1.1 This bylaw may be cited as the Cemetery Bylaw.
1.2 In this bylaw:
Care and maintenance fund means the FBCSA, Ontario Regulation 30/11 and Ontario Regulation 184/12 require that an amount of money, that is the greater of a minimum prescribed amount and a percentage of the purchase price (excluding tax) of all interment rights sold, transferred or assigned; and prescribed amounts for monuments and markers, be contributed into the operator's care and maintenance trust fund. Interest earned from this care and maintenance fund is used to cover the costs of care and maintenance of the cemetery, including markers and monuments, in perpetuity.
Cemetery means land set aside and approved for the interment of human remains as set out in Schedule "A" to this bylaw;
Certificate of interment rights means the document issued by the City Clerk to a purchaser once the interment rights to a specific lot have been paid in full, identifying ownership and authority over those specific interment rights;
City means The Corporation of the City of Kingston;
City Clerk means the City Clerk of the City, and includes their designate;
Commissioner means the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer of the City, and includes their designate;
Contract means a written contract between the cemetery operator and the purchaser of interment rights or other cemetery supplies and services. Purchasers shall receive a copy of the signed contract detailing the obligations of both parties and acknowledging receipt of items listed in subsection 4.4 of this bylaw.
Corner posts means any stone or other land markers set flush with the surface of the ground and used to indicate the location of a lot or plot;
Council means the Council of the City;
Fee schedule means the price list for interment rights, cemetery supplies and services established in accordance with the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act and passed by Council;
Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act (FBCSA) means the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, S.O. 2002, c. 33;
Grave means any lot intended for the interment of a child, adult or cremated human remains;
Human remains means a dead human body or the remains of a cremated human body;
Inter means the burial or interment of human remains or cremated human remains in a lot;
Interment rights means the right to require or direct the interment of human remains or cremated human remains in a lot or plot and to authorize the installation of a marker subject to the provisions of this bylaw;
Interment rights holder means the person who holds the interment rights to a lot or plot whether the person is the purchaser of the rights, the person named in the certificate of interment rights or such other person to whom the interment rights have been legally assigned;
Lot means a single grave space in the cemetery, containing, or set aside to contain, interred human remains and includes a niche or compartment in a columbarium;
Marker means any monument, tombstone, plaque, headstone, cornerstone, or other structure or ornament affixed to or intended to be affixed to a lot or plot, columbarium niche, or other structure or place intended for the deposit of human remains and may be used to indicate the location of a grave;
Natural green burial area means an area within a cemetery which is specifically designed to permit human remains to be returned to the earth as naturally as possible, as approximately shown on Schedule "B" attached to this bylaw;
Natural green burial grave means any inground burial space in a natural green burial area, which permits the interment of human remains in a biodegradable casket, container, shroud, or cremation urn;
Plot means two or more lots in which the rights to inter have been sold as a unit;
Provincial Offences Act means the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33;
Provincial Offences Officer has the meaning given to it in the Provincial Offences Act; and
Registrar means the Registrar appointed under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, that being the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO).
1.3 For the purposes of interpreting this bylaw:
- a reference to any legislation, regulation, or bylaw or to a provision thereof includes a reference to any legislation, regulation or bylaw enacted, made or passed in substitution thereof or amendment thereof;
- any reference to legislation includes all of the regulations made thereunder; and
- "include", "includes" and "including" indicate that the subsequent list is not exhaustive.
1.4 This bylaw shall not be interpreted as exempting any person from the requirement to comply with any other City bylaw or federal or provincial legislation. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this bylaw and the FBCSA, the provisions of the FBCSA prevail to the extent of the conflict.