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Delegation of Powers and Duties Bylaw

Bylaw #: 2016-189

Description: Outlines the decision making powers City Council has delegated to Staff allowing Council to focus on larger decisions.

Date passed: October 4, 2016

Disclaimer: Bylaws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. The original Delegation of Powers and Duties Bylaw in pdf format is available from the Office of the City Clerk upon request.

include whereas statement

1. That this Bylaw may be referred to as the "Delegation of Authority Bylaw".

2. Council delegates the powers, duties, and restrictions thereto as set out in the Consolidated List of Delegations of Authority (Schedule "A" to this Bylaw) to those officers, employees, or committees listed in Schedule "A".

3. Where this Bylaw has delegated authority to a Commissioner, if the Commissioner has in writing designated a Director to serve as Acting Commissioner, or where an Acting Commissioner has been appointed by Council or the Chief Administrative Officer, in the absence of the Commissioner, the Acting Commissioner may exercise the delegated authority.

4. Should any position identified in this Bylaw with a delegated authority, other than that of a Commissioner, no longer exist in the Corporation, then the commissioner described as responsible for the delegated authority may in writing designate another person to assume the delegated authority.

5. Where the exercise of a delegated authority requires the expenditure of money, funding for the expenditure shall be included in an approved budget and all relevant requirements of the Purchasing Bylaw 2000-134, as amended, or any successor Purchasing Bylaw shall be followed.

6. Where the delegated authority listed in Schedule "A" authorizes the execution of an agreement, the agreement shall be approved by the City Solicitor prior to its execution;

7. All relevant Bylaws and resolutions of The Corporation of the City of Kingston shall apply to the exercise of delegated authority authorized by this Bylaw.

8. Council hereby confirms that it is of the opinion that all legislative powers under any Act delegated to an officer or an employee of the Corporation are minor in nature, within the meaning of Subsection 23.2 (4) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25.

9. This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect on the date of its passing.

This Bylaw was given all Three Readings and Passed: October 4, 2016

Bylaw Number Passed on
Bylaw 2017-133 July 11, 2017
Bylaw 2017-156 September 5, 2017
Bylaw 2017-213 October 17, 2017
Bylaw 2017-228 November 7, 2017
Bylaw 2017-238 December 5, 2017
Bylaw 2019-3 December 18, 2018
Bylaw 2020-51 March 24, 2020
Bylaw 2020-67 March 24, 2020
Bylaw 2020-72 April 7, 2020
Bylaw 2020-94 June 16, 2020
Bylaw 2021-45 March 23, 2021
Bylaw 2021-84 May 18, 2021
Bylaw 2021-99 July 13, 2021
Bylaw 2021-132 August 10, 2021
Bylaw 2021-135 August 10, 2021
Bylaw 2021-152 September 7, 2021
Bylaw 2021-170 October 5, 2021
Bylaw 2021-178 November 17, 2021
Bylaw 2022-1 December 7, 2021
Bylaw 2022-3 December 7, 2021
Bylaw 2022-22 January 18, 2022
Bylaw 2022-25 January 18, 2022
Bylaw 2022-32 February 16, 2022
Bylaw 2022-123 July 12, 2022
Bylaw 2022-124 July 12, 2022
Bylaw 2023-54 March 7, 2023
Bylaw 2023-78 April 18, 2023
Bylaw 2023-107 July 11, 2023
Bylaw 2024-143 March 5, 2024
Bylaw 2024-186 April 16, 2024
Bylaw 2024-204 May 21, 2024
Bylaw 2024-218 May 21, 2024
Bylaw 2024-307 July 9, 2024


Airport Manager Manager

Authority for the removal of trees approach to the Kingston Airport.

Chief Administrative Officer

  • Delegate the power for processing and approval of sale of industrial lands.
  • Authority for the duties of the CAO. The Bylaw confirms the position and describes the authority held.
  • Authority to delegate authority when positions identified in the Bylaw no longer exist.
  • Authority to enter into agreements as necessary with the private sector organization to manage the day-to-day operations of the small business accelerator centre.
  • The Chief Administrative Officer and City Treasurer be granted delegated authority to enter into any agreements required, including transfer payment agreements, related to the Public Transit Infrastructure Funding (PTIF) program.
  • Authority to sign grant applications related to assisting the implementation of the Workforce and In-Migration Strategy.
  • Authorize the Mayor and Clerk, or where required the Chief Administrative Officer and/or the Chief Financial Officer, to sign grant agreements that align with the criteria as outlined in Report Number 21-100 (City of Kingston Grant Strategy).
  • Authority for the Chief Administrative Officer to represent the City, as and the Director, Engineering or their designate, as the owner's authorized representative, for of signing and submitting any application, including any future renewal, extension or amendment application, to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for a Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval for the City's Stormwater Management System.

