Actions in response to the legacy of Sir John A. Macdonald
Engage for Change project: #YGK Reconciliation Journey and Your Stories, Our Histories -a public engagement that concluded in 2019- also involved thinking about the history and impact of Sir John A. Macdonald. Since Kingston is where Macdonald lived, we want to look at our history locally and nationally and take actions to make our historical discussions more fair, diverse and inclusive. These actions celebrate the history of Indigenous Peoples and change how we talk about Kingston and the land it is on.
The actions included replacing existing plaques with notices for more inclusive histories, forming a diverse working group to address Sir John A. Macdonald's history, integrating a locally crafted land recognition statement and consultation that resulted in naming the Waaban Crossing to celebrate Indigenous contributions to Kingston.
Recognition Statement
On June 22, 2015, the City of Kingston approved for the first time a Recognition Statement to be read at the beginning of each Council Meeting and on other ceremonial occasions. This Recognition Statement was drafted in consultation with Indigenous communities. The statement is to be offered at the beginning of a gathering as a way of saying, “Welcome and thank you for coming”. It represents just one of a series of separate, yet related initiatives that have been pursued in recent years to acknowledge and strengthen relations with Indigenous Peoples at a local level.
- She:kon [Say go: Mohawk word for hello]
- Aanii [A knee: Algonquin word for hello]
- Boozhoo [Boo ju: Ojibway word for hello]
- Waychaya [Wa chay ya: Cree word for hello]
- Kwey Kwey [Kway Kway: Oji-Cree word for hello]
- Tawnshi [Tawn she: Métis word for hello]
“I offer these words in the spirit of this gathering. Let us bring our good minds and hearts together as one, to honour and celebrate these traditional lands as a gathering place of the Original Peoples and their Ancestors who were entrusted to care for Mother Earth since time immemorial. It is with deep humility that we acknowledge and offer our gratitude for their contributions to this community, having respect for all as we share this space now and walk side-by-side into the future.”