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Appliance Rate Bylaw

Bylaw #: 2012-22

Description: Imposes miscellaneous charges and appliance rental rates for Utilities Kingston.

Date passed: December 20, 2011

Last update: March 21, 2023

Disclaimer: Bylaws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. The original Appliance Rate Bylaw is available from the Office of the City Clerk upon request.

Whereas pursuant to Part XII of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, a municipality and a local board may pass bylaws imposing fees or charges on any class of persons:

  1. for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it; and
  2. for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or local board.

And Whereas A bylaw under this Part may provide for:

  1. interest charges and other penalties, including the payment of collection costs, for fees and charges that are due and unpaid;
  2. discounts and other benefits for early payment of fees and charges;
  3. fees and charges that vary on any basis the municipality or local board considers appropriate and specifies in the bylaw, including the level or frequency of the service or activity provided or done, the time of day or of year the service or activity is provided and whether the class of persons paying the fee or charge are residents or non-residents of the municipality;
  4. different classes of persons and deal with each class in a different way; and
  5. the exemption, in whole or in part, of any class of persons from all or any part of the Bylaw.

And Whereas Fees and charges imposed by a municipality or local board or a person under this Part constitute a debt of the person to the municipality or local board, respectively, and in the case of fees and charges for the supply of a public utility the treasurer of a local municipality may add fees and charges imposed by the municipality or local board, respectively, under this Part to the tax roll for the property to which the public utility was supplied in the local municipality and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes.

Be It Therefore Enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston:

For the purposes of this Bylaw:

Residential shall mean a dwelling unit or multiple dwelling units up to a maximum of 3 units.

Commercial shall mean all non-dwelling units and all multiple dwellings over 3 units. A mix of dwelling units and non-dwelling units, are to be classified as commercial.

Utilities Kingston means 1425445 Ontario Limited operating as "Utilities Kingston" which, in addition to other activities, provides management and operation of water and wastewater services and natural gas services under agreement with the City of Kingston.

There is imposed, as set out in Appendix "A", miscellaneous charges for services and equipment supplied by Utilities Kingston.

There is imposed on relevant customers charges for services and appliance rental equipment related to the hot water heater use supplied by Utilities Kingston as set out in Appendix "B".

Any and all payments due and owing pursuant to the provision of this bylaw are due on the due date shown on the invoice. A Utilities Kingston website link to payment options shall be provided on the front of the Utilities Kingston invoice. Payment options shall be listed on the back of the Utilities Kingston invoice when the invoice is issued in hard copy.

In the event that there is a billing error that results in the underbilling or overbilling of a customer, for any reason including but not limited to a billing system error, an incorrect rate or rate category applied, billing adjustments will be issued to correct the error, for a period not exceeding 24 months prior to the discovery of the error.

For billing purposes, the City of Kingston reserves the right in its sole discretion to prorate any monthly appliance rental charges to a daily rate by dividing the monthly service charge by 30.42.

The City of Kingston does not obligate itself to prorate any monthly appliance rental charges pursuant to this or former bylaws providing for appliance rental charges.

Fees and charges that are due and unpaid will be charged a penalty of up to one and one half (1.5) percent per month. Costs incurred by the municipality in collecting unpaid fees and charges shall be added to the amount due and owing. The Treasurer of the Corporation of the City of Kingston may add unpaid fees and charges to the tax roll of the property to which the service was provided and collect them in the same manner as municipal taxes. Appendix "A" and "B" hereby adopted as part of this bylaw.

This Bylaw and Appendix "A" and "B" of this bylaw shall come into force and take effect on: January 1, 2012.

Bylaw Number: Date Passed:
2013-19 December 18, 2012
2014-21 December 13, 2013
2015-29 February 3, 2015
2016-24 December 15, 2015
2017-20 December 20, 2016
2018-16 December 19, 2017
2019-27 February 19, 2019
2021-31 February 16, 2021
2023-67 March 21, 2023


Effective April 01, 2023

Charges that are dependent upon the time when the work is requested to be conducted are based on the following time definitions:

Regular Hours: 08:00-16:30 Monday-Friday, except holidays

Extended Hours: 16:30-18:30 Monday-Friday, except holidays

After Hours: All other times and all holidays

Miscellaneous Service Charge Type and Charges

1. Account Setup/Change of Occupancy

Applicable per utility service, (Water/Sewer is considered one utility service for this purpose) when a customer is moving into a new service address.

$15/utility service

2. Initial Service Connection

Applicable when customer requests service to be connected during these hours:

a. Regular Hours with 24-hour notice

No Charge

b. Regular Hours with Less Than 24-hour notice, and Extended Hours


c. After Hours


3. Service Call

Applicable when a trip is made to investigate a customer’s call for assistance when it is a customer’s responsibility.

