The City is a single-tier municipality incorporated pursuant to an order made under section 25.2 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45.
The powers of a municipality must be exercised by its council (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 5 (1)).
A municipal power must be exercised by bylaw unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 5 (3)).
A municipality may delegate legislative and quasi-judicial powers under certain listed Acts to a council committee or a body having at least two members of whom at least 50 per cent are members of its council, individuals appointed by its council, or a combination thereof (Municipal Act, 2001, ss. 9, 10, 11 & 23.2 (1)).
A single tier municipality may provide any service or thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the public (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 10 (1)).
A single-tier municipality may pass bylaws respecting the governance structure of the municipality and its committees and other local boards (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 10 (2)).
The powers of the City to establish or dissolve standing committees, to appoint chairs and vice chairs of standing committees, and to assign functions to standing committees were assigned to the mayor (Municipal Act, 2001, s. 284.8 (1)).
On July 12, 2023, the mayor delegated to council the mayor's power to establish or dissolve standing committees, to appoint chairs and vice-chairs of standing committees and to assign functions to standing committee.
Council considers it necessary and desirable for the public to establish committees, subcommittees and working groups for the purposes of providing advice to council on certain matters.
Therefore, council enacts: