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Civic Addressing and Road Naming Bylaw

Bylaw #: 2005-98

Description: Ensures the orderly addressing of buildings and properties and appropriately naming roads within the City of Kingston.

Date passed: May 3, 2005

Disclaimer: Bylaws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. The original Civic Addressing Bylaw in pdf format is available from the Office of the City Clerk upon request.

Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, permits municipalities to establish civic addresses, to name municipal highways and private roads, and to enter land to install signs and affix numbers to buildings;

And Whereas City Council wishes to establish a simplified system of identifying properties that will ensure accurate and efficient routing of emergency vehicles, mail, and other services, and will be capable of accommodating future growth;

Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston enacts as follows:

For the purposes of this Bylaw:

Building - means a structure occupying an area greater than ten (10) square metres consisting of a wall, roof, and floors or combination thereof or a structural system serving the function thereof including all plumbing, works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant thereto as defined in the Building Code Act, 1992.

Building Permit - means a Building Permit issued under the Building Code Act, S.O. 1992, c.23, as amended.

City - means the Corporation of the City of Kingston.

Civic Address - means the civic number, including the unit number where applicable, and road name assigned to a particular building or lot.

Civic Number - means the number (including the unit number where applicable) assigned by the City for the purpose of identifying the building or lot.

Ground Sign - means an on premise sign including a backlit, posturn, pylon and readograph sign supported from the ground and not attached to any part of a building, as per the City of Kingston Sign Bylaw, as amended from time to time.

Highway - means a common and public highway or a portion thereof, under the jurisdiction of the City and includes any bridge, trestle, viaduct or other structure forming part of the highway.

Owner - means the person having any right, title, interest, or equity in land or his/her agent.

Master Address Repository - means a database of building addresses, blocks, intersections, street names, street suffix and direction and other location identifiers within the City of Kingston.

Number Blade - means a sign that is affixed to a support structure adjacent to the Private Road or Highway for the purpose of displaying the Civic Number of the building or lot to which the sign relates.

Private Road - means single or multi-lane path accessible to vehicles that is not under the jurisdiction of the City or the Province.

Property - means any land divided into lots by the Director of Titles as defined in the Land Titles Act, 1990.

Road - means a Highway under the jurisdiction of the City or a Private Road.

Unit - means an independently used space within a building (e.g. a store within a shopping mall or an apartment within a residential complex).

The Provisions of this Bylaw shall govern all civic addressing and road naming within the geographic limits of the City of Kingston.

3A. Civic Addressing

1) Civic addresses shall be assigned by Planning Services to all properties and/or buildings in the municipality in accordance with Schedule "A" hereto.

2) New civic addresses shall be assigned as part of the procedures related to the establishment of new lots or redevelopment projects and verified as part of the Building Permit approval process.

3) No Building Permit shall be issued in the absence of a civic address.

4) The Master Address Repository is the official record of civic addresses and is maintained and updated by Planning Services.

5) The owner of the property to which a civic address has been issued, unless otherwise notified, shall post the number in a conspicuous and visible manner and in accordance with the signage conventions set out in Schedule "C".

6) Where a civic address has been issued to a property, the owner shall be notified in accordance with section 4(2) of this Bylaw by registered mail, and the owner shall be allowed thirty (30) days from the date of notice to post the civic number as per Schedule "C" herein. If the number cannot be posted due to incomplete construction, a temporary civic number must be posted, and shall not be removed until the permanent number is posted. The permanent civic address signage must be posted within 30 days after construction has been completed.

Every building requires a posted civic number, either temporary or 7) permanent, as per Schedule "C", on the date an occupancy permit is issued.

Once a permanent number or number blade is posted, the owner 8) shall maintain the number or number blade in a visible condition. Where a number blade is no longer in a visible condition or requires relocation, the owner shall inform the City and request replacement or relocation. The City will assume the cost for number blade replacement or relocation if damage is due to a City initiative, reported collision, or other circumstance at the discretion of the Manager of Public Works or his/her designate. If the need for replacement or relocation is due to negligent actions on the part of the owner, the owner shall pay the fee as set out in Schedule "D".

9) No person shall post or being the owner or occupant of the building or property, shall allow to be posted, or to remain posted, any number that is in conflict with the most recent civic address that has been issued by the City.

10) Any building(s) with an existing assigned municipal address number may be reassigned a new number by the Director of Planning Services or his/her designate where there are potentially confusing number discontinuities or irregularities, there is an inadequate supply of civic numbers for existing and future lot development, there are emergency service requirements or there are other City initiatives.

The Director of Planning and Development or his/her designate will provide written notice of the civic address numbering change to the owners of any affected properties.

In cases where it is found that the renumbering of a building, unit or property would pose undue hardship on a number of residents or businesses, the Director of Planning and Development or his/her designate, at his/her discretion, in consultation with emergency service providers may allow the existing civic address to remain, provided that the existing address follows a clear numbering sequence and complies with the requirements for emergency service.

It is the responsibility of the owner(s) to ensure that the new civic address number or signage is installed and visible from the street.

11) Where a civic address is changed by the City at the request of a property owner(s), the property owner(s) shall pay the fee as set out in Schedule "D", as well as the cost of installing a new number or number blade.

3B. Road Naming

1) Road names shall be issued by the City in accordance with Schedule "B" hereto.

2) New road names shall be assigned as part of the procedures related to the establishment of highways or private roads, and verified as part of the Building Permit approval process.

3) The application of proposed road names shall be subject to the approval of the City.

4) The Official Record of road names shall be those road names listed in the Kingston Central Area Street Register as maintained by the City.

5) Where a road name is changed (renamed) by the City at the request of a property owner(s), the property owner(s) shall pay the fee as set out in Schedule "D", as well as the cost of administration and installing new signage.

6) Change (renaming) of road names is subject to City Council approval in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001.

7) When an existing road is being renamed, there shall be a public notification process to obtain comments and/or suggestions respecting the new road name. All comments and suggestions will be reviewed and a recommendation for a new road name will be submitted to City Council for approval

1. In those instances where:

  1. the posted Civic Number is not in accordance with the Civic Address issued for the property;
  2. the correct Civic Number is posted but not in a conspicuous or visible manner and/or not in accordance with the conventions set out in Schedule "C" hereto; or
  3. a Number Blade installed in conformance with Schedule "C" herein has not been maintained in a visible condition or has been removed or relocated without the prior authorization of the Director of Public Works or his/her designate;

The Owner shall be provided written Notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 4(2) below, and the Owner shall comply with the terms of the Notice within thirty (30) days from the delivery of the Notice.

2. Notice shall be deemed to be delivered in the following circumstances:

  1. the Notice is delivered by personal service to the Owner;
  2. seven days after the date the Notice is sent by prepaid registered mail to the last known address of the Owner; or
  3. if service cannot be effected by methods a) or b) above, by posting the Notice in a conspicuous and visible manner upon the property.

3. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this bylaw is guilty of an offence and upon conviction, is subject to a fine as provided in Section 429 of the Municipal Act, and all such offences are designated as continuing offences.

4. A person who is convicted of an offence under this bylaw is liable, for each day or part of a day that the offence continues, to a minimum fine of $500 and a maximum fine of $10,000 and the total of all daily fines for the offence is not limited to $100,000.

5. Directors and Officers of a corporation who knowingly concur in the contravention of this bylaw are guilty of an offence.

6. No person shall fail to comply, or fail to allow compliance, with a Notice issued pursuant to Section 4(1) of this bylaw.

7. In addition to the penalty prescribed in Section 4(4) above, if the Owner fails to comply, or fails to allow compliance, with the Notice issued pursuant to Section 4(1) of this bylaw, the City shall have the right to enter onto the property and post the Civic Number, as assigned to the building or property, and charge the Owner with the expense of same and said expense may be added to the tax roll and collected in the same manner as taxes.

8. No person shall hinder or obstruct, or attempt to hinder or obstruct, any person who is discharging their duties under this bylaw.

9. When a person has been convicted of an offence under this bylaw, the Superior Court of Justice, or any court of competent jurisdiction may, in addition to any penalty imposed on the person convicted, issue an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted; and requiring the person convicted to correct the contravention in the manner and within the period that the court considers appropriate.

1) Director of Planning Services or his/her designate is responsible for the administration of this bylaw.

2) The Civic Addressing, Road Naming, and Signage Conventions set out in Schedules "A", "B", and "C" respectively are hereby declared to implement part of this Bylaw.

3) If any section, clause, or provision of this Bylaw or parts thereof are found, for any reason, by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or beyond the power of the Council to enact, such section, clause, or provision or parts thereof, shall be deemed to be severable and all other sections, clauses, or provisions of this Bylaw shall be deemed to be separate and independent therefrom and continue in full force and effect until repealed unless and until similarly found invalid.

4) This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect immediately upon the passing thereof and shall take precedence over any section of any other Bylaw that relates to civic addressing and/or street naming.

5) This Bylaw may be cited as the "Civic Addressing and Road Naming Bylaw.

Bylaw Number Passed on
2005-206 August 23, 2005
2010-197 October 5, 2010
2016-76 March 22, 2016
2020-103 July 8, 2020


1. General Conventions For Civic Addressing

1) A civic address shall consist of a civic number followed by a road name and that road name portion of the civic address shall consist of the name of the road from which the principal vehicular access is obtained.

2) No civic numbers shall:

  1. be greater than six characters in length;
  2. use a zero (0) as the leading number; or
  3. use alpha characters, except in accordance with Section 2B (6) below.

3) Civic addresses shall be written in the form of:

Unit-Civic Number-Road Name

(e.g. 2-104 Typical Drive means Unit 2 at 104 Typical Drive)

2. Conventions For Assigning New (Or Reassigning) Civic Numbers

2A. Generation Of Civic Numbers

1) All civic numbers shall be generated in accordance with the conventions set out in the following table:

Area Odd Numbers Even Numbers Numbers Increase One Number Assigned
City of Kingston West and South side of road North and East side of road South to North and East to West Every 10 metres (33 feet)

2) Despite subsection 2A(1) above, all new civic numbers assigned along continuous existing streets or along extensions to existing streets shall be generated in accordance with the conventions set out in the following table:

Area Odd Numbers Even Numbers Numbers Increase One Number Assigned
Kingston West West and South side of road North and East side of road South to North and East to West Every 10 metres (33 feet)
Kingston East East and South side of road West and North side of road South to North and West to East Every 10 metres (33 feet)
Kingston Central North and East side of road West and South side of road South to North and East to West Every 7.5 metres (25 feet)

Figure 1 visually depicts the boundaries indicated in the above table.

3) Existing numbering in adjacent municipalities shall be given due regard.

4) Odd and even numbers shall never be transposed because of a change in road direction.

5) The assignment of alpha characters may be permitted as part of a civic address if it is found that no additional numbers are available that would be consistent with the existing numbering system on the street and address changes would impose undue hardship. Alpha characters shall be limited in use and will only be considered where necessary in order to comply with emergency services requirements.

2B. Special Cases

1) Crescents and U-looped Roads

For crescent or U-looped roads, the prominent direction determines which side of the road receives odd or even numbers.

2) Cul-de-Sacs and Small Courts

For cul-de-sacs and small courts, the change from odd to even numbering occurs at a point as close to the centre line of the street as possible at the limit of the turning circle.

3) Curved Roads or Roads with Sharp Turns

For curved roads or roads with sharp turns, allowances are made in the numbering sequence to compensate for the greater number of lots around the outside of the curve.

4) Lots with Multiple Frontage

For properties with more than one frontage, the properties shall be numbered on the frontage where full vehicular access is provided. Where there is no vehicular access to the property, the property shall be numbered on the road frontage where the principal pedestrian access to the building is located. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Director of Planning Services or his/her designate, at his/her discretion and in consultation with emergency service providers, may allow the assignment of more than one civic address for one building with multiple frontages and/or multiple entrances, provided that the civic addresses follow a clear numbering sequence and comply with the emergency service requirements.

For buildings that have multiple frontages and separate entrances, only one civic address shall be assigned to the building. If applicable, subsequent unit numbers shall be assigned, which will be established by using the primary address of the building.

5) Commercial Plazas and Malls

In "Multiple unit buildings that only contain a ground floor level shall be assigned unit identifiers that follow a clear numbering sequence. Units shall be assigned as Units 1, 2, 3, etc.

Multiple unit buildings that contain more than one level shall be assigned unit identifiers that contain the floor number prefix and shall be numbered in a sequential manner. The ground floor units shall be assigned as units 101, 102, 103, etc. The upper floor units shall be assigned as 201, 202, 203 (second floor), 301, 302, 303 (third floor), etc. Units that are located below grade shall be addressed as Lower Level 1 with units assigned as LL1-1, LL1-2, LL1-3, etc. If there are subsequent floors located below Lower Level 1, the addressing shall continue as Lower Level 2, with units assigned as LL2-1, LL2-2, LL2-2, etc.

In the case of all commercial plazas and malls involving a single building, the building shall be assigned only one civic number and unit identifiers which form part of the civic address shall be used to denote units within the building.

Unit identifiers shall be initially assigned as sequential numbers for each unit in a plaza or mall. Letters of the alphabet shall be used if units are further subdivided.

