Interment (burial) rights
Item | Fee* |
Single plot** | Plot - $1326.12*** |
Cornerstones | $200 |
Interment rights transfer fee | $200 |
Interment rights repurchase fee | $200 |
Lot marking fee | $100 |
* All fees are subject to HST. Fees came into effect on January 1, 2025.
** One burial and up to three cremated human remains, or up to four cremated human remains per plot.
*** This fee includes the required one-time 40% care & maintenance charge. This equals $530.45.
Markers (monuments)
These are the charges for care & maintenance of markers (monuments).
Item | Fee* |
Small flat marker1 | $0 |
Large flat marker2 | $100 |
Small upright marker3 | $200 |
Large upright marker4 | $400 |
Marker sizes
1 small marker is less than 173 square inches
2 large marker is 173 square inches or more
3 small upright marker is four feet or less in either height or length, including the base
4 large upright marker more than four feet in either height or length, including the base