Chief Building Official (CBO)

Authority to execute "Limiting distance Agreements" under the Building Code on behalf of the City in situations where the City's interests are not affected by such limiting distance agreements.

Chief Information Officer

  • Granted delegated authority to enter into recurring annual agreements in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with respect to the continuance of technical software and data licencing, maintenance and support services for City applications.
  • Authority to execute data license agreements on behalf of the City of Kingston, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, delegate approval and signing authority to the Chief Information Officer, or his or her delegate, for the following types of agreements, provided that such agreements are reviewed and recommended by the City Solicitor, or his or her delegate, have a value of less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), and are within Council-approved budgets:
    1. agreements which license data owned by the City to a third party, and which may include the provision of services related to such data;
    2. agreements which sublicense data licensed or sublicensed to the City to a third party, and which may include the provision of services related to such data;
    3. agreements which license data owned by a third party to the City, and which may include the provision of services related to such data;
    4. agreements which sublicense data licensed by a third party to the City, and which may include the provision of services related to such data.
  • Authority to review, approve and release future software source code developed and owned by the City, to the Open Source community under appropriate licensing terms, where there is likely to be benefit to the corporation, partners and/or the community.

City Clerk

  • All powers and duties under the Municipal Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy Act.
  • Authority to issue letters of support for future requests of breweries and wineries located within the boundaries of the City of Kingston for "By the Glass" Manufacturer's Limited Liquor Sales Licences to sell and serve their beer or their wine to patrons for consumption at their manufacturing site.

City Clerk, or their Delegate

Authority to undertake amendments to Bylaw Number 98-8, as amended, being "A Bylaw to Appoint Statutory Officials of The Corporation of the City of Kingston" as a result of staffing changes, including placement of the amending bylaw on the Council Agenda for three readings.

City Treasurer

  • Authority to review and recommend for execution by the Mayor and Clerk, service agreements, subject to the satisfaction of the Legal Services Department, with any board or of the City for which services are provided by city administrative departments, including accounting and financial reporting services, information technology support or other related support services; and authority to respond on behalf of the city administrative departments to appropriate competitive procurements of any boards or agencies of the City.
  • City Treasurer is authorized to receive applications from owners of residential property and allow such owners a deferral of up to 50% of the owner's residential tax bill up to $1,000 per year subject to conditions.
  • Authority to determine if a low-income senior or low income individual with disabilities qualifies for deferral of residential tax increases and to request any information or documentation that is required in order to make such a decision.
  • That the Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer be delegated the authority to waive fees for not-for-profit organizations requesting the use of municipal facilities as defined in the Waiver of Fees Policy.
  • Where a surplus exists in any given year from net assessment growth, authority to consider transferring funds from the surplus to offset the Development Charges and Impost Fees exemptions for that year, thereby accelerating the allocation of the tax incremental financing program and bringing assessment growth to the operating fund sooner.
  • Council waive the requirement under Bylaw No. 2010-1, requiring the Mayor and Clerk to sign all agreements binding the Corporation, and delegate authority to the City Treasurer to execute all related service agreements with Paymentus (Canada) Corporation, subject to the satisfaction of the Legal Services Department.
  • Authority to approve agreements entered into pursuant to the provisions of the City of Kingston Development Charge Bylaw and the City of Kingston Impost Fee Bylaw.
  • The Chief Administrative Officer and City Treasurer be granted delegated authority to enter into any agreements required, including transfer payment agreements, related to the Public Transit Infrastructure Funding (PTIF) program.
  • The Chief Financial Officer and his/her delegate to submit grant applications that align with the criteria as outlined in Report Number 21-100 including alignment with Council's strategic priorities and capital and operating plans and approved budget where a municipal share is required.
  • Authorize the Mayor and Clerk, or where required the Chief Administrative Officer and/or the Chief Financial Officer, to sign grant agreements that align with the criteria as outlined in Report Number 21-100.

