drive South 38 metres west of Limestone Drive 21.4 metres westerly School Days 8 am to 4 5 minutes
Lancaster Drive South 94.9 metres west of Limestone Drive 28.4 metres westerly School Days 8 5 minutes
Lancaster Drive South 137 metres west of Limestone Drive 28 metres westerly 8:00 am to 4:00 pm School Days Only 5 minutes
Livingston St West 9.1 south of Union St southerly 24.1 Mon to Sat 15 minutes
Livingston Street East t 4.4 metres south of Union Street southerly 38.4 metres Mon to Sat 15 Minutes
Lower Union Street North 57.6 Metres West of Wellington Street Westerly 8 Metres Mon to Sun between 7:00 am and 5:pm 2 hours
Lyons Street West 62.4 metres south of Elliot Avenue 127 metres southerly Mon to Sun 5 minutes
MacDonnell Street East 54.9 metres north of N Bartlett St northerly Mon to Sat 9 am to 6 pm 30 minutes
MacDonnell Street East 9.1 metres north of Mack Street northerly Mon to Sun 9 am to 10 pm 15 minutes
MacDonnell Street East 145 metres North of Dundas Street to 9 metres South of Park Street School Days Only 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 5 Minutes
Mack Street North 9 metres east of Helen Street easterly 18 metres Mon to Fri 15 minutes
Market Street South 56.5 m west of Ontario St westerly 23 Mon to Sat 10 minutes
McMahon Avenue South t McMichael Street westerly 64.0 metres School Days 8 am to 4 pm 15 minutes
McMahon Avenue South 23 Metres West of Jane Avenue Westerly 23.5 Metres School Days Only 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 15 Minutes
Montreal Street East 10.4metres south of Princess Street southerly 8.8 metres Mon to Fri 2pm to 6pm Sat 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Montreal Street East 7.4 metres south of Princess Street southerly 8.8 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 5 Minutes
Mowat Avenue West 77.9 metres south of Logan Street 23 metres northerly Mon to Sun 15 Minutes
Nelson Street West 9.1 metres north of Brock St northerly 24.4 Mon, Wed, Fri 15 Minutes
Nelson Street East 9.1 metres north of Brock St northerly 24.4 Tue, Thur, Sat 15 Minutes
Nelson Street East 12.2 metres north of Concession Street northerly 16.8 metres Mon to Sat 8 am to 8 pm 15 Minutes
Nelson Street West 26 Metres South of Princess Street 10 Metres Southerly Mon to Sun 5 Minutes
Norman Rogers Drive South Byron Crescent easterly 45.0 metres School Days 8 am to 4 pm 15 Minutes
North Street South 9.1 metres east of Montreal Street 12.2 metres easterly Mon to Sun 1 hour
Ontario Street East 31.5 metres north of Brock St northerly 7.6 metres Mon to Sun 5 minutes
Ontario Street East 38.1 metres north of Princess Street northerly 14.6 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Ordnance Street North Barrie Street to York Street Mon to Fri 8 am to 6 pm 1 hour
Park Street South MacDonnell Street to Toronto Street School Days 8 am to 4 pm 15 minutes
Pine Street North 15.8 metres west of Division Street westerly 9.1 metres Mon to Fri 1 hour
Princess Street North 20.5 metres east of Clergy Street easterly 6 metres Mon to Sun 5 minutes
Princess Street North 24 metres west of Wellington Street westerly 10 metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm Saturday 8 pm to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street North 17.5 Metres East of Division Street Easterly 12.8 Metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm Saturday 8 pm to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street South 15 Metres West of Clergy Street Westerly 6 Metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street South 18.3 metres east of Ontario Street easterly 10 metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm; Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street South 4.7 metres west of Sydenham Street westerly 24 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6pm Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street South 11.3 metres west of Montreal Street westerly 7.9 metres Mon to Fri 2 to 6 pm Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street South 7.6 metres west of Clergy street westerly 6.1 metres Mon to Sun 5 minutes
Princess Street South 21 metres west of Ontario Street westerly 7.3 metres Mon to Fri 2pm to 6 pm Saturday 8pm to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street South 39.3 metres east of Wellington St easterly 16.3 metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm; Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street North 7.6 metres east of Frontenac Street easterly 7.6 metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm; Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 minutes
Princess Street North 7.6 metres east of Frontenac Street easterly 7.6 metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm; Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 Minutes
Queen St South 12.5 metres west of Barrie St westerly 12.8 metres Mon to Fri 2 pm to 6 pm; Saturday 8 am to 6 pm 5 Minutes
Queen Street South 42.4 metres west of Montreal Street Westerly 8.2 metres Mon to Fri 2pm to 6pm; Saturday 8an to 6pm 5 Minutes
Raglan Road South 9.1 metres west of Montreal St westerly 15.8 Mon to Sat 30 Minutes
Regent Street West 48.7 Metres South of Princess Street to Park Street Mon to Sat between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm 3 Hours
Roosevelt Drive West 57 metres north of Henderson Boulevard 73 metres northerly 8:30 am to 9:30 am and 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm School 5 Minutes
Roosevelt Drive West Brentwood Crescent southerly 40 metres School Days 8 am to 4 pm 15 Minutes
Seventh Ave North 27.4 m east of Kingscourt Ave easterly 17.7 m Mon to Sat 15 Minutes
St. Martha Street South Rose Abbey Drive to Jasmine Street School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 15 Minutes