Actual Costs + 20% ($80-$140/hour/person)

4. Shut-Off / Turn-On Service

Applicable when a customer requests the utility service to be shut-off or turned-on for the customer’s convenience. If the "shut-off" and "turn-on" occurs on the same day and within Regular and Extended Hours, this will be considered one trip. An emergency shut-off will not attract a charge, though the turn-on will.

a. Regular Hours and Extended Hours with 24-hour notice


b. Regular Hours and Extended Hours with less than 24-hour notice


c. After Hours

$205/trip for the initial call up to 2 hours, $130 per hour for every additional hour over 2 hours

5. Reconnection Charge – (Due to Non-Payment of Account)

Applicable when a trip is made to reconnect a service that has been disconnected for non-payment of an account.

a. Regular Hours

$65 + charge for any gas appliance light-ups @$15/appliance

b. After Hours

$185 + charge for any gas appliance light-ups @$15/appliance

6. To Repair or Replace Metering Equipment

Applicable when meter is required to be repaired or replaced as a result of freezing, abuse, lack of care, damage, etc., where it is customer’s responsibility.

a. Regular Hours and Extended Hours

$190 + material cost of meter repair/replacement

b. After Hours

$385 + material cost of meter repair/replacement

c. Repeated Occurrences: All Hours

Actual costs

7. Dispute Meter Charge

Applicable when customer questions the accuracy of a meter and the meter is removed for a dispute test.

Charges only apply if customer’s meter is proven to be accurate.

a. Water Meters

i. 1" Water Meter and Smaller


ii. 1¼" – 3" Water Meter


iii. Over 3” Water Meter

Actual costs

b. Gas Meters

i. Residential


ii. Commercial


8. Locates

A request to locate public utility services underground.

a. For Utilities Kingston managed infrastructure

No charge (first 2 times)

$90/hour/person (3rd and subsequent time)

Other situations may be subject to the hourly b. rate, including excessive remarks where notification has been given, engineering preconstruction work:

i. Regular Hours (only available when all locates bookings are within 5 days)


ii. Extended hours and After hours

$255 for the initial call, additional $160 for each hour over 2 hours

Private infrastructure locates are competitive work and will be quoted on a case-by-case basis.

9. Missed Appointment

Applicable when an appointment has been made and the customer misses the appointment; (subject to waiver due to special circumstances).


10. Additional Meter Read

Applicable when a customer requests their meter to be read, or a special trip is required to attempt to get a read because of problems associated with access to the meter.


11. Service Pipe Leak Repair

Applicable when a customer requests a leak to be repaired on a service pipe between street line and building (i.e. up to meter).

a. Water Service Pipe Repairs

Actual costs + 20%

b. Gas Service Pipe Repairs

No charge

12. Requests for Billing Information

Applicable when customer requests reprints of bills, supplemental billing or metering information, arrears verification.

Actual costs ($45/hour)

13. Other Work at Customer’s Request

Applicable when a customer requests other work to be performed by Utilities Kingston.

a. For work which is not normally done by private contractors

Actual costs

b. For work which may be done by private contractors

Actual costs + 20%

14. To Thaw Water Service Pipe

Applicable when a customer requests Utilities Kingston to attempt to thaw water line from the building.

a. If the water service is frozen within the wall of the house, or between the house and the property line, it is the responsibility of the customer to have the water service thawed.

Actual costs + 20%

b. If the water service is frozen between the street line and the watermain, it is the responsibility of Utilities Kingston.

No charge

15. Bulk Water Usage Charge

Applicable when customer takes water on a bulk basis. (Includes commercial water hauling operations.)

a. Commodity charge


16. Water Meter Installation Charge

Charges are based on the size of water service and metering requirements and installation is performed during Regular Hours. Charge is paid with the building permit.

a. Positive Displacement Type Meter 5/8" to 2” sizes available.

Actual costs will be billed (meter and installation) Expected cost range from $240 - $920 based on meter size.

b. Mag Type Meter 3” to 12” sizes available.

Actual costs will be billed (meter and installation) Expected cost range from $5,185 - $22,810 based on meter size.

17. Use of the Jet-truck

When there is a request to have a private lateral cleared using the Jet-truck a charge will be applied. (Regular Hours)

a. Regular Hours


b. Extended and After Hours

$590 for the initial call, additional $350 for each hour over the 2 hours

18. Service Lateral Inspection and Rodding Charge

For special requests for the wastewater lateral to be viewed using camera and rodded.

a. Regular Hours


b. Extended and After Hours

$590 for the initial call, additional $350 for each hour over the 2 hours

19. Wastewater Disposal (Septage)

Applicable to septage haulers that dump their loads into our municipal wastewater system. Tank load charges based on 90% of rated capacity of tank.

a. Non-Industrial Waste

$20.00/m3 (non-industrial)

b. Industrial Waste

$26.07/m3 (industrial waste)