City Treasurer, or delegate

Authority to make capital budget adjustments during the year that are of a routine or administrative nature.

Commissioner of Community Services

  • Authority to execute service agreements on behalf of the City of Kingston, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with providers of health care and health related services and programs not offered through the City of Kingston to the residents of Rideaucrest Home for services such as dental care and oral hygiene, physiotherapy, and pharmacy and prescription drug dispensing services that are made available on premises to the residents of Rideaucrest Home from time to time.
  • Authority for discretionary fee adjustments due to service interruptions.
  • Authority to amend the Film Policy for procedural purposes.
  • Authority for the Commissioner Community Services to apply for and execute all documentation required obtain approval from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to transfer the existing liquor license from the Harbour Restaurant, 53 Yonge Street, Kingston, Ontario, to the Corporation of the City of Kingston.
  • Authority to execute contracts and agreements that are implemented to provide health care and support services to residents pursuant to regulatory requirement in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor that do not exceed $50,000 in expenditure out of the municipal budget.
  • Authority to:
    • Enter into service agreements with the Province or its agents for funding and cost shared programs and initiatives related to the delivery of social assistance, social housing, homelessness, child care, EarlyON, homemaking, social services, health and long term care.
    • Enter into service agreements with service providers, related to social services programs and service delivery (including provincially selected/recognized technology, information services and data suppliers) and affiliation agreements with educational institutions and training agencies.
    • Enter into service agreements between the City and Service Providers, for the implementation of provincial programs, cost shared programs and initiatives, funding and other agreements related to provincial and municipal programs and other social services essential and or beneficial to the wellbeing of the community, including but not limited to funding for rent supplements, the seniors centre, eviction prevention, emergency shelter services, homeless services and residential housing supports.
    • Enter into service agreements with service providers associated with municipal emergency response and reception centre operations.
    • Submit grant applications and agreements providing that they are time sensitive and they support and enhance an existing service and/or program and is within the approved operational budget.
  • Sign for budget schedules, contract addenda, service description documents, financing postponements, releases and assignments, contract amendments, amending agreements and any agreements containing personal information of individual recipients.
  • Authority to execute all documents and agreements related to the Municipal Home Ownership Program and AHP Home Ownership Program as approved by the Commissioner, Community Services.

Commissioner of Corporate Services

Signing authority for grant and agreements for financial assistance related to the implementation of the Kingston Electric Vehicle Strategy in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, it being understood that any City contributions will be consistent with approved municipal budgets.

Commissioner of Growth & Development Services

  • Authority to approve agreements for the acquisition of real property…provided the value of the consideration does not exceed $100,000; Authority to approve agreements for the disposal of real property…provided the value of the consideration does not exceed $100,000; Authority to approve leases, licenses and other forms of temporary access agreements for real property.
  • Authority to enter into any renewals with Docupet Inc. after the initial five year contract.
  • Authority to redistribute the Council approved yearly funding between the Spay/Neuter voucher program and the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release/Return program, depending on demand and need.
  • The authority to use all or a portion of the annual funding for the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return component of the Responsible Pet Ownership Program to enter into service level agreements with animal welfare stakeholders for Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return services.
  • The authority to review and approve the Development Charges Rebate project commitments and report to Council annually on program uptake and funding contributions The authority to review and approve all documents and agreements, including the implementation procedure, related to the Development Charges Rebate Program which are in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
  • Council's power and authority with respect to all matters provided for by 51. (58) of the Planning Act, 1990, As Amended, is hereby delegated to the Director of Planning and Development; Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign and seal all model home agreements and pre-servicing agreements which have been approved by staff in order to permit model home construction prior to final subdivision approval.
  • Authority to execute service agreements on behalf of the City of Kingston, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with any animal welfare stakeholders for Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release (TNVR) services
  • Authority, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to list Special Charge Bylaws for improvements completed under the Better Homes Kingston Program on future Council agendas.

Commissioner of Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services

Authority to negotiate and enter into agreements with third parties for the provision of alternate locations for municipal Emergency Operations Centre.