Sydenham Street East 62.2 metres north of Ordnance Street northerly 12.2 metres Mon to Sun 15 Minutes
Sydenham Street East 51 metres north of Queen Street 12 metres northerly School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 15 Minutes
The Tragically Hip Way South King Street to Ontario Street (in parking bays) Mon to Sun 5 Minutes
Thomas Street South 9 metres west of Patrick Street westerly 15 metres Mon to Sun 15 minutes
Toronto Street West Dundas Street to Park Street School Days 8 am to 4 pm 15 Minutes
Trudell Road West 69 metres north of Pembridge Crescent northerly 55 metres School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 15 minutes
Van Order Drive East 23 metres south of Machar Place southerly 135 metres School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 5 minutes
Victoria Street West 30 metres north of Princess Street 6.1 metres northerly Mon to Sun 5 Minutes
Victoria Street West 51.5 metres south of Concession Street to 57.5 metres south of Concession Mon to Fri 15 minutes
Waterloo Drive South 16 metres east of Grand Trunk Ave easterly School Days 8 am to 4 pm 15 minutes
Wellington Street East 59 metres north of Brock Street northerly 6.2 metres Mon to Sun 5 Minutes
Wiley Street West 50 metres south of Weller Street 170 metres southerly 7:30 am to 3:30 pm School Days only 15 Minutes
Wiley Street West 235 metres south of Weller Street 41 metres southerly 7:30 am to 3:30 pm School Days only 15 Minutes
Wiley Street West 20 metres south of Weller Avenue 78 metres southerly 7:30 am to 3:30 pm School Days only 15 minutes
Wiley Street West 184 metres south of Weller Avenue to 220 metres south of Weller Avenue 7:30 am to 3:30 pm School Days only 15 minutes
William Street South 9.1 metres east of University Ave easterly 9.1 Mon to Sat 15 minutes
William Street South 9.1 metres east of King Street 5.5 metres easterly Mon to Sun 5 minutes
York Street North 10 metres west of Barrie Street westerly 11 Tue, Thur, Sat 15 minutes
York Street North Nelson street to Alfred Street Mon to Sun 3 hours
York Street South Barrie Street to Ordnance Street Mon to Fri 1 hour

Street Side From Days Times
Aberdeen Street West Earl Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Adelaide Street North Cowdy Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Adelaide Street South Cowdy Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Adelaide Street South Alfred Street to Lansdowne Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Adelaide Street South Division Street to Lansdowne Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Albert Street West 65.5 metres south of Princess Street southerly to Brock Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Albert Street West Princess Street to York Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Albert Street West Earl Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Albert Street East Princess Street to York Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Albert Street East 24.2 metres north of earl Street northerly to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Albert Street Both Johnson Street to Brock Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street East Adelaide Street to Concession Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street East Elm Street to Hamilton Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street East Hamilton Street to Pine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street East Pine Street to Stanley Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street East Princess Street to Elm Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street East Stanley street to Adelaide Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street West Jenkins Street to York Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street West Earl Street to Brock Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Alfred Street East 26.5 metres north of Earl Street to Mack Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Alfred Street West Princess Street to Jenkins Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Alfred Street Both Union Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Alma Street West Ordnance Street to Patrick Street Mon to Fri 10-11am and 2-3 pm
Alwington Avenue Both King Street to Union Street Mon to Fri 9-12 noon and 1:30- 4:30 pm
Alwington Place East/North 230 Alwington Place to 246 Alwington Place inclusive Mon to Fri 10-11am and 2-3 pm
Alwington Place West/South 235 Alwington Place to 245 Alwington Place inclusive Mon to Fri 10-11am and 2-3 pm
Ann Street North Main Street to Vine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Authors Lane Lane East 21 metres south of Dickens Drive 22 metres southerly Mon to Fri 10-11am and 2-3 pm
Authors Lane Lane West 31.5 metres south of Dickens Drive 30 metres southerly Mon to Fri 10-11am and 2-3 pm
Authors Lane Lane End All of the turning circle of the cul- de-sac Mon to Fri 10-11am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street West Bay Street to North Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street West Charles Street to James Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot street West North Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street West Ordnance Street to Bay Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street West Raglan Road to John Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street East 18.3 metres south of Earl Street to Gore Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street East North Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street East 24.4 metres north of Ordnance Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street East Ordnance Street to North street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street East Dufferin Street to Charles Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street East North Street to Bay Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bagot Street Both North Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Balaclava Street North Patrick Street to Sydenham Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am And 2-3 pm