In the case of all commercial plazas and malls with multiple buildings on a single lot, each building shall be assigned a civic number and signage shall indicate the range of civic addresses.

6) Multi-Unit Housing

Where there are multiple residential units within an existing house, each unit shall be assigned as Units 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

For dwellings that contain a secondary unit, the principal unit shall be assigned as Unit 1 (e.g. 1-100 Main Street) and the secondary unit shall be assigned as Unit 2 (e.g. 2-100 Main Street).

For a property that contains a detached second residential unit, the principal residential unit in the main building shall be assigned as Unit 1 (e.g 1-100 Main Street) and the detached second residential unit shall be assigned as Unit 2 (e.g. 2-100 Main Street). A civic number blade is not required if the main building is visible from the road and is located less than 15 metres from the road. A civic number blade is not required at the main building to provide director for the detached second residential unit if the detached second residential unit is visible from the main building and is less than 15 metres from the main building.

For a property that contains a principal residential unit and secondary unit within one main building, as well as a residential unit in a detached building, as permitted by the zoning bylaw, the principal residential unit shall be assigned as Unit 1 (e.g. 1-100 Main Street) and the secondary unit shall be assigned as Unit 2 (e.g. 2-100 Main Street). The detached residential unit shall be assigned as Unit 3 (e.g. 3-100 Main Street). A civic blade is not required if the main building is visible from the road and is located less than 15 metres from the road. A civic blade is not required at the main building to provide direction for the detached residential and is less than 15 metres from the main building.

For ground-oriented housing forms with access to the units from external doorways (e.g. townhouses) one civic number shall be assigned to each unit. However, for townhouse developments with units stacked vertically, one civic number shall be assigned to the building and each unit shall be assigned as Units 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

For building-oriented housing forms with access to the units from internal doorways (e.g. high rise apartments) civic numbers shall be assigned in the same manner as commercial plazas and malls.

7) Multiple Industrial Buildings / Industrial Parks

Where multiple industrial buildings are located on one lot, each building shall be assigned one civic number and where the location of any civic number on any building within the complex is not apparent from the adjacent road where access is obtained, the range of addresses and directions to each shall be displayed on a sign visible from the road from which principal vehicular access is obtained.

For units in common buildings within an industrial complex, civic numbers shall be assigned in the same manner as commercial plazas and malls.

8) Public / Private Utilities

Properties that contain such public and private utilities and related facilities as hydro and telecommunication towers or parking areas require a civic address. The facilities shall be numbered on the road frontage where full vehicular access is provided.

3. Civic Address Approval Process

1) When a property owner requires a new civic address or civic address reassignment, the following procedure shall be followed by the City:

  1. obtain, from the owner, a legal property description or plan of survey and, if any building(s) is located or planned on the property, a plan showing the location of all buildings and location of principal vehicular access;
  2. assign a new civic number;
  3. update official records and plans as required;
  4. inform the owner of the new civic address; and,
  5. notify proper agencies (both internal and external).

2) New civic addresses may be provided to property owners over the telephone, but are not official until the property owner is notified in writing by the City.

Note: See following page re: Figure 1: City of Kingston West, Central and East Boundaries

Figure 1: City of Kingston West, Central and East Boundaries

Map that displays the West, Central and East Boundaries

1. Road Naming Suffixes And Definitions

The suffix designation assigned to new road names shall comply with the following recognized suffixes and shall conform to the roadway characteristics provided in the description."

Road Type Road Name Suffix Description
Boulevard Blvd A thoroughfare, often with a median reflecting the boulevard character implied in the name. Boulevards are usually major arteries and often act on a collector capacity. Boulevards are often wide and are usually tree lined or having trees planted in the median.
Avenue Ave A limited thoroughfare serving local areas.
Street St -
Drive Dr A winding, meandering thoroughfare that is usually greater than three hundred (300) metres in length.
Road Rd A limited thoroughfare often greater than three hundred (300) metres in length that usually carries heavy traffic.
Court Crt A thoroughfare that dead ends or forms a cul-de-sac.
Place Pl -
Circle Cir A short thoroughfare that returns onto itself.
Lane Lane A private road that is often short and narrow with minimal traffic.
Crescent Cr A short thoroughfare that begins and ends on the same street.
Terrace Terr A local collector street.
Trail Trail A street which is a major transportation arterial which spans more than one area of the City.
Way Way A narrow street or highway, generally a street with a hard surface width of twelve (12) metres or less.
Square Sq A widening of a street that creates an island between the extreme boundaries of the street. An open place or area formed at the meeting of two or more streets.