Committee of Adjustment

  • Empowered to grant minor variances from Bylaws implementing official plan.
  • Empowered to grant minor variances from any Bylaw of the Corporation of the 'New' City of Kingston that Implements the Official Plan for the City of Kingston Planning Area.

Director of Arts & Culture Services

  • Authority to apply for and execute all documentation required to obtain approval from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor license application to the Grand Theatre.
  • Authority to administer the Public Art Policy to allow staff to initiate the implementation of the Public Art Master Plan previously approved by Council in 2014 and to revise and update the Public Art Policy as needed.
  • Authorized to execute any legal agreements as needed, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, to enable the City of Kingston to work with local artists to support YGK Music as proposed in Report Number ARCP-20-003 (Report on the Pilot Project to Promote Local Music and Musicians and Terms of Reference for the Next Iteration of YGK Music in Support of Sector Development).

Director of Business, Real Estate & Environment

  • Authority to approve subsequent renewals of the agreement with Hydro One for trail lands, satisfactory to the Director of Recreation and Leisure and the Director of Legal Services.
  • Authority to approve the execution of license agreements for all existing Partner Groups – Sports and Recreation as outlined in Report 13-228 and who are eligible under Section 15 of the Revenue Leasing and Licensing Policy.
  • Authority to enhance the administration of the Brownfield Community Improvement Plan Program using a sliding scale approach to each eligible application so that benefits are proportional to: (1) the degree of environmental encumbrance relative to the value of the proposed redevelopment project; and (2) to the area of land as a percentage that requires remediation in order that the goal of creating a "level playing field" for brownfield development through the CIP is maintained.
  • Authority to enter into amending agreements with neighbouring land owners of the Grand Theatre to add encroachments, to extend parking agreements and to provide for any other matters into existing or new legal arrangements.

Director of Community Development and Wellbeing - IIDEA

Authority to waive park booking fees as outlined in Bylaw Number 2005-10, "A Bylaw to Establish Fees and Charges to be Collected by The Corporation of the City of Kingston" to accommodate requests from Indigenous community organizers to access park spaces for the purposes of ceremony and cultural gathering, this authority does not apply to special event bookings or large gathering requests (over 99 people).

Director of Corporate Asset and Fleet Management

  • Authority to continue working with third parties to enable the City of Kingston's inclusion in funding requests to the Government of Ontario's Electric Vehicle Chargers Ontario (EVCO) incentive Program; and Authority to enter into any application or other documentation required to commit participation, on terms reasonable to the Commission of Community Services (formerly Commissioner of Corporate & Strategic Initiatives), in both or either the consortium bid to the EVCO program by Plug N Drive and/or by ChargePoint.
  • Authority to enter into fuel hedging contracts, as provided for in the Fuel Price Hedging Policy, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer, to help mitigate risk associated with fuel price fluctuations.

Director of Engineering Services

  • Authority to sign agreements with CN for cost sharing of warning systems at level rail crossings.
  • Authority to approve the installation of all service providers that wish to install infrastructure in the City right-of-way on behalf of the City of Kingston.
  • Approval authority for the erection or installation of any new traffic control signal systems or traffic control signal used in conjunction with traffic control signal system that has been authorized.
  • Authority to apply to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an initial Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval for the City's Stormwater Management System, and any future renewal, extension or amendment application, and to approve execution of any documents and agreements in connection therewith, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.
  • May temporarily close any highway or portion of a highway in accordance with the "Policy Framework – Delegated Authority for Road Closures" for the following purposes:
    1. The construction, repair or improvement of the highway or portion of the highway or the construction or repair of any works, under, over, along, across, or upon the highway or portion of highway;
    2. Any social, recreational, community, athletic, or cinematographic purpose, or a combination of such purposes.
  • Notwithstanding the provision of section 1 of this Bylaw, Council shall retain all powers and authority under Section 42 of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001 where:
    1. The Manager or his/her designate, or in the absence of a designate the Commissioner of Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services, at his/her sole discretion refers to the matter to Council;
    2. The applicant requests in writing that the matter be referred to Council; or
    3. Any member of City Council requests, in writing to the Manager, that the request for the temporary road closure approval be referred to Council. Upon receipt of such request, the Manager shall refer the matter to Council.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1 of this Bylaw, prior to approving any temporary road closure, the Manager shall notify the Mayor and Council of the pending closure.
  • Authorized to designate a lower rate of speed for vehicles traveling in construction zones.
  • Authority over various routine processes related to tile drainage loan applications under the tile drainage act.