Barrie Street West 15.2 metres north of Clergy Street to Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Barrie Street West Colborne Street to Ordnance Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Barrie Street West 16.7 Metres South of York Street to Ordnance Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Barrie Street West Plum Street to Quebec Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Barrie Street West Quebec Street to Pine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Barrie Street West Raglan Road to Plum Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Barrie Street West York Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street North 15.2 metres west of Bagot Street to 14.3 metres east of Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street North Balaclava Street to end of Bay Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street North Montreal Street to Sydenham Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street South Rideau Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street South Wellington Street westerly 34.1 metres Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street South 46.3 metres west of Wellington Street to Rideau Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Bay Street Both Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Beverley Street East 51 metres north of King Street to Queen's Crescent Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Beverley Street West Edgehill Street to Union Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Birch Street Both Collingwood Street to Albert Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Carlisle Street West York Street to Chestnut Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Cartwright Street Both Baiden Street to Mary Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Centre Street West Edgehill Street to 44 metres north of King Street West Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Centre Street East Edgehill Street to Union Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Chapman Street East Queen Street to Colborne Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Chapman Street West Colborne Street 24 metres Southerly Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Charles Street South Bagot Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 and 2-3 pm
Charles Street North Montreal Street to Patrick Street Mon to Fri 10-11 and 2-3 pm
Charles Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 and 2-3 pm
Chatham Street West Colborne Street to Elm Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Chatham Street West Creighton Street to Colborne Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Chatham Street West Elm Street to Linton street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Chatham Street West Hamilton Street to Pine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Chatham Street West Linton Street to Hamilton street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Cherry Street East Chestnut street to Quebec Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Cherry Street East Pine Street Northerly to end of Cherry Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Cherry Street East Quebec Street to Pine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Cherry Street East York Street to Chestnut Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Chestnut Street South Carlisle Street to Cherry Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Chestnut Street North Cherry Street to Prime Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Churchill Street Both Portsmouth Avenue to McDonald Street Mon to Fri 10-11 and 2-3 pm
Churchill Street Both South Intersection with College Street to North Intersection with College Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Clarence Street North 56 Metres East of Wellington Street Easterly 16 Metres Mon to Fri 7 am – 9 am
Clergy Street North Barrie Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 10-11 and 2-3 pm
Clergy Street Both Johnson Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Clergy Street West Queen Street to Ordnance Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Clergy Street East 22 Metres North of Queen Street to ordnance Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Coborne Street North Barrie Street to Main Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Coborne Street North Main Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Colborne Street North 45 metres west of Clergy Street to Barrie Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Colborne Street South Chatham Street to Western End of Colborne Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Colborne Street South 80.2 metres west of Division Street to Chatham Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Colborne Street South Barrie Street to Clergy Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Colborne Street South Barrie Street to Chapman Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Colborne Street South Chapman Street to Division Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Colborne Street South Sydenham Street to 41.5 metres south Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Colborne Street North Sydenham Street to Clergy Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