2. Conventions For Assigning New Names Or Renaming A Road

  1. All highways and private roads accessible to vehicles shall be named.
  2. Names shall include a maximum of twenty-eight (28) characters (including spaces and a single suffix type).
  3. Street names beginning with silent letters (e.g. knight or pneumonia) shall not be permitted.
  4. The use of symbols (e.g.!, @, #, $, %, ̂, & and *) shall not be permitted.
  5. Names that duplicate existing road names, or are phonetically similar, or are easily confused with any road name used or reserved for use in the City or the area served by the Kingston Area Central Street Register shall not be permitted.
  6. Duplication of road names within neighbouring municipalities and the entire 9-1-1 service area shall be avoided.
  7. The use of apostrophes (‘) and hyphens (-, _) shall be avoided.
  8. The use of alpha characters in front of names (e.g. N, S, E, or W) shall be avoided.
  9. Names that attempt to differentiate by use of differing suffixes shall not be permitted (e.g. Gore Road and Gore Avenue).
  10. Continuity in the naming of a single thoroughfare shall be exercised whenever possible. Ideally, a street running continually should have the same name throughout its entire length. If development is phased, and a highway will eventually connect, the thoroughfare continuity naming convention should apply.
  11. Names incorporating both first and last names of individuals shall be avoided except in cases where an honour is being conferred, such as in the recognition of an exceptional individual or celebrity.
  12. Roads named after living individuals shall not be permitted.
  13. Roads bearing commercial names shall not be permitted.
  14. The use of historical names shall be encouraged.
  15. Any proposed road name that contains a geographical reference shall be appropriate to the location (e.g. Riverside Drive should be beside a river).
  16. Any proposed name shall be pleasant sounding, easily recognizable, and capable of clear pronunciation by the average individual.
  17. Within a new subdivision or other development project, a selected "theme" to be followed in the naming of multiple streets shall be encouraged.
  18. Names that lend themselves to inappropriate short forms or modification shall be avoided.
  19. Names that are discriminatory, offensive, or derogatory shall not be permitted.

3. Assigning Road Names For Plans Of Subdivision

Draft Plans of Subdivision shall be submitted to the City by the developer with the proposed new highways or private roads demarcated as "Street A", "Street B", etc. Following the approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision by the City, the developer shall formally submit, in writing, the proposed names of the new highways or private roads to the City for review and approval. Once the City has formally approved the road names and provided written confirmation to the developer, the names shall be shown on the Final Plan of Subdivision to be submitted to the City for approval and registration.

A sign indicating the approved road name should be erected before the issuance of a Building Permit(s).

4. Conventions For Assigning Civic Addresses In Plans Of Subdivision

  1. Civic addresses will be assigned to the lots established by the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision prior to the final registration of the Plan.
  2. The Owner shall be advised that the assigned civic addresses are tentative until the final registration of the Plan of Subdivision.
  3. For a lot(s) with more than one frontage on a road, the lot(s) will be assigned a civic address on the road frontage where primary vehicular access is to be provided.
  4. For a lot(s) with more than one frontage on a road and prior to applying for a building permit, the Owner shall confirm with the Director of Planning Services or his/her designate the road frontage where primary vehicular access is to be provided and shall confirm the assigned civic address.

1. Urban Signage Conventions

Properties that have been assigned a civic address and are located within the Urban Area of the City as defined in the most current Official Plan(s) shall comply with the following:

1) All civic numbers in the urban area shall be posted on the building façade closest to the road for easy identification and recognition by 9-1-1 Emergency Response.

2) Where the building is equal to or greater than fifteen (15) metres (50 feet) from the road right-of-way or where the building façade is not clearly visible from the road, the civic number shall be placed on a post with a number blade. The post shall measure 1.25 metres (4 feet) above grade and be located at the intersection of the driveway to the building and the road right-of-way. When no driveway exists, the number blade shall be installed at the midpoint of the street frontage. Numbers on the number blade shall be a minimum height of 10 centimeters (4 inches).

3) Green civic address blades may be posted on properties located within the urban area, where the building is located less than fifteen (15) metres (50 feet) from the road if one or more of the following characteristics is met:

  1. The building is obscured by such features as vegetation, gates, topography and/or other structures;
  2. The property is located in the urban/rural fringe near or at the urban boundary but still displays some rural features; and
  3. At the Owner's request and cost.

