Call to Order
12.1 The Meeting shall be called to order in accordance with Subsection 9.5 of this Bylaw.
Committee of the Whole Closed Session Report
12.2 Where a Closed Session has been held in accordance with the Act and Section 11 of this Bylaw, Council shall rise from the Committee of the Whole Closed Session with or without reporting pursuant to Subsection 11.13 of this Bylaw.
Approval of Addendum
12.3 The consent of Council shall be required for the addition or withdrawal of the items listed on the Addendum for the Meeting in accordance with Subsection 8.4 of this Bylaw. These items shall be the subject of one Motion. However, any Member may ask for any item(s) included in the Addendum to be separated from the Motion. The Addendum without the separated item(s) shall be put to a vote and then the separated item(s) shall be voted on separately.
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
12.4 All Members shall declare any Pecuniary Interest in accordance with this Bylaw.
12.5 Presentations shall be limited to ten (10) minutes.
12.6 Subsection 12.6 deleted; see By-Law Number 2024-360
12.7 All Delegations shall self-register by completing the Delegation Request Form on the City's webpage and submitting it to the Clerk before 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the Meeting at which the Delegation desires to be heard. The Clerk will not accept a request received after the deadline. Delegations may not be registered by a third party.
12.8 A Delegation shall only address a Meeting with respect to a Report or New Motion on the Agenda or Addendum and shall confine their remarks to such item.
12.9 Subject to the following terms, the number of Delegations at a Meeting shall not exceed six. At a Meeting, each Member may make one, but no more than one, Motion to permit one, but no more than one, Delegation in excess of such limit. In order for such a Motion to pass, a two-thirds majority of all votes must be cast in its favour. No debate is permitted on such a Motion.
12.10 Audio-visual equipment may be used by a Delegation, provided a request such equipment is included in the Delegation Request Form.
12.11 Each Delegation shall have a maximum of five (5) minutes to speak, except those added to the Agenda pursuant to Subsection 12.9 of this Bylaw, which shall have a maximum of three (3) minutes to speak. The allotted time may be used by one (1) or more persons, as decided by the Delegation.
12.12 Delegations may speak on a matter only once during the Meeting, unless new information has come forward, an error was made in the documentation presented, or incorrect statements were made during the previous debate of the Agenda item.
12.13 No Delegations shall be permitted on the following topics:
- labour relations or staff negotiations;
- planning applications that are before the Planning Committee prior to the date of a scheduled Hearing;
- matters upon which the Planning Committee has held its scheduled Hearing;
- reports received from a Standing Committee;
- a Notice of Motion;
- litigation or administrative tribunal proceedings that are either expected to proceed, that are currently proceeding, or that have already been decided by a court or tribunal;
- tenders, requests for proposals or other procurement issues;
- any matter that is not within the jurisdiction of Council or Committee, as determined by the Chair in consultation with the Clerk; and
- any matter that is properly the subject of a Closed Session.
12.14 Delegations are not permitted to address Council on a policy matter upon which Council has already made a decision within the previous twelve (12) months, unless Council has decided to reconsider the matter.
12.15 Members may only address a Delegation to ask a maximum of two (2) questions for clarification and shall not express opinions expand the scope of the completed delegation or enter into debate or discussion with a Delegation.
12.16 Members shall not pose questions to staff during a Delegation.
12.17 Delegations shall conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 3.16 of this Bylaw.
12.18 The following requirements apply to every petition submitted to the City:
- the petition must be addressed to the City and request a particular action within the authority of Council;
- the petition must be legible, typewritten or printed in ink;
- the petition must be appropriate and not contain improper language;
- each signatory must print and sign their own name. A paper petition must contain original signatures only, written directly on the petition; and
- for electronic petitions, each signatory must provide their name, and either their address or postal code.
12.19 The Clerk shall list on the Agenda petitions that comply with Subsection 12.23 of this Bylaw and that are received prior to the submission deadline specified in Subsection 8.5 of this Bylaw.