College Street Both Union Street to Churchill Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
College Street Both Franklin Place to southerly limit of 541 Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
College Street Both Churchill Crescent to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
College Street East 38.8 metres north of Park Street northerly to Franklin Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
College Street West 53.7 metres north of Park Street to Franklin Place Mon to Fri 10-11 and 2-3 pm
Collegeview Crescent North 60 metres east of country Club Drive to Old Oak Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Collegeview Crescent South 35 metres east of Country Club Drive to Old Oak Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Collingwood Street Both Union Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Collingwood Street East 97 metres north of King Street West to Union Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Compton Street North 54.9 metres east of the walkway to Wilson Street 1st to 15th day
of month
8:00 a.m. (1st) - 11:00 p.m. (15th)
Compton Street South 45.7 metres east of the walkway to Wilson Street 16th to last day of month 8:00 a.m. (16th) - 11:00 p.m. (last)
Compton Street West 9.1 metres west of the walkway to Weller Street 1st to 15th day of month 8:00 a.m. (1st) - 11:00 p.m. (15th)
Compton Street East 18.3 metres south of the walkway to Weller Street 16th to last day of month 8:00 a.m. (16th) - 11:00 p.m. (last)
Connaught Street East 46 metres north of Concession Street to Third Avenue 16th to last day of month 8 a.m. (16th) – 11 p.m. (last)
Connaught Street West Concession Street to Third Avenue 1st to 15th day of month 8:00 a.m. (1st) - 11:00 p.m. (15th)
Corrigan Street South Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.
Country Club Drive East King Street to Collegeview Crescent Mon to Fri 10-11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.
Country Club Drive Both Southern intersection of Collegeview Crescent to northern end of Country Club Drive Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Couper Street South Collingwood Street to Albert Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Creighton Street North Chatham Street to east end of Creighton Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Creighton Street North Chatham Street to west end of Creighton Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Davidson Street North Pembroke Street to Ellerbeck Street Jan 1- June 30 At all times
Davidson Street South Pembroke Street to Ellerbeck Street July 1- Dec 31 At all times
Davidson Street South Pembroke Street to Ellerbeck Street Jan 1- June 30 10:30-11:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Davidson Street North Pembroke Street to Ellerbeck Street July 1- Dec 31 10:30-11:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Division Street West Earl Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Dufferin Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Durham Street North 45.7 metres west of Victoria westerly to the end of Durham Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Earl Street North Frontenac Street to Toronto Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Earl Street South MacDonnell Street to College Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Earl Street North MacDonnell Street to College Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Earl Street North Bagot Street to 28.1 metres east of Barrie Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Earl Street North 25 metres west of Barrie Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Earl Street North Alfred Street to Frontenac Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Earl Street North University Avenue to 21.3 metres east of Alfred Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Earl Street South Ontario Street to Wellington Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Earl Street North Wellington to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Edgehill Street Both All Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Ellerbeck Street Both Union Street to Davidson Drive Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Ellice Street South Division Street to Main Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Elm Street South Chatham Street to Alfred Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Elm Street South Division Street to Chatham Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Elmwood Street North Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd westerly 167.7 m Mon, Wed, Fri and Sun 11 am to 10 am
Elmwood Street South Sir John A. Macdonald Blvd westerly 167.7 m Tue, Thur, Sat 11 am to 10 am
Fergus Street East Concession Street to First Avenue 1st to 15th day of month 8 am (1st) - 11pm (15th)
Fergus Street West Concession Street to First Avenue 16th to last day of month 8 am (16th)- 11pm (last)
Foster Street Both Woodstone Drive to Calderwood Drive Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Franklin Place North Helen Street to College Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Frontenac Street East Mack Street to 51.4 metres south of Princess Street Mon to Fri 9 -10 am and 1-2 pm
Frontenac Street East Jenkins Street to York Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Frontenac Street East Earl Street to Brock Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Frontenac Street West Mack Street to 55.2 metres south of Princess Street Mon to Fri 9 -10 am and 1-2 pm
Frontenac Street West Earl Street to Brock Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Frontenac Street West 94 metres north of Princess Street to York Street Mon to Fri 10-11a.m. and 2-3 p.m.