20. Gas Code Equipment/Appliance Installation Inspection

A. Single Family Dwelling

Applicable when a customer/contractor requests a gas inspection to be conducted of the installation of any new natural gas equipment/appliances.

i. New gas service (i.e., part of inspection of a new gas service installation to building)

i) Initial inspection if requested to be done during:

1) Regular hours with 24-hour notice

No Charge

2) Regular hours with Less Than 24 -hour notice, and Extended Hours


3) After Hours


ii) Follow-up inspections due to code violations if requested to be done during:

1) Regular hours with 24-hour notice


2) Regular hours with Less Than 24-hour notice, and Extended Hours


3) After Hours


ii. Existing Gas Service

i) Regular hours with 24-hour notice


ii) Regular hours with less than 24-hours notice


iii) After hours


B. All Multi-storey and/or Mixed-Use Structures; new or renovated, commercial or industrial, requiring natural gas inspections by Utilities Kingston will be subject to the following:

i. The first and second re-inspection.

No Charge

ii. 3rd inspection


iii. For the fourth and every subsequent inspection

$1000 per inspection

21. Water/Wastewater Connection/Alteration Permit Application Fee

Applicable when a customer requests a connection or an alteration to an existing connection to the water distribution system or to the wastewater system. This fee does not cover costs of materials required or labour to perform the connection/alteration.


22. Water/Wastewater Lateral Stub Fees

Where an Owner applies for a Water/Wastewater Connection/Alteration Permit to connect or disconnect the water or wastewater lateral, and the water or wastewater lateral stub exists in the road as a result of an installation completed by the City of Kingston then the following fees shall apply in addition to any other fees for the connection.

Water Lateral Stub Fee $2,450

Wastewater Lateral Stub Fee $2,750

23. Disconnection of Services – Water/Sewer Inspection Fee

Applicable when the customer arranges for the disconnection of water or sewer service lateral connections from the water distribution system, or the sewer works. The inspection is to ensure the services have been satisfactorily disconnected from the municipal systems.


24. Discharge Exception – Storm Water Fee

Applicable upon submission of a Discharge Exception Storm Water Application.


25. Short Version – Discharger Information Report Fee

Applicable upon submission of a Short Version Discharger Information Report by an owner or operator of an industrial, commercial or institutional premises prior to the discharge of sewage, storm water, cooling water or uncontaminated water to a sewage works, as required, and in accordance to the provisions of the sewer-use bylaw.


26. Long Version – Complete Discharger Information Report Fee

Applicable upon submission of a Complete Discharger Information Report by a discharger to the sewage works, as requested by a Manager, in accordance with the provisions of the sewer-use bylaw.

27. Sampling Analytical Fees


Applicable where sampling is required to determine the content and strength of discharged sewage.

$200 per sample

28. Temporary Remedial Groundwater Treatment Discharge Fee

Applicable where temporary discharge of treated groundwater is in compliance with the sewer-use bylaw.

$500 plus the applicable volumetric wastewater rate charge per m3 for all volume as per the water and wastewater rates bylaw rate schedule.

29. Subdivision Inspections

Applicable when a Developer submits requests for subdivision inspections

a. Preliminary Certificate of Approval of Underground Services

First Inspection: No Charge

Additional Inspections: $250 each

b. Preliminary Certificate of Approval of the Works

First Inspection: No Charge

Additional Inspections: $250 each

c. Final Certificate of Approval of the Works

First Inspection: No Charge

Additional Inspections: $250 each

30. Lost/Damaged Water Hauler Card or Septage Card

To recover partial costs incurred to replace a lost/damaged water hauler or septage card (labour, equipment, and administrative costs).

$100 per replacement card

31. Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP) Submission – New Watermains Authorized under DWWP 018- 202


32. Consolidated Linear Infrastructure – Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA) Submission – New Gravity Sewers and Forcemains Authorized under ECA 018-W601


33. Consolidated Linear Infrastructure – Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA) Submission – New Pump Stations Authorized under ECA 018- W601


Utilities Kingston Appliance Rental Business Water Heater Rental Rates

Effective April 01, 2023

Appliance Rental Business Residential Water Heaters

Natural Gas Traditional Units: Monthly Rate
40 gal Standard $20.50
50 gal Standard $21.80
60 gal Standard $22.00
50 gal Direct Vent $31.50
40 gal Power Vent $32.90
50 gal Power Vent $32.90
50-65 Power Vent $35.70
60 gal Power Vent $33.20
75 gal Power Vent $49.60
50/80 gal Power Vent $49.60
Electric Units: Monthly Rate
40 imp gal $15.50
60 imp gal $17.30

Non-residential and other appliance rental rates are charged at appropriate competition market rates.

The City of Kingston acknowledges that we are on the traditional homeland of the Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and the Huron-Wendat, and thanks these nations for their care and stewardship over this shared land.

Today, the City is committed to working with Indigenous peoples and all residents to pursue a united path of reconciliation.

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