12.20 A Member shall be permitted up to three (3) minutes to present a petition to Council
12.21 Petitions may not be debated.
Deferred Motions
12.22 Motions that have been deferred from a previous Meeting shall be considered and voted on separately.
Motions of Congratulations, Recognition, Sympathy, Condolences, Speedy Recovery, Etc.
12.23 The following Motions may be moved and seconded by Members and presented by category:
- Motions of congratulations;
- Motions of special recognition, including awards, significant achievements, or special service to the community; and
- Motions of sympathy, condolences, and speedy recovery.
These Motions shall be voted on as a whole.
12.24 The Motions referred to in Subsection 12.28 of this Bylaw may be included on the Agenda or Addendum or may be presented by a Member to the Clerk at Meeting for inclusion in the Agenda for that Meeting.
12.25 Subject to subsection 12.26 and the following terms, staff may give a Briefing with respect to any item on the Agenda. A Briefing shall not exceed ten minutes unless the Chief Administrative Officer has recommended an extension of such limit and the Clerk has approved such extension.
12.26 A Minister or staff of the Government of Ontario or the Government of Canada, or an agency, board or corporation of the Government of Ontario or the Government of Canada, may give a Briefing with respect to any item on the Agenda. There is no limit on the length of time permitted for such a Briefing."
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Reports
12.27 Municipal staff reports shall appear on the Agenda in the form of CAO reports called consent, recommend, and consider reports.
CAO Consent Report
12.28 Items that will be placed on the CAO consent report include, but are not limited to, matters where no discussion is anticipated, and matters that are considered routine in nature. All items in the CAO consent report shall be the subject of one Motion, which is neither debatable nor amendable. However, any Member may ask for any item(s) included in the CAO consent report to be separated from the Motion. The CAO consent report without the separated item(s) shall be put to a vote and then the separated item(s) shall be voted on separately. All separated items are debatable and amendable.
CAO Recommend Report
12.29 All items in the CAO recommend report are debatable and amendable. Each item on the CAO recommend report shall be voted on separately.
CAO Consider Report
12.30 All items in the CAO consider report shall be put on the floor by way of a Motion. The Motion shall provide staff with Council's direction as to the action(s) to be taken with respect to the matter to be considered.
12.31 A CAO consider report is not permitted at a Committee Meeting.
Committee Reports
12.32 All items in a Committee report shall be the subject of one Motion. A Member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee report to be separated from the Motion. When an item is separated, all Members, including the Member who Introduced the report, shall have the opportunity to speak to each separated item.
12.33 The Committee report without the separated item(s) shall be put to a vote and then the separated item(s) shall be voted on separately. Each separated item is debatable and amendable.
12.34 The Committee may request that any Committee report be discussed by Council in Committee of the Whole. Council shall decide by a Majority vote of the Members present whether or not to resolve into Committee of the Whole to discuss the Committee report.
Committee of the Whole Report
12.35 All items in the Committee of the Whole report shall be the subject of one Motion which is neither debatable nor amendable. A Member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee of the Whole report to be separated from the Motion.
12.36 The Committee of the Whole report without the separated item(s) shall be put to a vote and then the separated item(s) shall be voted on separately. Each separated item is debatable and amendable.
Information Reports from Staff
12.37 Information reports may be submitted by staff in order to communicate information to Members and the public. Members may ask questions of staff with respect to the content of the information report(s).
Information Reports from Members
12.38 Information reports may be submitted by Members who have been appointed or elected to attend conferences or local board or Committee Meetings at the City's expense, in order to communicate information to other Members and the public.
Miscellaneous Business
12.39 Items of miscellaneous business shall be listed on the Agenda or Addendum and shall include such matters as: proclamations; Committee appointments or resignations; requests for City Hall illumination; requests for a flag raising; and Deputy Mayor appointments.
12.40 All items of miscellaneous business shall be the subject of one Motion which neither debatable nor amendable. A Member may ask for any item(s) included under miscellaneous business to be separated from the Motion.
12.41 Items of miscellaneous business without the separated item(s) shall be put to a vote and then the separated item(s) shall be voted on separately.