Gardiner Street East King Street northerly to the end of Gardiner Street Mon to Sat 9 am to 5 pm
Gardiner Street West King Street to Union Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Gardiner Street West Union Street northerly to the end of Gardiner Street Mon to Sat 8 am to 6 pm
Gore Street Both Ontario Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 3 pm
Graham Avenue Both Brock Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Grey Street East 54.9 metres north of Concession Street to First Ave 1st to 15th day of month 8 am (1st) - 11pm (15th)
Grey Street West 54.9 metres north of Concession Street to First Ave 16th to last day of month 8 am (16th)- 11pm (last)
Hamilton Street South Chatham Street to Alfred Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Hamilton Street South Division Street to Chatham Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Hill Street Both MacDonnell Street to College Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Hillcroft Drive Both All Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Howard Crescent North 41.1 metres west of Portsmouth Avenue to Mon to Fri 9 am to 5 pm
Howard Crescent South Hawthorne Avenue to Florence Street Mon to Fri 9 am to 5 pm
James Street South Montreal Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
James Street South Montreal Street to Patrick Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
James Street South Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
James Street North Montreal Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
James Street North Montreal Street to Patrick Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
James Street North Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Jenkins Street North Alfred Street to Frontenac Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Jenkins Street South Alfred Street to Frontenac Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
John Street South Bagot Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
John Street South Patrick Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
John Street South Patrick Street to Barrie Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
John Street North Patrick Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
John Street North Patrick Street to Barrie Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
John Street North 21.3 metres east of Patrick Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Johnson Street North Division Street to 45 Metres West of Barrie Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Johnson Street South 21.3 metres west of Clergy Street to 21.3 metres east of Barrie Street Mon to Sun At all times other than Sunday from 6 am to 1 pm
Kennedy Street North Gardiner Street to Yonge Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Kensington Avenue Both Edgehill Street to Union Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
King Street North Collingwood Street to 35 metres east of Beverley Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
King Street North 246 metres east of Barrie Street to West Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
King Street East Both Lower Union Street to Gore Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
King Street East Both Gore Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
King Street East East 33 metres north of West Street northerly 14 metres Mon to Fri 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
King Street East East 72 metres north of West Street to Lower Union Street Mon to Fri 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
King Street East West West Street to Lower Union Street Mon to Fri 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Kingscourt Avenue East 41.8 metres north of Concession Street to First Avenue 1st to 15th day of month 8 am (1st) - 11pm (15th)
Kingscourt Avenue West 30.5 metres north of Concession Street northerly 10.9 metres 16th to last day of month 8 am (16th) - 11pm (last)
Kingscourt Avenue West 26 metres south of Kirkpatrick Street to Ruskin Street Mon to Fri 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
Kingscourt Avenue West 51.8 metres north of Concession Street to First 16th to last day of month 8 am (16th) - 11pm (last)
Kirkpatrick Street South Brant Avenue to 19 metres west of Kingscourt Avenue School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Lansdowne Street East Adelaide Street to Concession Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Lansdowne Street East Pine Street to Stanley Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Lansdowne Street East Stanley Street to Adelaide Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Linton Street North Chatham Street to the west end of Linton Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Livingston Avenue East 33.2 metres south of Union Street to King Street Jan 1 – June 30 At all times
Livingston Avenue West 41.5 metres south of Union Street to King Street July 1- Dec 31 At all times
Livingston Avenue West 41.5 metres south of Union Street to King Street Jan 1- June 30 Mon to Fri 10:30 – 11:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Livingston Avenue East 33.2 metres south of Union Street to King Street July 1– Dec 31 10:30 – 11:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Lower Union Street North King Street to 51.8 metres east of Bagot Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Lower Union Street Both King Street to Ontario Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
MacDonnell Street East Union Street to 55 metres south of Hill Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 2-3 pm
MacDonnell Street East First Avenue to Concession Street Mon, Wed, Fri 9 am to midnight
MacDonnell Street West First Avenue to Concession Street Tue, Thur, Sat 9 am to midnight
MacDonnell Street East 74.7 metres north of North Bartlett Street northerly to Concession Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
