All contractors are responsible for obtaining all applicable utility locates prior to the commencement of any work.
All contractors will temporarily reinstate the road and sidewalk surface with Hot Mix Asphalt and leave the work area prepared for inspection. Should Hot Mix Asphalt not be available, Cold Mix Asphalt (QPR product) can be used to reinstate the applicable surfaces. All areas disturbed by the project shall be reinstated to equal or better condition to the satisfaction of the City of Kingston. The contractor and/or Permit holder must maintain and warranty a temporary repair made to a road, sidewalk, boulevard until such as the permanent repair is completed.
The permanent restoration of a temporary repair shall be maintained and warranty for a period of 24 months from the date of completion and acceptance by the City. Permanent restorations shall be made in accordance with the City of Kingston’s current trench reinstatement and resurfacing standards & specifications. Any permanent repair and resurfacing of utility/road cuts that are close to the wheel path shall include the wheel path and/or any existing construction joints within the pavement area.
Should any curb work, monolithic sidewalk and/or any other related longitudinal works disturbs an established bike lane and/or pathway system(s) the asphalt restoration shall be a full length and width grind and asphalt overlay of the applicable bike lane and/or pathway system(s).
City’s assigned Engineering Technologist must be contracted prior to asphalt being placed. Hot mix asphalt type shall be as specified. The surface course to be placed in a 40mm lift. Asphalt shall be installed with attention paid to grade and ride. Inappropriate installation will be, rejected and reinstatement required.
All granular material, whether used as backfill in the trench excavation or as road base, shall be compacted in maximum 150mm lifts to 100% Standard Proctor Density. Compaction tests to be arranged and completed by the contractor.
The contractor shall exclude from back fill-frozen material, organic matter, rock larger than will pass through a 15cm ring, silt, mud or clay in fluid state. Where necessary, part or all of the excavated material shall be replaced by crushed stone.
Contractors are responsible to reinstate any and all line painting and pavement markings in accordance with City standards and specifications. All grassed areas shall be reinstated with 100mm of topsoil and seed (or sod), in accordance with OPSS. MUNI 802 and 804.
Sidewalk restoration shall be a minimum of one full bay, including expansion joints. All concrete shall be in accordance with OPSS.MUNI 351, with the thickness of the sidewalk being a minimum of 125mm. For commercial, industrial, and multi-residential driveways 150mmx150mm wire mesh shall be used.
Concrete shall conform to the following:
- Class of Concrete - C-2, 32MPA at 28 days
- Coarse Aggregate - 19mm nominal maximum size
- Air Content – 5.0% to 8.0%
- Machine Formed Slump - 40mm +/- 20mm
- General Slump – 80mm +/- 30mm
- Curing Compound – White Pigmented Curing
- Compound (OPSS-1315)
- Max. water/cement ratio – 0.45
All works shall comply with all applicable Ontario Provincial Standards & Specifications and the City of Kingston’s Standards & Specifications and By-laws.
Areas with Archaeological Potential
In the event that deeply buried or previously undiscovered archaeological deposits are discovered in the course of land disturbance, all work must immediately cease and the site must be secured. The Archaeology Program Unit of the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism ( must be immediately contacted. Please also keep the City of Kingston’s Heritage Services team (tetel:613-546-4291, ext. 1398 / apprised of the evolving situation. In the event that human remains are encountered, all work must immediately cease and the site must be secured. The Kingston Police (613-549-4660), the Office of the Chief Coroner as a part of the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General (1-877-991-9959), and the Archaeology Program Unit of the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism ( must be immediately contacted. Please also keep the City of Kingston’s Heritage Services team (613-546-4291, ext. 1398 / apprised of the evolving situation.
When performing Work in an area of archaeological potential, it is recommended that an archaeological assessment and clearance be completed. Should this not be possible, it is highly recommended to use existing trenches or focus Works in areas where soils have already been disturbed.
The Applicant shall exhaust all trenchless construction methods available to minimize the number and size of cuts and may also be required to perform more extensive site restoration than would normally be expected.
Properties Designated or Listed under the Ontario Heritage Act
When performing Work on or near a property Designated or Listed under the Ontario Heritage Act, please contact the Heritage Planning team at or 613-546-4291 ext. 1398 to confirm heritage approval requirements. The City of Kingston maintains a Heritage Register that identifies heritage resources, which can be found here:
City of Kingston - Heritage Register Map
If the Work will be on or near a property Designated or Listed under the Ontario Heritage Act, the Applicant shall take extra care not to disturb any landscaping or built features. The Applicant shall exhaust all means to minimize impacts to heritage resources and may also be required to perform more extensive site restoration than would normally be expect
Dewatering of the Project Site
Any dewatering to City lands or infrastructure, including storm storm sewers, will require a Dewatering Permit issued from the City's Engineering department prior to conducting work. Failure to obtain a Dewatering Permit will result in fines and/or charges in accordance with part 17 of the City of Kingston Sewer Use By-law NO. 2008-192. To obtain a Dewatering Permit, please contact Engineering Services at 613-546-4292 extension 3130 or
Site Check
An Engineering Technologist from the City’s Transportation Services must be contacted 48 hours prior to the work being undertaken. Contact City’s Engineering Technologist –Corridor Control at