Director of Financial Services

  • Authority of the Treasurer under the Alternative Instalments (Pre-Authorized) Tax Payment Program.
  • Authority over various routine processes related to tile drainage loan applications under the tile drainage act.

Director of Heritage Services

  • All the authority that Council has respecting the granting of permits to approve minor alterations to designated properties. Authority under the Ontario Heritage Act, to request, receive, review and accept or reject plans, information, reports and any other documentation required to make a decision, when an application is made under the Act . Authority to process permits in accordance with the terms of Bylaw 2013-141.
  • Authority for approval of any further adjustments required to the Scope of Work for alterations under the Ontario Heritage Act to 370 King Street West (J.K. Tett Centre) under the Ontario Heritage Act for the remainder of the project, including the issuance of heritage permits, as required.
  • Authority to execute contracts and agreements related to the work of Heritage Services Department in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor and consistent within the approved municipal budget.
  • Delegated Authority for Customer Service Purposes – Fee Adjustments Related to Service Interruptions, Special Events and the Removal of Economic Barriers at the MacLachlan Woodworking Museum and the pump House Steam Museum.
  • Authorized to execute any legal agreements as needed related to Engage for Change, under delegated authority, to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services, to enable the City of Kingston to work with community organizations to support the initiatives as proposed in Report Number 20-060 (Update Report, Engage for Change: #YGK Reconciliation Journey, Phase II Review and Phase III Proposals).
  • Council meeting Number 2020-10 (minutes) 3 March 2020, Report 27, Clause 2
  • Authority to amend these (museum) policies for minor issues of clarification, formatting and updating when corporate policies are approved to ensure legislative changes are reflected in the policies.
  • Authority to amend the Kingston Civic Collections Management Policy, from time to time, as required to reflect changing collection management practices, legislation, City policy and for minor housekeeping updates.

Director of Housing & Social Services

  • Authority to approve the allocation of funding for the creation of affordable housing secondary residential units.
  • Authority to execute service agreements on behalf of the City of Kingston, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with Nimble Information Strategies Inc. for the provision of document scanning and imaging services related to the implementation of Electronic Document Management.

Director of Human Resources and Organization Development

  • Authority to approve staff positions from time to time provided that:
    1. Funds are available within current budgetary allocations
    2. All expenditures are deemed essential for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the City, and
  • Alternate methods of achieving the objectives have been evaluated and proven more costly or less effective than staffing a position.

Director of Legal Services and City Solicitor

  • Authority over a variety of administrative matters.
  • Authority to approve future requests from the Confederation Place Hotel for the City to enter into Consents and Acknowledgements arising from new mortgages or increases of existing mortgages placed on the Confederation Place Hotel.
  • Authority to approve agreements entered into pursuant to the provisions of the City of Kingston Development Charge Bylaw and the City of Kingston Impost Fee Bylaw.

Director of Licensing and Enforcement Services

  • Authority to appoint municipal law enforcement officers as peace officers for the purpose of enforcing city bylaws.
  • Authority to sign the "Authorized Requester Agreement" and enter into future agreements with the Ministry of Transportation, to enable the City to continue to obtain vehicle owner information to assist in investigations into violations of specific city bylaws. Authority to be the "Authorized Signatory" for the purposes associated with the "Authorized Requester Agreement".

Director of Licensing and Enforcement Services or their Designate

  • Authority to approve noise exemptions for amplified sound.
  • Authority to appoint persons for the purpose of issuing parking infraction notices under the provisions of Bylaw Number 99-166 on designated properties, and to revoke the authorization of any person as deemed necessary.