MacDonnell Street East North Bartlett Street northerly 55.5 metres Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Macdonnell Street West North Bartlett Street to Concession Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
MacDonnell Street West Union Street to Hill Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
MacDonnell Street West Park Street to Scott Street School Days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
MacDonnell Street West Scott Street to Dundas Street School Days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
MacDonnell Street Both Earl Street to Mack Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2pm
MacDonnell Street Both Durham Street to Park Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Machar Place Both Van Order to end of Machar Place School Days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Mack Street North Alfred Street to Albert Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Mack Street North Nelson Street to Toronto Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Mack Street South Toronto Street to MacDonnell Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Main Street East Colborne Street to Ann Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Main Street East Raglan Road to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Maitland Street East King Street southerly to the end of Maitland Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Markland Street North Montreal Street to Patrick Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Mcdonald Avenue Both Mary Street to Baiden Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Metcalfe Avenue Both All School Days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Montreal Street East 21.9 metres north of Queen Street northerly 32.3 metres Mon to Sun No parking except Sun 6 am- 1 pm
Napier Street East Hill Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Napier Street Both Earl Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Napier Street Both Brock Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri th st 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Nelson Street East 57.3 metres north of Concession Street to First Avenue 1st to 15th day of month 8 am (1st) - 11pm (15th )
Nelson Street West York Street to Concession street Mon to Fri th 10-11 am and 2-3 pm th
Nelson Street West 24.4 metres north of Concession Street to First Avenue 16th to last day of month 8 am (16th) - 11pm (last)
Nelson Street West 41.3 metres south of Princess Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9 -10 am and 1-2 pm
Newton Place West Kirkpatrick Street northerly 24 metres School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Newton Place East Kirkpatrick Street northerly 18 metres School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Norman Rogers Drive West Van Order Drive to Casterton Avenue School Days 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
North Street North Montreal Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
North Street North end of North Street to Rideau Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
North Street North Bagot Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
North Street South Bagot Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
North Street South Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
North Street South Rideau Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Old Oak Road South Johnson Street to Collegeview Crescent Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Old Oak Road Both Collegeview Crescent to Country Club Drive Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Ontario Street East Gore Street southerly to the front entrance to 33 Ontario Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Orchard Street West 61 metres south of River Street southerly 61 metres Mon to Fri 10 am to 4 pm
Ordnance Street North Barrie Street to end of Ordnance Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Ordnance Street South Clergy Street East to York Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Ordnance Street South Sydenham Street to Clergy Street East Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Park Street North 36.6 metres east of Regent Street to Toronto Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Patrick Street East Balaclava Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Patrick Street East Charles Street to James Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street East John Street to Charles Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street East John Street to Quebec Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street East Markland Street to John Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street East Markland Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street West Alma Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Patrick Street West John Street to Quebec Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street West Pine Street to Stephen Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street West Quebec Street to Pine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Patrick Street West Raglan Road to John Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pembroke Street Both Davidson Street to 18.3 metres south Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Pembroke Street East King Street to Davidson Street 1st to 15th day of month 8 am (1st) - 11pm (15th)
Pembroke Street West King Street to Davidson Street 16th to last day of month 8 am (16th)- 11pm (last)