4) Every property, building, and/or unit in the City shall have its assigned civic number posted (displayed) in plain (preferably block), legible, distinguishable, numerals (e.g. 1, 2, 3). Roman numerals (e.g. I, II, III) shall not be used as posted civic numbers.

5) Notwithstanding Section 1(2) above, civic numbers shall be a minimum of 17.5 centimeters (7 inches) in height and shall face and be visible from the road to which the civic address applies.

6) Civic numbers shall be set on a background of a contrasting colour and be illuminated or located where they can be easily seen at night.

7) Civic numbers posted on doors shall be avoided. Where a civic number must be placed on a door, the number shall be on the external most door (e.g. on the outside of the screen door and not on the main door where it may be difficult or impossible to read due to being shielded from view by the screen or storm door).

8) The posting of the unit portion of a civic address, if applicable, shall be in plain view from the outside of the exterior door that provides access to such a unit.

9) For civic addresses to be displayed on stone block masonry as part of a residential dwelling façade, the developer or owner of the property must contact the Director of Planning Services or his/her designate prior to obtaining a building permit, to confirm that the civic address on the stone block masonry is correct, would be visible from the appropriate street and would comply with emergency service requirements.

10) For units contained within an existing house, the civic number for each residential unit shall be posted on the façade of the house where the entrance of the unit is located. Where the posting of the civic number for the unit on the façade of the house is not possible, the posting of the civic number shall be in plain view from the outside of the exterior door that provides access to the unit. Where necessary, wayfinding signage shall be installed.

If the principal unit and the secondary unit (e.g. basement apartment, in-law suite, secondary suite) of an existing house are situated in the rural area, a number blade, which identifies the civic number for each unit, is required to be installed at the driveway entrance of the property. Two number blades shall be installed which identifies the principal unit as Unit 1 (e.g. 1-100) and the secondary unit as Unit 2 (e.g. 2-100).

11) Where multiple buildings are located on a lot and the civic numbers for the buildings cannot visible from the road, the range of civic addresses must be displayed on a ground sign. The ground sign must be located in a prominent location on the property where the principal vehicular access is obtained. The size and colour of the civic numbers on the ground sign must comply with the signage conventions in this Schedule.

12) Where, in the opinion of the Director, it has been determined that the location of the building and/or unit on a lot is such that the civic numbering signage requirements outlined in this Schedule are inadequate with respect to the visibility of the civic number from the road, the Director may impose additional requirements (e.g. directional signs) relating to the visibility of the civic number to ensure efficient way finding and public safety.

2. Rural Signage Conventions

Properties which have been assigned a civic address and are located the Rural Area of the City as defined in the most current Official Plan(s) comply with the following:

1) Each property and/or building assigned a civic address shall be identified by a number blade installed by the City in a manner and location approved by the Manager of Public Works.

2) Number blades installed in conformance with this section shall conform to the specifications determined by the Manager of Public Works or his/her designate and shall be available only through the City or its approved agents.

3) There shall be a fee for the cost and installation of the number blade as set out in Schedule "D" to this Bylaw. Applicants for the construction of new buildings within the scope of this section shall pay the fee for the cost of the number blade to the Public Works.

4) The number blade shall be maintained by the owner of the property and/or building in a visible condition and shall not be altered or relocated without prior authorization of the Manager of Engineering Services or his/her designate.

5) Where the building or unit is located on a rural property in the urban/rural fringe area near or at the urban boundary, as indicated in the Official Plan, the Director of Planning Services or his/her designate, at his/her discretion, may apply the signage requirements set out in Section 1 of Schedule "C" (Urban Signage Conventions).

Note: There shall be a fee for the cost and installation of the number blade as set out in Schedule "D" to this Bylaw. Applicants for the construction of new buildings within the scope of this section shall pay the fee for the cost of the number blade to the Public Works

Activity Department Responsible Fee
Installation of a Civic Address Blade Public Works Refer to Bylaw 2005-10, as amended
Change of Assigned Civic Address* Planning Services Refer to Bylaw 2005-10, as amended
Change of Assigned Road Name* Planning Services Refer to Bylaw 2005-10, as amended
Installation of a Road Name Sign Public Works Negotiated as part of the conditions for final approval of a plan of subdivision or road name change and will reflect cost of administration, material, and labour

*Fee applicable only if change is requested by a property owner(s) and not the result of a City initiative.

Note: All fees above are subject to review and change. When City Council deems it necessary to modify these fees, and therefore this Schedule, an amendment to this Civic Addressing and Road Naming Bylaw is not required.

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

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