Director of Planning Services or their Designate

  • Authority to issue a site alteration permit.
  • Authority to approve encroachment over easement agreements with private property owners, in a form satisfactory to the Legal Services Division.
  • Be authorized to approve the dedication of the following city-owned lands for public highway, lane or walkway purposes, in the absence of explicit council authority where:
    1. The lands have been acquired or accepted for a public highway, lane or walkway purposes pursuant to a development review, council approval or delegated authority;
    2. The reserves on registered plans or lands used as reserved are no longer needed to control access to an abutting property;
    3. Council's intent to open a road can be implied from one or more documents such as Official Plan, Kingston Transportation Master Plan, or other written documentation with specific reference to the road; or
    4. The lands are used by the public as public highway, lane or walkway
  • Be authorized to approve the issuance of the "Preliminary Certificate of Approval of the Works" (PCAW) to accept the public works within the subdivision; 3. Be authorized to release easements, blocks, and/or lots taken in favour of the City for the purpose of temporary turning circles or temporary access roads, as well as temporary storm water management facilities within subdivisions; 4. Be authorized to take all steps necessary to implement the proposed dedication, approval or release referred to in recommendations 1,2 and 3, including ensuring that the relevant bylaw is placed on the Council agenda and that payment of any costs related to the dedication, approval or release are made, to register the resultant bylaw, release or other documentation in the Land Registry Office; 5. That prior to the approval of any proposed dedication of land or release of easement, the Director of Planning Services inform the affected district councilor, who will have the option of referring the proposed dedication of land or release of easement to Council.

Director of Planning Services

Authority to enforce the Bylaw, to issue Tree Permits under the Bylaw and to impose terms and conditions to such permits.

Director of Public Works and Solid Waste

Authorized to make payments and reimbursements from the Trees for Kingston Fund.

Director of Recreation and Leisure Services

  • Authority to enter into license agreements with community groups, for the purpose of granting permission to use City-owned lands for the purpose of growing and harvesting of fruit trees, nut trees and/or shrubs, as outlined in the Community Orchard & Edible Forest Policy.
  • Authority for discretionary fee adjustments due to service interruptions.

Director, Strategy, Innovation and Partnerships or his/her delegates

Authority with regard to airport operations including agreements, licences, and contracts and powers and responsibilities as Airport Accountable Executive.

Director of Transportation Services

  • Authorized to develop agreements with sales agencies for the sales of transit smart cards.
  • Authority to approve extensions to an agreement with the Kingston Tennis Club Inc., under the same terms and conditions.

Director of Transportation Services, or their delegate

  • Authority to undertake amendments Bylaw Number 2003-209, as amended, being "A Bylaw to Regulate Traffic", to designate a highway or portions of a highway under the jurisdiction of the City of Kingston as Community Safety including placement of the amending bylaws on the Council Agenda without requiring in each instance an accompanying Report to Council.
  • Authority to modify or suspend any aspect of a School Street and a Play Street Road Closure if there are issues with safety, operations, maintenance, or capital projects.

Director of Transportation or their delegate

Authority to apply reduced load limits, as prescribed in Section 122 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, to highways described in Schedule F-2 to City of Kingston Bylaw 2003- 209, "A Bylaw to Regulate Traffic", commencing on a date prior to March 1 of any year, and/or to end reduced load restrictions on a date either prior to or after April 30 of any year, as weather and road conditions may require.

Director of Transportation Services or their Designate

Authorized to administer the City's Street Patio Program in accordance with the Street Patio Standards and Application Guide, including the right to: make amendments to the Street Patio Standards and Application Guide to reflect updated standards, from time to time; approve and applications for patios; impose conditions with respect to permits and licence agreements for the operation of patios; issue, renew, administer, amend, extend, suspend and revoke permits and licence agreements for the operation of patios; approve patio licence agreements, amendments and other agreements required pursuant to the Street Patio Program for execution by the Mayor and City Clerk; modify the patio season operating dates subject to weather conditions and City operational requirements; temporarily close any patio for the purpose of maintenance, operational or other municipal needs, including special events; and refer a decision to Council where an application is refused.

Director of Transportation and Transit, or their delegate

Authority to submit, for all three readings, such bylaws necessary to amend Bylaw Number 2003-209, A Bylaw To Regulate Traffic, to establish Designated Areas, Area Speed Limits and any changes related to prescribing Area Speed Limits, and to establish Designated Areas, prescribe Area Speed Limits and any necessary changes related to prescribing Area Speed Limits, and to prescribe lower rates of maximum speed that apply to highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Kingston, including placement on the Council Agenda without requiring in each instance an accompanying Report to Council.