Pine Street South Barrie Street to Cherry Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street South Cherry Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street South Patrick Street to Barrie Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street North Cherry Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street North Cowdy Street to Cherry Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street North Patrick Street to St. Catherine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street North St. Catherine Street to Cowdy Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street North 24.9 metres west of Division Street to Lansdowne Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Pine Street North Lansdowne Street to Alfred Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Plum Street North Barrie Street to Chestnut Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Prime Street East Quebec Street to York Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Quail Court North All Mon, Wed, Fri Fri After 9 am
Quail Court South All Tue, Thur, Sat After 9 am
Quebec Street South Barrie Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Quebec Street South Patrick Street to Barrie Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Queen's Crescent South Beverley Street to Collingwood Street Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Raglan Road North Patrick Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Raglan Road North Bagot Street to Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Raglan Road North Barrie Street to York Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Raglan Road North Montreal Street to Patrick Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Raglan Road North Rideau Street to Bagot Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Raglan Road North York Street to Main Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Raglan Road South Vine Street to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Raglan Road South Patrick Street to Barrie Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Raglan Road South Barrie Street to York Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Raglan Road South Patrick Street to 25 metres west of Montreal Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Regent Street East Brock Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Regent Street West 47 metres south of Park Street to Dunlop Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Rideau Street West Bay Street to North Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Rideau Street West Charles Street to James Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Rideau Street West Corrigan Street to Dufferin Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Rideau Street West Dufferin Street to Charles Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Rideau Street West Raglan Road to Corrigan Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Runnymede Road West 126.5 metres north of Robert Wallace Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Russell Street North Division Street to Cowdy Street School Days 7:30 am to 8:30 am and 2-3 pm
Scott Street Both Napier Street to MacDonnell Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Simcoe Street West King Street to end of Simcoe Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Simcoe Street East King Street to end of Simcoe Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Smith Street West 48.2 metres north of Princess Street to South Bartlett Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
St. Catherine Street East Pine Street to the end of St. Catherine Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Stanley Street Both Division Street to Alfred Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Sydenham Road West Princess Street to Highway 401 Mon to Sat 7 am to 7 pm
Sydenham Street West Queen Street to Ordnance Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Sydenham Street West Bay Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Sydenham Street East Bay Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Sydenham Street East 12.5 metres north of Queen Street to 51 metres north of Queen Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Sydenham Street East Johnson Street to William Street Mon to Fri 8 am to 9 am and 12 pm to 1 pm
Sydenham Street East William Street to West Street Mon to Fri 9 am to 10 am and 1 pm to 2 pm
Toronto Street West Brock Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Toronto Street Both Durham Street to Park Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Traymoor Street Both Union Street to Hill Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Vandalay Crescent Both Union Street to cul de sac portion Mon to Fri 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Van Order Drive East 37.8 metres south of MacPherson Avenue to Norm Rogers Drive Mon to Sat 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Van Order Drive West 85 metres north of northern intersection with Metcalfe Avenue School Days 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Victoria Street West Earl Street to Durham Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Victoria Street West Union Street to Earl Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Victoria Street West 51.5 metres south of Concession Street to Concession Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Vine Street West Ellice Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Weller Avenue North Montreal Street to Daly Street Mon to Sun At all times except Sun
Weller Avenue South Wiley Street westerly 61 metres Mon to Sun At all times except Sun from 8 am to 1 pm
Wellington Street (Barriefield) South George Street to Drummond Street Mon to Fri 8:30-9:30 am and 3-4 pm
Wellington Street West William Street to West Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
West Street East King Street to Lower Union Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
William Street South Barrie Street to 18.2 metres East of University Avenue Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