New Motions
12.42 At a Meeting, each Member may make one, but no more than one, new
12.43 New Motions shall be considered and voted on separately.
12.44 Any Motion having budgetary implications shall be referred to staff or the appropriate Standing Committee for a report regarding such budgetary implications prior to the Motion being debated at Council or Committee.
12.45 A Member may not make a New Motion to adopt an official City position in response to an international political activity or spontaneous world event.
Notices of Motion
12.46 A Notice of Motion may be introduced by the mover at a Regular Meeting for consideration at a subsequent Meeting.
12.47 Every Notice of Motion shall be in writing and shall have a mover and seconder before being submitted to the Clerk for inclusion on the Agenda. Once the Notice of Motion has been submitted to the Clerk for inclusion on the Agenda it may not be edited.
12.48 The Clerk shall place notices of Motion on the Agenda in the order in which they are received.
12.49 The Clerk shall prepare the minutes of the Meeting with copies available to Members. The minutes shall record:
- the place, date and time of the Meeting;
- the names of the Chair, the Members and staff in attendance;
- any declarations of Pecuniary Interest;
- the reading, if requested, correction and adoption of the minutes of the prior Meeting(s);
- each item considered by Council and the decisions of the Meeting, note or comment; and
- the results of any Recorded Vote(s).
12.50 Unless otherwise decided by Council, the minutes of each Meeting shall be submitted to Council for confirmation or amendment at its next Regular Meeting or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable.
12.51 Once adopted by Council, the minutes shall be signed by the Chair and the Clerk.
Communications Package
12.52 The Clerk shall assemble, in a manner that will ensure its efficient to Council, all documents received as a communication from a local board or agency and intended for presentation to Council, including meeting agendas, meeting minutes and financial statements."
12.53 Every communication intended for presentation to Council or a Committee shall be legibly written, typed, or printed and signed by at least one (1) person giving their address. Anonymous communications will not be accepted.
12.54 The Clerk shall list on the Agenda those communications received prior to the submission deadline specified in Subsection 8.5. All communications received after such deadline shall be held over for consideration at a subsequent Meeting, unless they directly relate to items of business on the Agenda. Communications relating to a business item on the Agenda that are received prior to 2:00 p.m. on the day of the Meeting shall be included on the Addendum.
12.55 Subject to the submission requirements set out in Subsection 12.54 above, the Clerk shall also list on the Agenda, as a communication, any correspondence received from a Member in relation to any recommendation or Motion at the Meeting.
12.56 Members shall not debate any communication.
12.57 Council may refer a communication to staff or a Committee.
Communications from other Municipalities
12.58 The Clerk may add to an Agenda communications received from the council of another municipality requesting consideration or endorsement of such council's resolution or bylaw. Communications received from another municipality requesting the support of another municipality's resolution or bylaw will not be included with communications assembled under Subsection 12.52."
Other Business
12.59 A Member may make a statement regarding events and issues or bring forward. At a Committee Meeting, a Member's intention to add an item to other business shall be stated during the adoption of the Agenda at the start of a Meeting.
12.60 The Clerk shall include on the Agenda or Addendum a listing of all bylaws proposed for adoption. The listing shall include the proposed bylaw number and title.
12.61 Every bylaw shall be read twice at the Meeting at which it is introduced and read a third time and passed before it is signed by the Mayor and Clerk.
12.62 Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 12.62 above, the following laws may receive all three (3) readings at the same Meeting:
- the Confirmation Bylaw;
- bylaws enacted pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended or re-enacted from time to time; and
- bylaws for which staff have provided a written request for all three (3) readings at the same Meeting, and Council has approved such request.
Separate Vote
12.63 At the request of a Member, any bylaw may be discussed and voted on separately.
Confirmation Bylaw
12.64 The proceedings at every Meeting of Council, including proceedings in Closed Session, shall be confirmed through the Confirmation Bylaw and every Resolution and action thereof shall have the same force and effect as if each and every one of them had been the subject matter of a separate bylaw duly enacted.
12.65 The Confirmation Bylaw shall be given all three (3) readings and passed before Council adjourns.
12.66 All Regular Meetings shall stand adjourned when a Motion to Adjourn is carried pursuant to Subsection 13.7 of this Bylaw.