Director of Transportation and Transit

Authority to sign the "Authorized Requester Agreement" with MTO, and be the "authorized signatory" for the purposes associated with the "Authorized Requester Agreement", and for future amendments to the "Authorized Requester Agreement" with the Ministry of Transportation, be delegated the authority to enter into this agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

Fire Chief

  • Authority to take all proper measures for the prevention, control and extinguishment of fires and of life and property and shall all powers mandated by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act.
  • Approval and signing authority to execute agreements and any other documents to provide fire and public safety training, facility and equipment rentals, and other related fee for services to external clients.

Manager of Climate Leadership

Authority to execute Funding Agreements with participating Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions to provide project funding of up to $2,000 per project, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

Manager of Licensing & Enforcement

Authority over future actions taken concerning the dispute involving the cutting of grass on the boulevard in front of 5 Gibson Avenue.

Manager of Licensing, Parking Operations & Policy

Authorized to appoint livestock valuators and fence viewers.

Manager of Taxation and Revenue

  • Authority of the Treasurer under the Alternative Instalments (Pre-Authorized) Tax Payment Program.
  • The City's responsibility relating to assessment and taxation appeal matters.
  • Authority to enter into agreements, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) for the electronic download property assessment information the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation's Municipal Connect website.
  • Council Meeting Number 12 (minutes) 15 May 2007, Report Number 51, Clause E


Authority to approve and sign Grant Applications that enable [the Arts & Culture Services Department and Heritage Services Department] to access funding from higher levels of government and private foundations to build partnerships, secure alternative sources of revenue and raise Kingston's profile at a regional, provincial and national level.

Mayor and City Clerk

  • Authorized to enter into a demand response agreement with EnerShift for a term of three years ending May 31, 2013, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services - and further - That Council give staff delegated authority to extend, amend or add other facilities to the agreement as required and as opportunities arise.
  • Authority to enter into an agreement with The Boiler Room Climbing Gym, for the coordinated program deliver of the Walls and Waves summer camp program, in a form satisfactory to Director of Legal Services, and further, authority to enter into such agreement annually.
  • Council Meeting Number 12 (minutes) 17 May 2011, Report Number 52, Clause (j)
  • Authority to enter into agreements with the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area on an annual basis.
  • Authority to enter into annual agreements with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport for Celebrate Ontario project funding in support of the sheep dog trials event.
  • Authorize the Mayor and Clerk, or where required the Chief Administrative Officer and/or the Chief Financial Officer, to sign grant agreements that align with the criteria as outlined in Report Number 21-100.
  • Authority to execute Property Owner Agreements with participating homeowners, and all other documents or agreements required to give effect to the Better Homes Kingston Program approved by Council, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

President and CEO, Utilities Kingston

  • Authority for President and Chief Executive Officer of Utilities Kingston, to represent the City, as owner, and the Director, Utilities Engineering of Utilities Kingston or their designate, as the owner's authorized representative, for purpose of signing and submitting any application, including any future renewal, extension or amendment application, to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks:
    1. for a Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval for the City's Sewage Collection System; and
    2. under the Safe Drinking Water Act and associated regulations.
  • Signing authority for water compliance reports.
  • Signing authority for water compliance reports.

Utilities Kingston

Authority to make automatic adjustments to the natural gas commodity rate for any review indicates that the price is above or below the current rate by 5% or more.

An authorized signing officer of Utilities Kingston

Procurement of Natural Gas

Representatives of Utilities Kingston

  • Authority to amend the Appliance Rental Rates, to competitive provided customers are given a minimum of 30 days' notice of the change, and any changes do no occur prior to January 1, 2024.
  • Authority to comply with the legislated requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act and Federal Carbon Priding Backstop as it relates to the gas utility, and to execute any required operational documents that fall within the provisions of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act and Federal Carbon Priding Backstop.
  • Authority to act, on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Kingston, in order to comply with the legislated requirements of the Ontario Cap and Trade Program
  • Authority to execute any required operational documents that falls within the provisions of the Ontario Cap and Trade Program
  • Authority for requesting multiple draws on the revolving letter of credit for the Ontario Cap and Trade Program

Director, Utilities Engineering

Authority to apply to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for an initial Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval for the City's Municipal Sewage Collection System, and any future renewal, extension or amendment application, and to approve execution of any documents and agreements in connection therewith, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

Learn more about the City's reconciliation initiatives.

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