William Street South Sydenham Street to Clergy Street Mon to Sat At all times
William Street Both Clergy Street to Barrie Street Mon to Fri 10 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 3 pm
William Street North King Street to 29.9 metres east of Bagot Mon to Fri 9 am to 10 am and 1 pm to 2 pm
William Street Street North Bagot Street to Sydenham Street Mon to Fri 9 am to 10 am and 1 pm to 2 pm
William Street Street North Sydenham Street 49 Metres Westerly Mon to Fri 8 am-9 am and 12 pm-1 pm
William Street Street North 60 Metres West of Sydenham Street to Clergy Street Mon to Fri 8 am-9 am and 12 pm-1 pm
Willingdon Avenue Both Hill Street to Johnson Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Willingdon Avenue Both Union Street to Hill Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 2:30-3:30 pm
Woodstone Crescent Both All Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Yonge Street East Kennedy Street northerly to Union Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
Yonge Street East Union Street to the southern intersection of Hatter Street and Yonge Street Mon to Sat 7am-7pm
Yonge Street West King Street to Union Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Yonge Street West 50 metres north of Church Street to the southern intersection of Hatter Street and Yonge Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
Yonge Street Both the southern intersection of Hatter Street and Yonge Street to the northern intersection of Hatter Street and Yonge Street Mon to Fri 10 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 3 pm
Yonge Street West 30 metres south of Johnson Street 95 metres south of Wolfe Street Mon to Fri 10 am to 11am and 2 pm to 3 pm
Yonge Street East 41 metres south of Johnson Street to 95 metres south of Wolfe Street Mon to Fri 10 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 3pm
York Street South Barrie Street to Raglan Road Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
York Street South Raglan Road to Division Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
York Street South Albert Street to Nelson Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
York Street South Alfred Street to Frontenac Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm
York Street South Division Street to Chatham Street Mon to Fri 9-10 am and 1-2 pm
York Street South Frontenac Street to Albert Street Mon to Fri 10-11 am and 2-3 pm

Street Side From Day(s) Times
Bagot Street Both Barrack Street to Johnson Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Bagot Street South 140 metres east of Barrie Street 28 metres easterly (in parking bay) Every Day 1:00 am to 7:00 am
Barrack Street Both Bagot Street to Ontario Street Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Barrie Street Both Queen Street to Brock Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Bay Street Both Rideau Street to Wellington Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Brock Street North Bagot Street to the eastern end of Brock Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Brock Street South Division Street to the eastern end of Brock St Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Clarence Street Both Bagot Street to end of Clarence St Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Clergy Street Both Queen Street to Brock Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Court Street South Barrie Street to West Street (in parking bays) Every Day 1:00 am to 7:00 am
Division Street Both Queen Street to Brock Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
George Street Both Stuart Street to King Street West Jan. 1 to Feb. 29 12:00 am to 7:00 am
George Street Both Stuart Street to King Street West Mar 1 to Mar 31 and Dec 1 to Dec 31 during which a Declared Weather Event is in effect 12:00 am to 7:00 am
Johnson Street North Sydenham Street to King Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
King Street Both Johnson St to northern end of King Street of Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Market Street Both King Street to Ontario Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Montreal Street Both Queen Street to Brock Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Ontario Street Both Clarence St to Lasalle Causeway Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Ontario Street East West Street to Gore Street Monday to Friday 1:00 to 7:00 am
Ordnance Street Both Rideau Street to Wellington Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
O'Kill Street Both Barrie Street to George Street Jan 1 to Feb 29 12:00 am to 7:00 am
O'Kill Street Both Barrie Street to George Street Mar 1 to Mar 31 and Dec 1 to Dec 31 during which a Declared Weather Event is in effect Weather 12:00 am to 7:00 am
Place d'Armes Both Wellington Street to Ontario Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Princess Street Both Division Street to Bath Road Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Princess Street Both Division St to end of Princess Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Queen Street Both Sydenham St to the eastern end of Queen St Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Runnymede Road West 126.5 meters west of Robert Wallace Drive to Notch Hill Road Every Day 1:00 to 7:00 am
Stuart Street Both Barrie Street to University Avenue Jan 1 to Feb 29 12:00 am to 7:00 am
Stuart Street Both Barrie Street to University Avenue Mar 1 to Mar 31 and Dec 1 to Dec 31 during which a Declared Weather Event is in effect 12:00 am to 7:00 am
Sydenham Street Both Johnson Street to Brock Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Sydenham Street Both Queen Street to Princess Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am
Wellington Street Both Bay Street to Johnson Street Every Day 2:00 to 7:00 am

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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